
“Абай мұрасы” Халықаралық балалар мен жасөспірімдер арасындағы Абай Құнанбаевтың шығармашылығына арналған байқау

Category: А.Құнанбаевтың 175 жылдық мерейтойы
Date: 2020-12-20 12:03:24
“Абай мұрасы” Халықаралық балалар мен жасөспірімдер арасындағы Абай Құнанбаевтың шығармашылығына арналған байқауда “Бейнелеу өнері” жанры бойынша: Сабырбек Аделя - бас жүлде Жетекшісі: Алибаева Г.С. “Абайдың қара сөздері” жанры бойынша: Ерғазы Сабина -1 орын Жетекшісі: Жакыпбаева Б.О. “Вокал” жанры бойынша: Әділбай Біржан - бас жүлде Қуанта...
Author: School №16

City Scientific and Practical Conference "Independent Readings and Alikhantanu"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-12-20 11:29:14
City Scientific and Practical Conference
✅In order to promote the values ​​of independence and increase the educational and research potential of students through the project "Alikhantanu", the city scientific-practical conference "Independent Readings and Alikhantanu", dedicated to the outstanding state and public figure, Chairman of the People's Council of Alashorda National Autonomy Alikhan Bokeikhan Nurmukha...

"Virtual excursions to museums"

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-20 10:38:36
From October 05 to November 27, 2020, the head of the school "saken Museum" Samenova a.m. took part in the regional competition "virtual excursions to museums" in the category of the video "virtual journey to the museum", which was held at a distance and took the third place. We congratulate the students who took part in this competition on their victory.

In grades 5 A and 5 B, A. T. Kakenova and A. S. Zhaksybekova gave a lecture on " Pragmatism and rationalism

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-20 10:37:29
In grades 5 A and 5 B, A. T. Kakenova and A. S. Zhaksybekova gave a lecture on
students were told that pragmatism is love for your farmstead, city and region, that is, for your native land. Students were given information about these concepts, then asked questions. students actively participated in the lecture, expressed their thoughts.Any initiative is important for the outcome, not for how it is done. This can be expressed in the words of Elbasy: "In modern socie...
Author: School №5

Познавательный конкурс "Тәуелсіздік тұғырым"

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-20 10:26:16
Познавательный конкурс
Оn december 16, on the occasion of independence day, history teacher galiya talgatovna held an educational contest "tauelsizdik tugyrym". In the competition, students of 5 "A" and 5 "B" classes showed their knowledge. the purpose of the educational competition: to show students ' knowledge about the achievements of the republic of kazakhstan. educate students to...
Author: School №5

"Мен оқимын, сен де оқы!» «READING TIME»

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2020-12-20 10:11:38
"Мен оқимын, сен де оқы!""READING TIME" жобасы аясында мектеп оқушылары өздеріне ұнаған кітаптарды үйде оқиды. Ата-аналарымен қуана бөліседі. Кітап адам тәжірибесін оның әртүрлі көріністерінде түсінуге үлкен мүмкіндіктер береді: сезім мен тілектер саласында, ойлар мен бақылаулар саласында. Біз өзіміздің кішкентай жеке тәжірибемізді басқа, көрнекті және талантты адамдардың тәж...

Information about events dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 16

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-20 09:03:22
Information about events dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 16
in secondary school no. 5 from 4 to 15.12 in order to form children's ideas about the history of the development of their country, comparing the past and present of kazakhstan, on december 16, an action plan was drawn up and presented dedicated to the independence day of the republic of kazakhstan. A banner dedicated to "December 16-Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan"wa...
Author: School №5

"I read, you read!" READING TIME continued to read the books

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-12-20 09:01:23
✅ December 19 20 students, parents, the school staff of our school-lyceum within the framework of the project "School of reading - people striving to learn" in the city "I read, you read!" READING TIME continued to read the books he read every Saturday for an hour of reading.

Results of the competition "Wise Child"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-12-20 08:55:04
Results of the competition
✅Congratulations on the prizes won by high school students following the results of the "Wise Child" puzzle competition organized by the Schoolchildren Palace

Toleukhan Alua, a student of grade 8A of 15 lyceum schools named after Alikhan Bukeikhanov, was nominated for the title of "Activist of the Year"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-12-19 10:40:30
Toleukhan Alua, a student of grade 8A of 15 lyceum schools named after Alikhan Bukeikhanov, was nominated for the title of
✅15.12.2020 Toleukhan Alua, a student of grade 8A of 15 lyceum schools named after Alikhan Bukeikhanov, was nominated for the title of "Activist of the Year" at the ceremony of presenting the Orken youth award by the Mayor of Balkhash in order to activate and stimulate the youth movement in the implementation of youth policy. Congratulations!

e congratulate you on the Great Independence Day of every citizen of the Republic!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-12-19 10:34:56
e congratulate you on the Great Independence Day of every citizen of the Republic!
✅ Dear colleagues! Parents! We congratulate you on the Great Independence Day of every citizen of the Republic! This day is a great day when the dream of our ancestors came true and gave freedom to our country. Let the flag of our country rise high and blossom in the future in such an important historical thought. May our days be peaceful, our nights peaceful, and our days bright! Congratulation...

✅15.122020, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a bust monument to Alikhan Nurmukhamedovich Bokeikhanov, a beloved figure, an outstanding state and public figure, leader of the Alash movement was unveiled.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-12-19 10:22:52
✅15.122020, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a bust monument to Alikhan Nurmukhamedovich Bokeikhanov, a beloved figure, an outstanding state and public figure, leader of the Alash movement was unveiled.
✅ On December 15, 2020, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a bust monument to Alikhan Nurmukhamedovich Bokeikhanov, a beloved figure, an outstanding state and public figure, leader of the Alash movement was unveiled. At the opening ceremony, akim of the city of Oraz Kaisauly Tauirbekov congratulated on the holiday and opened a monument-bust to the leader of...

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