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"The bright future of the Address"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-10-16 21:05:22
       On October 12, 2018 a meeting was held in the Schoolchildren's Palace on the theme of the discussion and explanation of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev "Improving the Welfare of Kazakhstan: Prosperity and Prosperity". During the discussion, Ulans and senior trainers exchanged views on each direction of the...

Mysteries Competition "Mysteries Secret."

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-10-13 09:56:14
Mysteries Competition
          Mysterious - a kind of oral literature. It's the art of ridding people to sign up for signs of something else. The mysterious joke and slander. Though it was from ancient times, the people were inventing new species. The great writer, Mukhtar Auezov, said: "Mystery is the amount of imagination and imagination of man in the world.&qu...

Cognitive game "Deep, thin, puzzling"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-10-13 09:52:22
Cognitive game
         SCCE "Schoolchildren's Palace" On November, 12th, 2018 there was a cognitive game "Deep and thoroughfares" among circles. The main objective of the contest is to gather and deepen children's knowledge, to increase their interest, to attract more attention, to increase their activity. Working with the team, respecting th...

Information on events dedicated to the International Day of Girls

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-10-12 10:59:13
Information on events dedicated to the International Day of Girls
      On October 11, 2018, on the International Day of Girls, a series of events was held at the Palace of School Students. In the sports section of volleyball competitions among teams of girls. In the creative workshop "Young Masters" pupils of circles of arts and crafts showed their skills in making crafts in different techniques. At the psychological trainin...

Contest of the best minds «Education - Life Lamp»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-10-09 17:43:06
Contest of the best minds «Education - Life Lamp»
         On October 8, 2018, the Best Brain Bilim-Umirshyragy Contest was held in the Shkolnikov Palace. The competition was attended by 18 students of 7 classes of secondary school №8,9,5: the curious team Zhibek Zholy, the prudent team Alash and the most active team " Бірлік. The intellectual competition consisted of 3 stages. At stage I, students c...

Contest Risacks at Asphalt "Balkhashim - Proud!"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-10-09 17:17:03
Contest Risacks at Asphalt
 On October 9, 2014, on the square of the Schoolchildren's Palace, a competition of drawings on the asphalt “Balgashy - magishanyy!” Was held. The purpose of the competition is to support and stimulate activity, the disclosure of the creative potential of students; fostering a sense of patriotism, the development of ideas of citizenship in children by means of visual arts. T...

Hello, Palace!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-17 11:29:39
                                            Hello, Palace!
  On September 16 2018y, the Palace of schoolchildren hosted a traditional open Day for children and parents. More than 1500 children and adults visited the creative associations of the Palace. We got acquainted with different directions of choreographic groups, Studio of vocal singing and playing musical instruments. Discovered the wonderful world of arts and crafts, visited the workshops...

Family campaign "Otbasy - Omіr shuғy" dedicated to the Day of the family

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-15 18:26:46
Family campaign
           September 14, 2018 in the Palace of schoolchildren was a family action "Outbreaks - Omir Shuaky", dedicated to the Day of the family.       Within the framework of the action, a competition of drawings on asphalt “Bakytty sәt, toktay tұr!” Took place, where pupils of the city’...

Information about the city competition of drawings on asphalt "Bakhytty sәt, thatқtay tұr!"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-15 18:15:36
Information about the city competition of drawings on asphalt
 Within the framework of the Family Day, on September 14, 2018, the city competition of drawings on the asphalt “Baқytty cәt, totah tұr!” Was held on the square of the Palace of Schoolchildren. The main goal of the competition is to reveal the creative potential of students, the development of ideas of citizenship by means of visual arts. The competition was attended by students...

Meeting at the round table

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-05 19:47:48
Meeting at the round table
 On September 4, 2018, the round table devoted to the holiday date - the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the Palace of School Students. Deputies of the Children's Maslikhat, as well as Ulanbasa, took part in the round table.  - The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the legal foundation of the political, economic and social life of the country....

«Жаз -2018 Ханзадасы мен Ханшайымы» байқауының ақпараты

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-06-29 14:24:30
«Жаз -2018 Ханзадасы  мен  Ханшайымы» байқауының  ақпараты
   Оқушылар  сарайы  жанынан  ашылған  «Балауса»  демалыс  орталығының  ұйымдастыруымен  2018  жылдың  27  маусым  күні  балалардың мәдени  шығарамашылығын дамыту, жас жеткіншектердің  өз  ойын жүйелі және батыл  жеткізе  білуге  тәрбиелеу мақсатында  «Жаз-2018  Ха...

Открытие І смены детского оздоровительного лагеря «Жас қанат»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-06-18 15:27:32
Открытие І смены  детского оздоровительного лагеря «Жас қанат»
     13 июня 2018 года в загороднем лагере «Жас қанат» состоялось торжественное открытие І смены сезона  «Лето -  2018». Поздравить жасканатовцев с открытием лагерного сезона приехали почетные гости -  аким города Аглиулин А.М., заместитель акима города Жаксылыкова С.Ж., первый заместитель председателя Балхашского городского филиала партии &l...

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