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Public lesson

Category: Ашық сабақтар
Date: 2018-03-07 09:49:53
Public lesson
03/06/2018, an open lesson in drawing in a 9 A class on the topic: "General information on the layout. The structural drawing of production ». The lesson was built on the taxonomy of Bloom. In the lesson, various strategies were used.
Author: Lyceum №2

"The future for creativity - prosperity for education!"

Category: Week
Date: 2018-03-07 09:43:18
05.03.2018 the week of the department of aesthetics began. The work plan of the department was approved and an information stand on the theme "The future for creativity - prosperity for education!" Was designed.
Author: Lyceum №2

Information time "Internet and I", timed to the Republican information campaign "Say Life-Yes!"

Category: safe school
Date: 2018-03-06 10:29:17
Information time
To get the correct information about the use of Galamtra, among the students of the 8A class the lyceum librarian conducted an information hour on the topic: "Intronet and I".   To the attention of the students were shown various videos, statistical materials about the World Internet use. Here were presented and materials on the knowledge of computer literacy, the use o...
Author: Lyceum №2

The contest "Healthy Family"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-05 10:03:43
The contest
Information about the event at KSU "The Lyceum No. 2 of Abaya Balykhash".   The program of the realization of the program "Orientation to the future: spiritual revival" was conducted by NG Ordabekova. and Physical trainings Satiev MA, Moldazhanova T., Akhmetov Z., Baikalalov SU In the 2nd classes, there were sporting events "Healthy Family".   CELL...
Author: Lyceum №2

Regional project "Geogrid"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-03 11:55:02
Regional project
03/02/2018 In KSU "Lyceum №2 named after Abay of Balkhash town" among extracurricular students passed the extra-class action "Journey to the world of physics and chemistry" at the level of the regional project "Geograd".   The purpose of the event: to generate interest among students in the study of subjects of natural and mathematical direction. An interes...
Author: Lyceum №2

What dangers to children are concealed on the Internet

Category: safe school
Date: 2018-03-03 00:24:10
What dangers to children are concealed on the Internet
  Pornography, promotion of violence, extremism, aggression, kiberbulling, kidnapping. Unfortunately, on the Internet of it there is a lot of. Social networks, forums, chats – all this allows to pour freely in children's minds in similar information, causing irreparable injury to mentality.    Be aware to whom your child contacts on the Internet, try to check regularly...
Author: Lyceum №2

Meeting for students of the 11th grade

Category: ҰБТ
Date: 2018-03-02 23:17:32
Meeting for students of the 11th grade
01.03.2018 the meeting between students of the 11th grades and the director of the lyceum Rakhimberlina K.T. Agenda: Analysis of the results of trial testing among students of 11th grade on February 24, 2013. Report on the trial testing among students of the 11th grade in the category "Altyn Belgi", "Student attacheat", students in the risk zone, and at the threshold "2&...
Author: Lyceum №2

Information about the event held in KSU "Lyceum № 2 named after Abay of Balkhash town", timed to the World Defense Day

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2018-03-02 22:11:34
Information about the event held in KSU
01.03.2018 in KSU "Lyceum № 2 named after Abay in Balkhash" an event was held to organize work during the poisoning with chlorine.   The purpose of training:   - Check the readiness of students, the entire staff of the Lyceum in unforeseen situations;   - Developing practical skills in emergency preparedness;   - Encourage students to conduct emergen...
Author: Lyceum №2

Information about the event "From the bottom of my heart, thank you!"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-03-01 23:33:18
Information about the event
01.03.2018 in the Lyceum № 2imay Abay was held an event "From the bottom of my heart, thank you!", Timed to the Thanksgiving holiday. The opening address of the congratulations was made by the director of the lyceum of Rakhimberlin K.T. Then the agit-brigade "Өrken" performed the musical work "Tәuelsizdik baқytym". The pupils of the Lyceum presented costumes, tradit...
Author: Lyceum №2

Information about the School Day on the topic: "Updated Education in Kazakhstan"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-02-20 13:21:37
Information about the School Day on the topic:
         The school day was celebrated on February 19 at our lyceum. The school day program  consisted of  three sections. In section I, according to  the program "Native Land", in the museum were presented regional programs and presentations of  some teachers and pupils.          On section II, acco...
Author: Lyceum №2

Regional projects

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-02-06 08:57:23
Regional projects
01/31/2018 the pupil of 7B class Makhmedova Nuraylym of our lyceum № 2 named after Abay took part in the city competition "Physics and lyric poetry" on the basis of the regional project of the teachers of physics "Education without borders" and took the honorable third place. "Miracles of Science" Week of the Department of Natural Sciences     0...
Author: Lyceum №2

V International Music Festival "Fairy-tale".

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-01-23 18:59:34
V International Music Festival "Fairy-tale". On January 5-6, 2018, V International Music Festival "Fairy-tale" was held in Astana. A student of 6A class of KSU "Lyceum №2 named after Abay of Balkhash town" Malybaeva Anel took part in this festival. She has won several prizes in various categories (violin), "Violin. Douet", Diploma I degree, "Violin....
Author: Lyceum №2

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