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Jánіbek Ýspanov: aýyr dıagnozy bar adam qalaı áreket etetіnіn bіlý kerek.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-13 10:19:45
Jánіbek Ýspanov: aýyr dıagnozy bar adam qalaı áreket etetіnіn bіlý kerek.
  Jánіbek Ýspanov: aýyr dıagnozy bar adam qalaı áreket etetіnіn bіlý kerek. Mіne jetі jyl boıy Jánіbek Ýspanov donorlyq júrekpen ómіr súredі. Bіz onymen onyń ómіr súrý sapasynyń qalaı ózgergenі jáne aýyr syrqaty bar adam qandaı medıtsınalyq kómek alatyny týraly &aa...
Author: School №10

2020 jyldyń 01 qańtarynan bastap qazaqstandyqtar úshіn mіndettі medıtsınalyq saqtandyrý resmı túrde іske qosylady. Bіz aýdarymdardan basqa jarnalardy aýdaramyz.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-13 10:16:20
2020 jyldyń 01 qańtarynan bastap qazaqstandyqtar úshіn mіndettі medıtsınalyq saqtandyrý resmı túrde іske qosylady. Bіz aýdarymdardan basqa jarnalardy aýdaramyz.
  2020 jyldyń 01 qańtarynan bastap qazaqstandyqtar úshіn mіndettі medıtsınalyq saqtandyrý resmı túrde іske qosylady. Bіz aýdarymdardan basqa jarnalardy aýdaramyz.   Jarnalar-jarnalar tóleýshіler Qorǵa tóleıtіn jáne medıtsınalyq qyzmet kórsetýdі tutynýshylarǵa MÁMS júıesіnde medıtsınalyq...
Author: School №10

The Department of Compulsory Social Insurance (DC CSHI ) was created.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-13 09:00:28
The Department of Compulsory Social Insurance (DC CSHI ) was created.
Frequently asked question: who will control the operation of the CSHI ?           For this, the Department of Compulsory Social Insurance (DC CSHI ) was created. The main tasks of the DC CSHI  include: - the study of international experience and the risks of the medical insurance system;  - Introduction and development of  CSHI &n...
Author: School №10

The Office of Digital Information of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan announces the launch of the Telegram BOT “Compulsory Social Health Insurance” (CSHI), designed to obtain reliable information about CSHI in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-13 08:53:03
The Office of Digital Information of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan announces the launch of the Telegram  BOT “Compulsory Social Health Insurance” (CSHI), designed to obtain reliable information about  CSHI  in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Office of Digital Information of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan announces the launch of the Telegram  BOT “Compulsory Social Health Insurance” (CSHI), designed to obtain reliable information about  CSHI  in the Republic of Kazakhstan. https://t.me/SaqtandyryBot Using the BOT, you can: - get information about the CSHI; - Get information on how to become...
Author: School №10

School №10 Balkhash Integrity Lesson 3.09.2019

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-03 15:54:03
School №10  Balkhash Integrity Lesson 3.09.2019
School №10  Balkhash Integrity Lesson 3.09.2019 Participants: students of 10th  and 11th  grades  in the amount of 30 people Moderator:Amanzholova Gulsara Sagandykovna - Head of the Economic Policy Sector Balkhash.
Author: School №10

The 1st of September , 2019

Category: Day of Knowledge
Date: 2019-09-01 10:10:30
The  1st  of September , 2019
The  1st  of September , 2019 So the first school bell rang. First-graders with burning eyes went to their first lessons. Students  of 11th grade began their last academic year within the walls of their native Ten. Excited parents, grandparents. . Happy Knowledge Day!
Author: School №10

On August 27, 2019 year, in our school the meeting of the Board of trustees of school at which the results of work for last academic year were summed up took place, organizational issues are considered, work is planned for new 2019 – 2020 academic year.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-08-31 12:35:23
On August 27, 2019 year, in our school the meeting of the Board of trustees of school at which the results of work  for last academic year were summed up took place, organizational issues are considered, work is planned for new 2019 – 2020 academic year.
On August 27, 2019 year, in our school the meeting of the Board of trustees of school at which the results of work  for last academic year were summed up took place, organizational issues are considered, work is planned for new 2019 – 2020 academic year. Petrunina - Sukhareva Marina Valentinovna is unanimously elected the Chairman of the Board of trustees.
Author: School №10


Category: announcement
Date: 2019-06-03 14:46:14
В рамках реализации государственной программы  «Цифровой Казахстан» с 01.06.2019г. по 31.07.2019г. в ОСШ №10 проводятся  курсы «Электронное правительство и электронные государственные услуги», при помощи которых  можно повысить цифровую грамотность. Обучение может пройти любой гражданин в возрасте от 6 лет до 74 лет. Обучение будет проводит...
Author: School №10

The President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, visited the Ural Transformer Plant

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-05-14 14:50:00
The President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, visited the Ural Transformer Plant
Author: School №10

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