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Information matinee "Golden Autumn".

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2016-11-02 10:05:41
Information matinee
October 27, 2016 during the second youngest group with the Kazakh language learning was a matinee on "Golden Autumn". Matinee was organized vvide games. The children participated with great interest. They read poems about fruits, sang the chorus of the song, playing educational games. Golden autumn autumn gave them gifts.

Information matinee "Autumn Fairy Tale"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2016-11-02 09:57:26
Information matinee
October 26, 2016 was a matinee in the Russian senior group on the theme: "Autumn Fairy Tale". Matinee distinguished by the active participation of children. Artistically children showed a fairy tale, "The controversy of vegetables," performed "Dance with zontikomi" enjoyed playing with the fall of the mobile game "Magic scarf.

" Red fox Autumn", to which parents

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2016-10-27 05:20:09
" Red fox Autumn", to which parents were invited by October 25, 2016 matinee was held in the central Russian group. The children sang and danced with colorful leaves. On a visit to them came the Fox-old girl from the senior group. Foxy fun playing with the children, helping to fold kartinki- mushrooms. It thanked the children for active participation in the festival and presented their...

"My favorite city"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2016-10-14 08:53:26
     According to the annual plan for the patriotic education of children, a visit to the city eraevedchesky Museum was organized in our kindergarten. The aim of the tour was of interest to senior preschool children the history and sights of his native city. Children visited the modern, historical, national, and concert halls. I am pleased to view the exhibits and asking the guide...

«Если дружат дети - дружат языки»

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2016-10-13 07:26:37
«Если дружат дети -  дружат языки»
22 сентября 2016 года в детском саду прошло мероприятие посвященное  Дню языков народов Казахстана под названием: : «Если дружат люди – дружат языки».  Цель мероприятия: Воспитание патриотизма через изучение культурного наследия народа. Формирование стремления к овладению казахским, русским и английским языками  Дети старших групп заходили в музыкальный зал п...

Information for the Health Day in Kindergarten "Kunshuak"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2016-10-13 06:55:27
Information for the Health Day in Kindergarten
September 7, 2016 in the children's "Kүnshuaқ" garden day passed Health. In the morning the children were doing exercises outdoors. 2 junior and middle group in the gym had a competition. For children older groups passed the baton on the subject. "We are for a healthy lifestyle" Children divided into teams competed with each other. Before the start of the relay paramedic...

"Book of Knowledge"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2016-10-13 06:02:36
The d / garden "Kunshuak" September 1 entertainment was organized, dedicated to the beginning of the school year, which aimed to: create a joyful mood in children and unite a group of children.  Entertainment took place in the form of a trip to the "Land of Knowledge" by station "Fairytale", "Games", "song - dance ' Despite the windy w...

"Constitution of the country we all know should be"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2016-10-13 04:00:31
In kindergarten 29.08.2016g he held a matinee dedicated to the Day of the Constitution "Kunshuak", which aims at the creation of knowledge about children's basic law of the state, the enrichment of knowledge of the motherland.           It began with a matinee performance of the anthem of Kazakhstan. Emotional attitude children have received and fo...

Новый год!

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-12-25 05:05:30
Новый год!
21 декабря 2015года в преддверии Нового года в нашем  детском саду прошла  конкурс на лучшую новогоднюю поделку. Цель: Организация выставки семейного художественного  творчества. Украшение интерьера детского сада к  новогодним праздникам. Задачи: Учить детей  вместе с родителями создавать  выразительные новогодние  образы. Развивать творческие спос...

Декада ко Дню Независимости РК

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-12-25 04:45:00
Декада ко Дню Независимости РК
7 желтоқсан күні - балабақша аумағы  және  балабақша іші мерекеге қарсы безендірілді. Сондай-ақ, әр жас ерекшелік топтарда  «Менің елім- Тәуелсіздік Қазақстан» тақырыбында  бұрыш рәсімделді. 8 желтоқсан күні – ортаңғы және  ересек топ балалары  «Достық» мұражайына  саяхат жасады. Онда этнопедагог Байбосынова А.К. балаларға қазақ х...

«Современные образовательные технологии ДДУ»

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-12-04 05:54:37
«Современные образовательные технологии ДДУ»
Сегодня мы поговорим о педагогических технологиях и их эффективном использовании в дошкольном учреждении. Вначале давайте узнаем, что же означает сам термин «технология» - от греческого это искусство, мастерство, умение, совокупность приёмов и способов получения, обработки и переработки сырья, материалов. В настоящее время в педагогический лексикон прочно вошло понятие «педаг...

ҚР Президентінің жолдауына пікір

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-12-03 10:29:54
ҚР Президентінің жолдауына пікір
ҚР Президенті Н.Ә. Назарбаев кезекті Қазақстан халқына жолдауында – кіші-орта бизнесті дамыту  және Қазақстанның 6 аймағында елдік өнім шығару бағдарламасын құру керек – деген пікірі ұнады.  Ұлттық валютамыз тұрақты болатынына көз жеткізді. Сондай-ақ, 2016жылдың қаңтар айынан бастап  медицина, білім, әлеуметтік қорғау саласына және мемлекет қызметкерлеріне жалақы көтер...

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