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"Children are the flower of life"

Summer is the most favorite time for all children on our planet. It is a fun holiday, nature walks, bathing in the river and many different hobbies and adventures. In a word - a vacation. On the first day of the year is marked the international holiday - the Day of protection of children. This is not only a fun and joyful holiday for children, but also a reminder to parents that our children need love and constant care and protection. Joyfully, loudly, warmly and beautifully passed the main holiday of childhood - the Day of protection of children in our kindergarten. All teachers tried to do so that this holiday was remembered by children for a long time. In the morning began with the action "Give a smile", where teachers gave cheerful smiles to children and their parents. The morning charging of the flash mob "Pomogator - Fiksiki" was organized by the music director. We tried to create a festive atmosphere this day and delight children with fun games, songs and dances. On the main alley of the kindergarten there was a colorful arch made of colorful air balloons, sounding merry music, lifting the merry mood of children and their parents. It was also fun at the sites. The children were visited by a cheerful clown Klepa and a girl from Zabiyaka, who sang children's songs with them, played fun games and relays and gave the children a good mood. It was nice to see happy children's faces and hear funny children's laughter. The holiday continued with a drawing on the asphalt with colored flakes, which was called "Children - the flower of life." In children's drawings it was possible to see nature, friends, relatives and close people. All the drawings were different, but shared a common theme "Happy childhood." An exhibition of children's drawings entitled "Always the sun" was organized by teachers. The look and plot of the drawings is quite simple, but symbolic. This is painting with colored pencils, markers, verses. Healthy when everything is done together - one thing is fun and joyful and the most important thing is that everything is under the power. On this day, every child left home with a good mood, with a part of our warmth and care. For parents of educators there was an action and distribution of booklets "How to love your child". In the eyes of children shone something that our teachers have warmed up in the soul, and we are convinced again that our profession is the kindest and best in the world.

Дата: 1.06.2021, 15:31 Автор: Күншуақ