
Information about carnival New Year.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-01-09 10:39:40
Information about carnival New Year.
New Year - the most mysterious holiday, opens up a world of good fairy tales and magic. Gullible kids, teens businesslike, serious adults and grandparents - all just minutes before the holiday, make a wish and give gifts. Head of the secondary school №24 K.Zh.Ahmetovаthanks, which has contributed assistance from the fund of universal education in the New Year's Eve and with the assistance of...
Author: Department

"The Winter's Tale"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-01-08 03:40:04
26 29.12.2014g. in the kindergarten "Bobek" was a Christmas party in the upper and middle groups, which called "The Winter's Tale". Kashchei and Baba Yaga wanted to spoil the children’s holiday, but they didn’t succeed, because Santa Claus came to help them.
Author: Department

About holding of the republican action «The textbook without mistakes»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-01-08 03:37:21
About holding of the republican action «The textbook without mistakes»
The action «The textbook without mistakes», an organizer of it is  Ministry of education and science is an answer to requests of pupils, parents and teachers on  implementation of mechanisms of public discussion and critical attitude towards modern textbooks, using in the educational sphere of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Textbooks and methodologies, specified in the list an...
Author: Department

«Кел,кел Жаңа жыл»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-01-08 03:32:05
«Кел,кел Жаңа жыл»
New year for kids - it's a magical tale, a time when dreams come true and there are an incredible event. The kindergarten teachers "Ер Тостик" the second youngest of the group, together with teachers spent the new  year holiday. Children plunged into the tale by Charles Perrault little Red riding hood. Where the wolf was friendly to all the heroes of the tale, and together wit...
Author: Department

«Miracles on New Year Eve»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-01-08 03:28:07
«Miracles on New Year Eve»
New-year morning performances are in kindergartens - are important part of educational process  . Today meeting of New Year in kindergarten of "ЕрТөстік" in the senior age-related group passed  under the name "Wonders under New Year". To realization of morning performances teachers and parents were brought over . Parents were dipped in the world of fairy-tales and p...
Author: Department


Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-01-08 03:23:11
In order to develop students' aesthetic and artistic qualities, identifying gifted children, the disclosure of professional skills, according to the plan of 26 December 2014 on the basis of grammar school 7was  urban dance and vocal competition Aigolek. Innominations«Buldirshin» 10 participants in the category of 11 people in the nomination Zhastalant - 6 people, in the cate...
Author: Department

Scientific and practical conference among school students of the city on the theme "The purpose of the eternal people and Ep Zhanibek

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-12-30 08:21:52
Scientific and practical conference among school students of the city on the theme
  December 23 in the walls of our school hosted a scientific-practical conference among school students of the city on the theme "The purpose of the eternal people and Ep Zhanibek" The conference is organized city fund "ErZhanibek." The conference was attended by representatives of the city administration, an honorary citizen of the city, the city department of edu...
Author: Department

«ЭКСПO – 2017- болашақтың қуаты»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-12-19 05:50:40
«ЭКСПO – 2017- болашақтың қуаты»
            Қазақстан Республикасы Тәуелсіздік мерекесі қарсаңында 2014 жылдың 15 қарашасы күні халықаралық «ЭКСПO – 2017- болашақтың қуаты»көрмесіне арналған қалалық дебат ойыны өткізілді. Дебат ойындарының негізгі мақсаты оқушылардың шешендік өнер саласындағы дарындылығын дамыту, жылдам ойлау қаблеттері мен мәселенің мәніне терең бойлау қаблеттер...
Author: Department

November 27, 2014 hosted the annual forum of gifted children “Altyn bala 2014”. For the title of Altyn Bala fought 14 pupils from various schools of the city

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-12-19 05:44:04
November 27, 2014 hosted the annual forum of gifted children “Altyn bala 2014”. For the title of Altyn Bala fought 14 pupils from various schools of the city
The Aim: -to develop intellectual and creative potential of pupils, to form interest in teaching and research activities. Objectives: To enhance the prestige of gifted children for the purpose of forming Kazakhstan patriotism, support creative initiatives of the younger generation and the strengthening of scientific potential for the prosperity of the Republic of Kazakhstan.As a result, the...
Author: Department

The Republican educational methodical seminar and the seminar-practical

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-11-25 06:46:40
The Republican educational methodical seminar and the seminar-practical
The seminar for teachers of natural mathematical disciplines was held on 19.11.2014 on the basis of school №16. The seminar purpose is exchanging of teachers experience who took part in the Republican educational methodical seminar and the seminar-practical work. 1. "Forms and methods of teaching of natural and mathematical subjects". 2. "Putting to the robotics course&quo...
Author: Department

Information on conducting of EAEA, PISA in educational institutions

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-11-24 11:09:21
Information on conducting of EAEA, PISA in educational institutions
The external assessment of educational achievements (EAEA) was input in connection with the acceptance of the State program of development of education for 2011-2020. It is one of types of independent monitoring of teaching quality. Testing for pupils of 9, 11 forms with the Kazakh and the Russian languages teaching was held in the 2nd quarter of 2014-2015 school year at town schools-gymnasium...
Author: Department

Republican seminar of educational-methodological seminar

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-11-12 06:04:19
  Educational-methodological seminars were held during November, 5-8, 2014 by initiative of the Republican centre “Daryn” on the basis of Suleimen Demirel university in Almaty city on the theme “Forms and methods of teaching natural-mathematic direction subjects”. Teachers of school-gymnasium №7, school 15 and school №16 took part in the seminar.
Author: Department

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