The campaign "Care"

The campaign

Noble mission of the campaign "The Road to School" is providing material and moral support to vulnerable families in preparation for the school sponsors and patrons. Also, traditionally between 1.08-30.09.2014 of all the schools of the city placed information boards about the campaign, logos plastered shares are also "points to collect belongings and school supplies", measures are being taken to reach school children learning in educational organizations. Students from our school to sponsor: tenant cafeteria Azimbaeva A. -10 000tg., 55 school teachers -11000tg. Private Entrepreneurs Algadaev Madiyar -5000tg., Abildinov Gauhar -23000tg., Individual teachers technology Hunanbay Manas- 15000tg. Charity Marathon continues.

Date: 4.09.2014, 9:25 Author: School №8