
"Kasynda zhur kart adam!"

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-01 08:12:08
     October 1 in honor of the International day of the elderly zhasulanovtsy 6 a class of our school took part in the action "Adal Urpak" was organized event. Senior counselor Kunarbekova Kymbat Maydanovna previously urged students to instill respect for folk traditions, respect the elders, show respect for the older generation. Also children with cheerful songs and inc...
Author: School №5

"Ulken zhurek"

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-01 07:37:58
    On September 27, students of 7-9 classes under the guidance of the teacher of the subject "self-Knowledge" Kunarbekova K. M. held the action "Aк zhurek". The purpose of this action is to Care for the children, mercy, love. awaken kindness, morality, intelligence, politeness. Further formation of the qualities of mercy. The children's "warmth of Heart&qu...
Author: School №5

«Ел рәміздері – ел рухы»

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-25 12:33:25
«Ел рәміздері – ел рухы»
In the secondary school No. 5 on the day of the Symbolics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a book exhibition "El rәmіzderi - el Rukhy" and a video tour about the creation of symbolics were organized, children proudly read poems about the national anthem, the arms, the flag of Kazakhstan. In the end, a small quiz about knowledge of the Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held.
Author: School №5

«Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебі» КММ «ХАЛЫҚТЫҢ ЦИФРЛЫҚ САУАТТЫЛЫҒЫН АРТТЫРУ» курсын өткізеді.

Category: News
Date: 2019-06-18 09:10:53
«Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебі» КММ  «ХАЛЫҚТЫҢ ЦИФРЛЫҚ САУАТТЫЛЫҒЫН АРТТЫРУ» курсын өткізеді.
Бұл курс 5 негізгі сандық дағдыларды қамтиды: Негізгі компьютерлік дағдылар Электронды үкімет (e-gov) Ашық үкімет (OpenGov) Электронды сауда (e-commerce)  Ақпараттық сауаттылық Өтетін уақыты: маусым, шілде, тамыз айлары. Өткізілетін орны: ЖББ№5 ОМ , Балқаш қаласы, Желтоқсан 17 Курсқа қатысуға ниет білдірушілер қабылдау бөлмесіне келіп тіркелулеріңізге болады немесе мына теле...
Author: School №5

Біз бала еңбегін қанауға «ЖОҚ!» дейміз.

Category: News
Date: 2019-06-12 09:27:00
Біз бала еңбегін қанауға «ЖОҚ!» дейміз.
    Жыл сайын Балқаш қаласының  жалпы білім беретін  №5 орта мектебінде Дүниежүзілік балалар еңбегіне қарсы күрес күні аясында 1 - 12 маусым күндері «Балалар еңбегін пайдалануға қарсы 12 күндік күрес» Ұлттық ақпараттық науқаны өткізіліп келеді.      Оның мақсаты – барлық елдегі балалар еңбегінің ең нашар түрлерін жою қозғалысына назар аудару...
Author: School №5

“To live without asthma”

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-22 10:34:39
“To live without asthma”
      From May 2 to May 12, in the comprehensive school No. 5 within the framework of the nationwide program “To live without asthma”, events dedicated to the World Day to Combat Bronchial Asthma were held. Objective:to draw public attention to the problem of asthma, prevent respiratory infections, increase awareness of the factors that can prevent them, ensure adher...
Author: School №5

"Nobody and nothing is forgotten"

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-13 10:06:06
      This year marks the 74th anniversary of the Victory Day, on May 9, a solemn event on Victory Day was held at our school. The goal is to be able to deeply understand the history of the young generation, adhering to the principle "Nobody and nothing is forgotten". Education in schoolchildren of love for the history of the Motherland, education of heroic feats that di...
Author: School №5

"Serving the Motherland - a sacred duty"

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-11 11:27:50
        On May 7, our school organized events for the Defender of the Fatherland Day plan. Book exhibition and information stand on the theme "Serving the Motherland - a sacred duty". Class teachers organized lessons together with their students on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. In addition, our students actively participated in city events. In particular, a re...
Author: School №5

«Мәңгілік ел ұландары»

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-06 14:00:16
«Мәңгілік ел ұландары»
     A ceremonial reception called “The Eternal Elders” took place at the Schoolchildren’s Palace. The participants of the meeting were lancers of all city schools, pupils of the 3rd grade, members of Zhas-Ulan, members of the organization Zhas-Kyran, and senior school counselors. The event took place soon and ended.  
Author: School №5

A drawing competition on the city pavement

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-06 13:30:52
A drawing competition on the city pavement
      On May 1, at the Astana Alley No. 1, the school and our school organized a drawing contest on the urban asphalt. The competition was attended by pupils of primary classes of urban schools. Asphalt paintings were painted with colored chalk. Thanks to children's drawings, incredible inventive skills, all students of the city were awarded.
Author: School №5

May 1 - unity day!

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-02 13:07:23
May 1 - unity day!
       On May 1, our school hosted events dedicated to the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan. In particular, a book exhibition was organized in the library of our school. Class leaders conducted classes with all active students in the classroom. All activities have been uploaded to the school website. In grades 8-9, creative work was conducted on the theme “My d...
Author: School №5

Information about clean-up

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-29 08:46:30
Information about clean-up
     April 27 at our school was a regional cleanup. It was attended by active students and teachers of our school. Flowers and trees were planted around our school, watered. Our school has been cleared of excess garbage.
Author: School №5

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