Musical and creative event

Musical and creative event

On May 13, 2021, a musical and creative event dedicated to the 109th anniversary of the birth of Kulyash Baiseitova took place in the kindergarten of the Kunshuak KGKP Children's Pedagogical University. Sincere, talented, she lived a short life, but this will be enough to go down in the history of Kazakhstan as the very first and brightest star of operatic art. The street where the kindergarten is located is named after this outstanding opera singer, and, therefore, we pay tribute to the memory of her unforgettable work. This event was attended by the teacher of the Kazakh language - Zh. N. Kydyraskar, part-time teacher of the Russian language - B.T. Dyusenova, teacher of the English language - B.S. Adambek, musical director - M.Zh. Akhmetova, and of course the kindergarten students who recited poems, sang songs and danced the Kazakh national dance. The creativity and fate of the talented Kulyash Baiseitova, her unforgettable voice amazes so much that it does not leave anyone indifferent, and that is why we should not forget such talented people, because this is our history, our pride. In general, the whole life of this fragile and bright woman is an example for us of how strong, successful, unbending the most titled singer of the country should be.

Дата: 1.06.2021, 12:18 Автор: Күншуақ