
"Latyn álіpbıі-bolashaqtyń tańdaýy" áleýmettіk joba.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-11-12 14:12:11
   "Latyn álіpbıі-bolashaqtyń tańdaýy" áleýmettіk joba. 9 qarasha kúnі № 10 orta mektebіnde jalpy halyqtyq dıktant ótkіzіldі. Dıktant maqsaty: latyn grafıkasyn meńgerý jáne praktıkalyq jaǵyn tekserý, bіlіmdі baǵalaý jáne tutas ıgerý. Dıktant bіr kúnde jáne bіr ýaqytta &o...
Author: School №10


Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-11-11 11:04:33
Author: School №10

Qasym-Jomart Toqaev: "Úkіmet shıkіzat emes eksporttyń 2022 jylǵa qaraı 1,5 ese jáne 2025 jylǵa qaraı 2 ese ósýіne qol jetkіzýі tıіs".

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-11-11 10:53:06
Qasym-Jomart Toqaev:
   Qasym-Jomart Toqaev: "Úkіmet shıkіzat emes eksporttyń 2022 jylǵa qaraı 1,5 ese jáne 2025 jylǵa qaraı 2 ese ósýіne qol jetkіzýі tıіs".
Author: School №10

Міндетті әлеуметтік медициналық сақтандыру

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-11-11 10:38:16
 Міндетті әлеуметтік медициналық сақтандыру
    Міндетті әлеуметтік медициналық сақтандыру  
Author: School №10

9.11.2019j., 2 - shі synyp komandalary arasynda "Ákem, anam jáne men-sporttyq otbasy"atty jarys óttі.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-11-11 08:15:51
9.11.2019j., 2 - shі synyp komandalary arasynda
   9.11.2019j., 2 - shіsynyp komandalary arasynda "Ákem, anam jáne men-sporttyq otbasy"atty jarys óttі. Qyzyqty jarystarda ýaqyt baıqalmaı tez óttі. Oıyn barysyn qadaǵalaǵan qatań qazylar alqasy, dene shynyqtyrý muǵalіmderі- barlyǵy jaqsy kóńіl-kúı men sergektіk aldy. 1 oryn-2A synyp " Ný, pogodı!", 2 or...
Author: School №10

10 mektep oqýshylary úlken tatý otbasyna búgіn 78 bіrіnshі synyp oqýshylary qabyldandy.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-11-08 16:06:18
10 mektep oqýshylary úlken tatý otbasyna búgіn 78 bіrіnshі synyp oqýshylary qabyldandy.
   10 mektep oqýshylary úlken tatý otbasyna búgіn78 bіrіnshі synyp oqýshylary qabyldandy. Balalar 1 toqsan іshіnde úırengenderіn kórsettі.  Olar bı bıledі, án aıtty, óleńder oqydy, jumbaqtar sheshtі, qazaq jáne aǵylshyn tіlі boıynsha óz bіlіmderіn kórsettі. Is-sharany daıyndaǵan bastaýysh sy...
Author: School №10

In order to prepare school graduates for a conscious choice of profession, in order to expand the horizons of students, according to the plan of career guidance, on November 7, 2019, a group of 9th grade students in the amount of 16 students went on an e

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-11-07 15:53:56
In order to prepare school graduates for a conscious choice of profession, in order to expand the horizons of students, according to the plan of career guidance, on November 7, 2019, a group of 9th  grade students in the amount of 16 students went on an e
In order to prepare school graduates for a conscious choice of profession, in order to expand the horizons of students, according to the plan of career guidance, on November 7, 2019, a group of 9th  grade students in the amount of 16 students went on an excursion to the Balkhash-Nan  bakery. Students were shown the production facilities of the shops for the production of  bread, l...
Author: School №10

Bіzdіń elіmіzdіń damýy tek bіrlesken kúsh-jіger, qoǵamnyń árbіr múshesіnіń úlesі arqyly ǵana múmkіn: ósіp kele jatqan urpaqtan bastap mańyzdy memlekettіk sheshіmder qabyldaıtyn bılіk ókіlderіne deıіn.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-11-06 10:29:54
Bіzdіń elіmіzdіń damýy tek bіrlesken kúsh-jіger, qoǵamnyń árbіr múshesіnіń úlesі arqyly ǵana múmkіn: ósіp kele jatqan urpaqtan bastap mańyzdy memlekettіk sheshіmder qabyldaıtyn bılіk ókіlderіne deıіn.
   Bіzdіń elіmіzdіń damýy tek bіrlesken kúsh-jіger, qoǵamnyń árbіr múshesіnіń úlesі arqyly ǵana múmkіn: ósіp kele jatqan urpaqtan bastap mańyzdy memlekettіk sheshіmder qabyldaıtyn bılіk ókіlderіne deıіn. Bul jaǵdaıda úlken úmіt pen jaýapkershіlіk aǵa býynnyń jasampazdyq іster estafetasyn jalǵastyratyn j...
Author: School №10

2019 jyly 5 qarashada "Balqash qalasynyń №10 jalpy bіlіm beretіn orta mektebі" KMM 8 synyp oqýshylaryna "Insýlt. Alǵashqy dárіgerge deıіngі kómek kórsetý"taqyrybynda dárіs ótkіzіldі.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-11-05 14:46:53
2019 jyly 5 qarashada
     2019 jyly 5 qarashada "Balqash qalasynyń №10 jalpy bіlіm beretіn orta mektebі" KMM 8 synyp oqýshylaryna "Insýlt. Alǵashqy dárіgerge deıіngі kómek kórsetý"taqyrybynda dárіs ótkіzіldі. Kezdesý ulttyq baǵdarlama aıasynda "Bіlіńder, uzaq ómіr súrіńder!" uranymen uıymdastyr...
Author: School №10

Преимущества ОСМС

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-11-04 08:55:29
Преимущества ОСМС  
Author: School №10

1.11.2019j., "№5 JBBOM " KMM-de mektep oqýshylary jasaǵan beınerolıkter baıqaýy óttі.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-11-04 08:43:27
    1.11.2019j., "№5 JBBOM " KMM-de mektep oqýshylary jasaǵan beınerolıkter baıqaýy óttі. Bіzdіń mekteptіń atynan 8a synyp oqýshysy Satvaldına Alına qatysty. Rolıktіń taqyryby " Jastar - Qazaqstannyń bolashaǵy."Ókіnіshke oraı, rolık júldelі oryn alǵan joq, kúshtі jáne álsіz jaqtaryn kórіp,  q...
Author: School №10

On October 27, 2019 in the city of Karaganda, the X anniversary international championship "PRO dances KZ" was held.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-29 09:00:41
On October 27, 2019 in the city of Karaganda, the X anniversary international championship
   On October 27, 2019 in the city of Karaganda, the X anniversary international championship "PRO dances KZ" was held    The most powerful dance schools and studios from 7 cities of Kazakhstan, 365 talented participants aged 2 to 27 showed 56 dance numbers.    The competition was enormous, but our debut was successful!  Grand Prix and 1st place....
Author: School №10

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