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On October 25, 2019, in our school , according to the plan of the city department of education, hosted the Day of Local Lore.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-28 08:50:43
On October 25, 2019, in our school , according to the plan of the city department of education, hosted the Day of  Local Lore.
  On October 25, 2019, in our school , according to the plan of the city department of education, hosted the Day of  Local Lore. The purpose of the Day of Local Lore is to educate modern schoolchildren in patriotism, to form a feeling of love for the motherland, pride in their land, and respect for the traditions of ancestors.   At all lessons in all classes, teachers used local...
Author: School №10

“Family-educated, school-educator” - under this name a single hour of communication passed in our school today.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-26 08:33:46
 “Family-educated, school-educator” - under this name a single hour of communication passed in our school today.
 “Family-educated, school-educator” - under this name a single hour of communication passed in our school today. Pupils of 7th  grades took part in a meeting with the Tabiev couple. The dialogue about work, about professions and most importantly about education and respect left an indelible impression on the children.
Author: School №10

On October 24, 2019, the military-sports game "Kalkan" was held in our school.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-24 15:56:56
On October 24, 2019, the military-sports game
On October 24, 2019, the military-sports game "Kalkan" was held in our school. Participants in the game were students in grades 9. At different stages of the game, the guys showed their skills in shooting at targets with an air rifle, in assembling and disassembling an assault rifle, in putting on a gas mask, orienting oneself on the ground, throwing a grenade, and providing first aid...
Author: School №10

Outside is mid-autumn. The entire crop has already been harvested from household plots.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-24 08:38:21
Outside is mid-autumn. The entire crop has already been harvested from household plots.
Outside is mid-autumn. The entire crop has already been harvested from household plots. It's time to show creativity and creativity! The children and parents of our school built such interesting crafts from vegetables, fruits, cones, autumn foliage ... in generally, from everything that was found at home. The jury appreciated the creativity of the children. The results will be announced at t...
Author: School №10

On the initiative of the parent community and with the support of the deputy directors for educational work, today, 10/19/2019, team building took place.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-23 13:34:19
On the initiative of the parent community and with the support of the deputy directors for educational work, today, 10/19/2019, team building took place.
  On the initiative of the parent community and with the support of the deputy directors for educational work, today, 10/19/2019, team building took place.   Representatives of classroom parent committees, members of the school of mothers and the council of fathers. at a round table in an emotional atmosphere discussed important issues of school life. Time flew by.
Author: School №10

Информация КГУ «ОСШ №10 г. Балхаш о проведении единого Республиканского экочаса

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-03 14:42:46
Информация КГУ «ОСШ №10 г. Балхаш о проведении единого Республиканского экочаса
Информация КГУ «ОСШ №10 г. Балхаш»        о проведении единого Республиканского экочаса С целью привлечения подрастающего поколения к бережному отношению к природным ресурсам 3 октября 2019 года во всех классах школы были проведены экологические часы под  девизом «Экочас – начни сейчас». К этому дню были оформлены информационные стенды...
Author: School №10

Информация КГУ «ОСШ №10 г. Балхаш» о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню пожилых людей 2019 – 2020 учебный год

Category: announcement
Date: 2019-10-03 14:33:48
Информация КГУ «ОСШ №10 г. Балхаш» о  проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню пожилых людей  2019 – 2020 учебный год
Информация КГУ «ОСШ №10 г. Балхаш» о  проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню пожилых людей                           2019 – 2020 учебный год    С целью воспитания уважительного отношения к людям старшего поколения, в КГУ «ОСШ №10 г. Балхаш»  в течение год...
Author: School №10

28.09.2019 jyly muǵalіmder men oqýshylar ujymy oblystyq senbіlіkke qatysty.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-01 11:53:33
28.09.2019 jyly muǵalіmder men oqýshylar ujymy oblystyq senbіlіkke qatysty.
    28.09.2019 jyly muǵalіmder men oqýshylar ujymy oblystyq senbіlіkke qatysty.  Tańerteńnen bastap mektep aýlasynda ánder shyrqaldy.                                10.35-te oqýshylar synyp jetekshіlerіmen bіrge lıneıkaǵa sapqa turyp, eńbek tapsyrmasyn aldy. Synyptarmen...
Author: School №10

«Úsh báıterek –úsh ǵumyr» atty poezııa saǵaty óttі.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-23 18:24:05
«Úsh báıterek –úsh ǵumyr»  atty  poezııa saǵaty óttі.
         «Úsh báıterek –úsh ǵumyr»  atty  poezııa saǵaty óttі.   22  -shі qyrkúıek tіlder merekesіne  oraı Balqash  qalasynyń  № 10 orta mektebіnde 5 synyptar arasynda qazaq tіlі men ádebıetі pánіnіń muǵalіmderі Abeýbekova Sh.A.jáne Ahmetova D.T &ndash...
Author: School №10

Advanced programs for the development and attraction of human capital

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-18 08:57:37
Advanced programs for the development and attraction of human capital
Advanced programs for the development and attraction of human capital
Author: School №10

General Republican dictation on the Latin script

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-17 15:03:55
General Republican dictation on the Latin script
Today, on 17th of September, 2019 year, centralized nationwide dictation took place based on Latin scripts.  Teachers, students and school workers wrote a text dictated by experienced teachers.
Author: School №10

100 дней президентства К.Ж. Токаева

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-17 09:17:43
100 дней президентства К.Ж. Токаева
100 дней президентства К.Ж. Токаева
Author: School №10

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