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Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-29 07:50:09
Plastic bags are everywhere today. Most of the products in stores and supermarkets are packed in them, and people also use them at home. Mountains of garbage from plastic bags have filled cities: they roll on the roads, swim in water bodies and even cling to tree branches. The whole world is drowning in these polyethylene products. About 4 trillion bags are accumulated in the world every year. I...

"Сарқылмайды Мұқағали Мақатаев дастаны "

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-25 08:31:24
In the period from 19 to 23 November 2021, the Palace of Schoolchildren organized a challenge competition "Sargylmaydy Mkagali Magataev dastans". The competition was held in honor of the 90th anniversary of the outstanding representative of Kazakh poetry, akyn Mukagali Makatayev, with the aim of reviving the rich heritage of akyn in the memory of the young generation, acquaintance with...

«Еңбек қатынастары процесінде туындайтын мәселелер»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-23 08:12:21
«Еңбек қатынастары процесінде туындайтын мәселелер»
As part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Zhezkazgan Regional Trade Union of Education and Science Workers held a seminar-meeting on the topic "Problems arising in the process of labor relations", as well as a regional tournament in "chess" and "togyzumalak" among teachers of educational organizations i...

Pedagogical ethics

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-23 08:09:41
Pedagogical ethics
Pedagogical ethics is a set of general principles and norms that guide teachers of educational organizations. It was this topic that was devoted to the next meeting of the Council of Pedagogical Ethics, which took place on November 17, 2021. The teaching staff of the Palace of Schoolchildren discussed the issues of compliance with the norms of pedagogical ethics. Colleagues once again recalled a...


Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-10 08:18:59
In order to promote a healthy lifestyle and exchange experience between coaches, from November 4 to 7, 2021, in the city of Nur-Sultan, an Open Republican Tournament of the QZQ Academy of Boxing among girls was held in 2004-2005, 2006-2007, 2008-2009, dedicated to the Day of the First President ... The tournament was attended by the pupils of the "Boxing" circle of the State Enterprise...

"My Robot"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-09 13:32:42
From 03 to 06 November 2021, the distance competition "My Robot" was held at the Schoolchildren's Palace. The competition was held with the aim of attracting the attention of children to the topic of robotics through creativity. Works with the foundations of the development of modern robotics and the role of robots in various areas of our life were presented for the competition. Ch...

«Сүйікті үйірме»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-09 08:13:18
«Сүйікті үйірме»
From 06 to 07 November 2021, an online lifestyle post contest "Favorite Circle" was held. The purpose of the competition was to maintain the interest of subscribers to the pages of the participants' social networks, to popularize the circles of the Schoolchildren's Palace, and the desire to find out which circle is most in demand among children.

"Жұлдыздар жарығы"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-09 08:11:47
From 02 to 05 November 2021, a dance competition "Zhuldyzdar zharygy" was held at the Palace of Schoolchildren. The competition was held with the aim of organizing active leisure time for children during the autumn holidays. The younger generation willingly took part and sent videos of choreographic performances to the jury. The winners were awarded with diplomas, and the participants...

"Тәжірибелер мен эксперименттер әлемі"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-09 08:10:10
The world around the child is diverse, so he constantly has a need for new impressions, there are a lot of questions that he wants to get an answer to. From 03 to 07 November 2021, another interesting online competition "The World of Experiments and Experiments" was held at the Palace of Schoolchildren. The aim of the competition was the practical implementation of children's exper...

«Наедине с осенью»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-09 08:08:34
«Наедине с осенью»
From 06 to 07 November 2021, a competition of poems of his own composition "Alone with the Autumn" was held at the Palace of Schoolchildren. The development of creativity and the promotion of culture among the younger generation - these are the goals that were pursued by the competition. All participants will receive electronic certificates.

"Күз – өз қолымен"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-09 08:06:22
From 06 to 07 November 2021 in the Palace of Schoolchildren there was a laptop competition "Autumn - with your own hands". The competition was held with the aim of organizing active leisure time for children during the autumn holidays. Children showed creative activity and interest in activities and were awarded with electronic diplomas.

«Менің алғашқы кітабым»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-11-09 08:04:00
«Менің алғашқы кітабым»
In the Palace of Schoolchildren, from 03 to 06 November 2021, a comic book contest "My First Book" was held. Schoolchildren of the city have created interesting comics according to their own idea. They took an active part and were awarded with electronic diplomas.

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