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On March 19, 2019, a combined military-sports relay race with elements of GP and emergency for 7-8 classes took place in school №10 of Balkhash as part of the Month of Civil Protection of the Population.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-20 09:46:05
On March 19, 2019, a combined military-sports relay race with elements of GP and emergency for 7-8 classes took place in school №10 of Balkhash  as part of the Month of Civil Protection of the Population.
On March 19, 2019, a combined military-sports relay race with elements of GP and emergency for 7-8 classes took place in school№10 of Balkhash  as part of the Month of Civil Protection of the Population. The winner in the relay was the team of 8 "A" class. 2nd place went to team 7 "V" class, 3rd place - team 7 "B" class. Teams awarded diplomas.
Author: School №10

18.03.2019 the final of the city stage of the republican contest “The best teacher of physical culture - 2019” was held.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-20 08:21:59
18.03.2019  the final of the city stage of the republican contest “The best teacher of physical culture - 2019” was held.
18.03.2019  the final of the city stage of the republican contest “The best teacher of physical culture - 2019” was held. The teacher of physical culture Pestov Yury Vasilyevich received a diploma of  II degree and will represent the city of Balkhash at the regional stage of the competition.
Author: School №10

On March 15, 2019, an interactive lesson on the topic “Spring holidays!” was held for pupils of grades 5–9 on the basis of school № 10 of Balkhash .

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-15 13:01:11
On March 15, 2019, an interactive lesson on the topic “Spring holidays!” was held for pupils of grades 5–9 on the basis of school № 10 of Balkhash .
On March 15, 2019, an interactive lesson on the topic “Spring holidays!” was held for pupils of grades 5–9 on the basis of school № 10 of Balkhash . At the lesson attended by the Office of Emergency Situations of Balkhash. The pupils  listened to the information and watched videos about the rules of behavior on the street, at home, in the yard, on the ice. They  l...
Author: School №10

On March 14, 2019, a counseling seminar was held for students of 9th grades on the topic “Types of injuries.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-14 15:53:36
On March 14, 2019, a counseling seminar was held for students of  9th  grades on the topic “Types of injuries.
On March 14, 2019, a counseling seminar was held for students of  9th  grades on the topic “Types of injuries. Providing the first pre-medical and psychological assistance to the victim of an emergency ”The seminar was conducted by the school nurse Garayshina M.R. and the school psychologist Kryukova A.D.
Author: School №10

From the speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev at the XVIII Congress of the party "NUR OTAN"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-12 08:49:49
From the speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev at the XVIII Congress of the party
From the speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev at the XVIII Congress of the party "NUR OTAN"
Author: School №10

Ролик 2 по пункту 96

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-06 14:55:15
 https://youtu.be/OMdGRYuumVw https://youtu.be/x50iMsAKNDYw
Author: School №10

On 5th of March was the rewarding of the smallest clever and clever of our school.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-06 11:30:27
On 5th of March was the rewarding of the smallest clever and clever of our school.
On 5th of March was the rewarding of the smallest clever and clever of our school. Pupils of  0 classes took part in the international competition "Pony". The guys performed the most interesting tasks. Winners and prize winners received diplomas and medals. The diploma was awarded and teachers preschool training classes  Devyatova R.V. and Kim K.I.
Author: School №10

On 1st of March, the day, symbolizing the strengthening of social harmony and national unity in the school, a “Gratitude” circle was organized for all school staff and students from the 0-11 grade.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-02 13:33:58
On  1st of March, the day, symbolizing the strengthening of social harmony and national unity in the school, a “Gratitude” circle was organized for all school staff and students from the 0-11 grade.
On  1st of March, the day, symbolizing the strengthening of social harmony and national unity in the school, a “Gratitude” circle was organized for all school staff and students from the 0-11 grade. There were words of greeting and thanks in different languages. The action “Shashu” was launched as part of the charity events “Caravan of Mercy”.
Author: School №10

The project “Saturday Day with a book” continues to work at school.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-02 13:32:33
The project “Saturday Day with a book” continues to work at school.
The project “Saturday Day with a book” continues to work at school. Today, children in grades 1-2 were playing Field of Miracles based on a book they read.  Mother Olga Andreevna prepared not only interesting tasks, but also prizes for the winners!
Author: School №10

1st place in the region

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-02 13:29:28
1st place in the region
1st place in the region - a speech by the propaganda team dedicated to the 30th  anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.
Author: School №10

20.02.2019ж. №10 ЖББОМ 7" А " сыныбында география пәнінен қалалық ашық сабақ өтті.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-02-23 11:07:18
20.02.2019ж. №10 ЖББОМ 7
20.02.2019ж. №10 ЖББОМ 7" А " сыныбында география пәнінен қалалық ашық сабақ өтті. Сабақты география мұғалімі Сауриков Олжас Аманқұлұлы өткізді. Сабақтың тақырыбы"Әлем халқының діни құрамы "болды. Ашық сабақ барысында оқушылар әлемде және Қазақстанда қандай дін бар екенін, сондай-ақ 2018 жылғы Астана қаласындағы барлық діндердің VI съезі туралы білді.
Author: School №10

Кеңес әскерлерінің Ауған жерінен шығарылғанына 30 жыл толуына арналған "Балқаш қаласының №10 ЖББОМ" КММ іс – шаралар ақпараты.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-02-20 11:14:23
Кеңес әскерлерінің Ауған жерінен шығарылғанына 30 жыл толуына арналған
Кеңес әскерлерінің Ауған жерінен шығарылғанына 30 жыл толуына арналған "Балқаш қаласының №10 ЖББОМ" КММ іс – шаралар ақпараты Оқушылардың Отанға деген сүйіспеншілігін, тарихты құрметтеуге, тағдыры соғысқа байланысты адамдарға құрметпен қарауға тәрбиелеу мақсатында, Отанға шексіз адалдықты қалыптастыру, оны қорғауға дайындық мақсатында мектепте Ауғанстаннан Кеңес әскерлерінің шы...
Author: School №10

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