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Информация ОСШ №10 о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню памяти жертв политических репрессий 31 мая, 2016 г.

Дата: 2016-06-01 05:37:12
Информация ОСШ №10 о  проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню памяти жертв политических репрессий 31 мая, 2016 г.
На стенде «Школьная планета» оформлена рубрика «Свет памяти» с информационным материалом, посвященном этому дню. Оформлена мини – выставка работ  художников – спецвыселенцев ( Из серии «Карлаг. Культура. Художники»).                      &n...
Автор: №10 ЖББОМ

Information school 10 to hold the feast of the Last bell "Тhe bell is ringing for you latest" 2015 - 2016 academic year

Дата: 2016-05-26 05:02:23
Information school 10 to hold the feast of the Last bell
May 25, 2016, at school №10 held a celebration of the Last school bell. At the stand of the "School planet" - colorful posters "Thank you, teacher!", "Goodbye, school!". The stairs were decorated with balloons. On stage banner "In a good way!" ( in 3 languages), the cloth is yellow, blue and white. Composition of balloons "Graduate - 2016" was is...
Автор: №10 ЖББОМ

Information of school №10 to hold events dedicated to the Day of family 2015 - 2016 academic year

Дата: 2016-05-26 04:55:36
Information of school №10 to hold events dedicated to the Day of family 2015 - 2016 academic year
The school was held events dedicated to the Family Day with the participation of the parent community. In 1 -s classes held mornings "Hello, summer!" With the participation of mothers and fathers. First graders read poems, sang songs. With great interest they took part in the entertainment program with the participation of parents. In the competition for young architects "house...
Автор: №10 ЖББОМ

Information school №10 of the events dedicated to the Day of Defender the Fatherland Day 2015- 2016 academic year

Дата: 2016-05-26 04:49:48
Information school №10 of the events dedicated to the Day of Defender   the Fatherland Day 2015- 2016 academic year
On the eve of the national holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the school held the event with the participation of students and teachers. The school library is decorated exhibition "Serving the Motherland - a great honor!". 7.8 classes 26.04, students took part in military-sports game "Alau". Two days (29.04 and 30.04) in the school competition was held for the summer Pr...
Автор: №10 ЖББОМ

Information of school №10 on holding various events. 2015 - 2016 academic year

Дата: 2016-05-26 04:41:25
Information of school №10 on holding various events. 2015 - 2016 academic year
28.04 held sporting event "One for all and all for one" (Gavrilyuk E.A), which was attended by the students of classes 4 -x. High school students took part in city competitions on summer all-round, which took place on the basis of our school. Black NN Physical Education Teacher among 5 classes held sports and entertainment program, "Strength in unity." 30.04 in all classe...
Автор: №10 ЖББОМ

Information of school №10 to hold Day of School 2015 - 2016 academic year

Дата: 2016-05-26 04:38:23
Information of school №10 to hold Day of School 2015 - 2016 academic year
School Day was held at the school 26.04. Framed exhibition of creative works of teachers, students and parents. Literary - musical composition «Ұрпағыңменжасайбер,Қазақстан!»Devoted 25 - anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 25 - anniversary of the rehabilitation of the classic of Kazakh poetry Magzhan Zhumabaeva. In block 3, "We have entered a new and i...
Автор: №10 ЖББОМ

Information of school №10 to hold events dedicated to the Day of Unity of People of Kazakhstan "Friendship of peoples - our spiritual wealth" in 2015 - 2016 academic year

Дата: 2016-05-26 04:36:40
Information of school №10 to hold events dedicated to the Day of Unity of People of Kazakhstan
With the aim of educating the students love for the country, respect for the history, culture and traditions of the peoples living in Kazakhstan, the school held the event dedicated to the Day of Unity of People of Kazakhstan. Long before the holiday school yard was decorated with colorful flags. On the visor of the building is placed banner "Unity of the people - our eternal value."...
Автор: №10 ЖББОМ

Information of school №10 of the event «Remembers saved world", dedicated to the holiday of the Great Victory May, 2016

Дата: 2016-05-26 04:15:54
Information of school №10 of the event «Remembers saved world
In preparation for the celebration of the Great Victory, the school held the event with the participation of students in all grades. participants "Immortal regiment" - research work among students, teachers and parents on drawing up a list of veterans has been carried out. 5 May a group of students 7 "B" class (hands. Zhelobetskaya OA) took part in the city events dedicated...
Автор: №10 ЖББОМ

Republican campaign "Safer Internet"

Дата: 2016-04-20 07:44:44
Republican campaign
From April 11 to April 23 declared Republican campaign "Safer Internet". On April 11 the line was the start of events dedicated to the observance of the rules of conduct on the Internet (drawing contest, warning signs, writings, posters, etc.). Pupils 7 classes (O.A Zhelobetskaya teacher) wrote essays on the topic "The Internet in my life." Events completed hours of communica...
Автор: №10 ЖББОМ

Regional Saturday

Дата: 2016-04-20 07:42:18
Regional Saturday
April 16 was held the regional Saturday. 5-8 grade students took an active part in restoring order in the streets and courtyards of the city. All works well! In the school yard and the street adjacent to the school, it was clean and cozy!
Автор: №10 ЖББОМ

The meeting of parents of school students.

Дата: 2016-04-20 07:32:31
The meeting of parents of school students.
On April 15, a meeting of parents of school students. Parents information was provided on the results of 3 quarters, the results of participation in the republican, regional and city competitions, intellectual games, sports activities. On the issue of "Gender education" made teacher- school psychologist Hvedchenya V.V .. About the preparation for the completion of the school year has t...
Автор: №10 ЖББОМ

Military - sports game «Жас Ұлан»

Дата: 2016-04-20 07:28:48
Military - sports game «Жас Ұлан»
On the basis of Balkhash technical college was held military - sports game «ЖасҰлан»    , which was attended by the team:school - lyceum №2, №10 SNR. As a result of the game-winner, having won an honorable 1 place was the team of our school (head Kochetkov L.G). The team was awarded a diploma and a prize.
Автор: №10 ЖББОМ

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