Information of school №10 of the event «Remembers saved world", dedicated to the holiday of the Great Victory May, 2016

Information of school №10 of the event «Remembers saved world

In preparation for the celebration of the Great Victory, the school held the event with the participation of students in all grades. participants "Immortal regiment" - research work among students, teachers and parents on drawing up a list of veterans has been carried out.

5 May a group of students 7 "B" class (hands. Zhelobetskaya OA) took part in the city events dedicated to the presentation of the book "Balkhash during the war", which was held in the town library S.Seifullin.

In the Palace of schoolboys, a festival of theater works on military subjects. three members of the labor front were invited to the festival.

May 6 classes held Uniform Memory Lesson "feat live forever!" showing video - and slide - films. Students 7 "and" 7 and "B" classes conducted Memory Lesson with veteran journalist T.T Grigorieva.

At the elementary school held hours of communication with the video display - and slide - films about the war years, the children -geroyah.

Spend a solemn line "! Winning the hearts of all living", which sounded poems about the war, were filled with song and dance composition "The Way - Track frontline", summed up the results of competitions, shows fragments from the chronicle of the war years (responsible Zhumazhanova AB. ., Livitskaya MA).

Young men on May 7-9, 9 classes were on watch near the eternal flame of memory (responsible. Art. Vosges. Kubykina G.V). Another group of students and teachers on May 9 participants carried portraits of military events  (Ed. Kirichenko LV). "Immortal regiment" "marched" through the streets of the Eternal Flame of Balkhash.

Each year, 9 May (and not only) School students congratulate war veterans and home front workers of the Day of the Great Victory, participating in "Operation Veteran lives next door" ( Kirichenko LV). The group of children visited veterans apartments, presented gifts to the holiday table. Unfortunately fewer and fewer veterans left in the ranks. Many are no longer alive, others can not walk alone. 1 congratulates WWII veterans and home front workers 5 (who live in the school district).

       Students congratulates WWII veterans Voroshilov GV, veterans of the labor front Thielen AM, Belov, TM, A.I Shelupanova, Schelupanovu V.J, Smirnov KV

Members of creative teams took part in the concert program. With the song "Victory Waltz" performed vocal group (hands. Kubykina G.V Kladinova M.V). Dance - medley "Path - path frontline" dance group performed "Dance - Class" ( Loskutova L.V).

Occasion school facade decorated with a banner "Happy Victory Day!", At the information stand, cool corners open column with the material of the Victory Day. The library is decorated exhibition "May 9 - the memory of the dead - a living legacy" (. Kupriyanchik  N.N)

Дата: 26.05.2016, 4:15 Автор: №10 ЖББОМ