A methodical association for city educators was organized in our kindergarten by the branch of JSC "NCPD" Orleu "

A methodical association for city educators was organized in our kindergarten by the branch of JSC

On September 28, 2018, on the basis of the kindergarten, a city methodological association was held for educators undergoing advanced training courses for JSC "NTSPK" Orleu "of the branch of the Karaganda region. The audience was briefly introduced to the" Development Strategy of the KGKP DPU "Kunshuak" 2016-2019. " and on the work on the projects "School for a young parent", "Uly gave urpaktars", "Kindergarten - family - a single health-preserving space", "Organization of work on the development of mathematical abilities of preschoolers using intellectual games." The teacher of the senior group Baktybekkyzy Aitzhan showed an integrated lesson on the topic: "Travel to the country of toys." In the process of EAL, all the tasks of the teacher were performed by the children at a high level. In the process of lesson, educational, educational and developmental tasks are revealed

Дата: 9.04.2019, 10:08 Автор: Күншуақ