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Бүгін, 26 қазанда "Жыл мұғалімі – 2020" байқауының қалалық кезеңі өтті, оған мектеп кезеңінің жеңімпазы Магуазова Жансая Бакытовна, Шығармашылық, бастамашыл педагог қатысты.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-10-26 12:53:24
Бүгін, 26 қазанда
Бүгін, 26 қазанда "Жыл мұғалімі – 2020" байқауының қалалық кезеңі өтті, оған мектеп кезеңінің жеңімпазы Магуазова Жансая Бакытовна, Шығармашылық, бастамашыл педагог қатысты. Сабақ синхронды форматта өтті. Жансая Бақытқызы мұғалімнің кәсіби қызметін түсінуге деген жеке көзқарасын көрсете алды. Сабақтың тақырыбы-Танымал адамдар, кейіпкерлер. Мұғалім балаларды Ұлы Отан соғысының бат...
Author: School №10

23 қазан, жұма күні № 4 жетекші мектептің "сабақты зерттеуде 4К құралдарын пайдалану"атты қалалық семинары өтті.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-10-26 12:23:50
23 қазан, жұма күні № 4 жетекші мектептің
23 қазан, жұма күні № 4 жетекші мектептің "сабақты зерттеуде 4К құралдарын пайдалану"атты қалалық семинары өтті. Семинарға қатысушылар ретінде біздің мектептің педагогтері қатысты: Аманжолова К. Б. - орыс тілі мен әдебиеті мұғалімі; Карипжанова С.К. - Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті мұғалімі; Орымбекова Ж. К. - ағылшын тілі мұғалімі; Науменко О. В. - музыка мұғалімі; Крюкова А. Д. - педагог-пс...
Author: School №10

Уважаемые родители!

Category: announcement
Date: 2020-10-24 10:41:21
Уважаемые родители!
     Уважаемые родители! Во исполнение пункта 2 подпункта 4 Постановления главного санитарного врача г. Балхаш #24 от 23 октября т.г., ГУ "Отдел образования города Балхаш" сообщает, что передвижение детей, обучающихся в дежурных классах, а также детей, посещающих организации дополнительного образования, кружки и спортивные секции допустимо без сопровождения взрослого&nbs...
Author: School №10

On October 21, 2020, at 15.00, an online meeting of students in grades 7-11 was held with the director of the Centralized Library named after S. Seifullin, deputy of the city maslikhat Vlasova Lydia Vladimirovna.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-10-22 08:35:39
On October 21, 2020, at 15.00, an online meeting of students in grades 7-11 was held with the director of the Centralized Library named after S. Seifullin, deputy of the city maslikhat Vlasova Lydia Vladimirovna.
On October 21, 2020, at 15.00, an online meeting of students in grades 7-11 was held with the director of the Centralized Library named after S. Seifullin, deputy of the city maslikhat Vlasova Lydia Vladimirovna. This meeting was held as part of the implementation of the activities of the Rukhani Zhagyru program, about which Kirichenko L.V., Deputy Director for EW, spoke about at the beginning o...
Author: School №10

According to the plan, a webinar "Latyn grafikasyna koshu-zaman talaba" was held on the basis of school №10 for the school teachers.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-10-21 12:59:01
According to the plan, a webinar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqLBeXg5BZI&feature=youtu.be According to the plan, a webinar "Latyn grafikasyna koshu-zaman talaba" was held on the basis of school №10 for the school teachers. The organizer and speaker was the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Shegirova G.A. The practical part of the webinar was conducted by the invited guest of the webinar, the meth...
Author: School №10

Promotion "Govid NET"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-10-21 08:58:31
In connection with the expected new wave of coronavirus infection and the strengthening of the quarantine regime in the Karaganda region, on October 20, 2020, students of KSU "OSH No. 10 of Balkhash" took part in the INFORM campaign - vaccinations in the Open street format "GOVID NET". 3 mobile groups consisting of deputy directors for VR Kirichenko L.V., Livitskaya M.A., r...
Author: School №10

On October 17, 2020, an environmental campaign “Dostyk akashy” was held at CGA “Secondary school No. 10, Balkhash” within the framework of the Republican environmental campaign “Save the forest” and the city campaign “Eco CITY”.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-10-17 12:06:28
On October 17, 2020, an environmental campaign “Dostyk akashy” was held at CGA “Secondary school No. 10, Balkhash” within the framework of the Republican environmental campaign “Save the forest” and the city campaign “Eco CITY”.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyX_xE_oTIA&feature=youtu.be On October 17, 2020, an environmental campaign “Dostyk akashy” was held at CGA “Secondary school No. 10, Balkhash” within the framework of the Republican environmental campaign “Save the forest” and the city campaign “Eco CITY”. The action was attended by: the school administratio...
Author: School №10

A meeting with the parent community was held at Secondary school №10" on 8.10.2020.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-10-14 11:24:12
A meeting with the parent community was held at Secondary school №10
A meeting with the parent community was held at Secondary school №10" on 8.10.2020. The topic of the meeting was "Open Budget". The meeting was attended by parents of grades 1-11. There were 34 people present. A brief report on the spending of budgetary funds is given. Slide material prepared. Parents asked questions: about the purchase of sports equipment, furniture, computer equ...
Author: School №10

Detachment YUID Cascade secondary school№ 10 is 15 years old!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-10-12 08:41:46
Detachment YUID Cascade secondary school№ 10  is 15 years old!
    YUID. This abbreviation is known by many Kazakhstanis, especially those whose childhood fell on the second half of the last century. This movement continues to be the largest creative association of Kazakhstani schoolchildren today. Detachment YUID "Cascade" "KSU OSH 10 Balkhash" is 15 years old! Over the years, the association of young road police assistants, p...
Author: School №10

Information about the school Family Hour

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-10-12 08:40:48
Information about the school Family Hour
            On October 9, 2020, at 17.00, a school Family Hour was held, at which the following issues were considered: 1. Results of the summer holidays "Zhas - 2020". Participation of schoolchildren in city events. 2. "On the verge of growing up." About career guidance and choice of profession. 3. Advice from a psychologist to parent...
Author: School №10

Posters were placed in the CGI Secondary school No. 10 of the Balkhash city

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-10-08 12:20:17
Posters were placed in the CGI Secondary school No. 10 of the Balkhash city
Posters on the work of the contact center "Emergency Service 111" on family issues, women and the protection of children's rights under the "Nur Otan" party have been posted at KSU "Secondary School No. 10 of Balkhash City".
Author: School №10

Secondary school №10, Balkhash" on holding events dedicated to Teacher's Day 2020

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-10-08 08:54:37
Secondary school №10, Balkhash
    How many meanings are hidden in the word "teacher". For younger children, this person becomes one of the most important people in the world, for older children - a guide to the adult world. Not everyone can become a teacher. Only those who are in love with their work, subject, and easily find a common language with children are able to convey the material qualitatively. T...
Author: School №10

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