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The motto of the day is “There is no better recipe in the world - Be inseparable from sports! You live a hundred years - That's the whole secret! "
21-02-2021 13:48
The motto of the day is “There is no better recipe in the world - Be inseparable from sports! You live a hundred years - That's the whole secret!
Aisulu came to the morning gymnastics at the closing of the week of physical culture and health literacy. And gymnastics took place with dance and game elements.
Why are vitamins needed?
17-02-2021 21:22
Why are vitamins needed?
In the group of preschool preparation on February 17, 2021, as part of the implementation of the group project "Entertaining physical education", a conversation was held with children on the topic "Why are vitamins needed"
Entertaining physical education
15-02-2021 22:20
Entertaining physical education
In the preschool group on February 15, 2021, as part of the implementation of the group project Entertaining physical education, a presentation of the Super Winter Sports laptop was held
The motto of the first day is "To know both adults and children that health is the main thing in the world!"
15-02-2021 22:10
The motto of the first day is
In the morning Er-Tostik came to visit the nursery-kindergarten "Balagai" together with the children, did morning exercises and played a little to wake up in the morning.
In the kindergarten "Balakai" of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region was a solemn opening of the regional week of "Interesting Mathematics" Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda region. The
04-02-2021 21:00
In the kindergarten
In the kindergarten "Balakai" of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region was a solemn opening of the regional week of "Interesting Mathematics" Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda region. The goal of the week is to create conditions for improving the quality of mathematical education of children.
M. Alimbayev, Y. Altynsarin completed the week and Alpamys said goodbye to the children, passing the hashtag of the next week on papyrus. The week was very interesting and exciting.
22-01-2021 23:09
M. Alimbayev, Y. Altynsarin completed the week and Alpamys said goodbye to the children, passing the hashtag of the next week on papyrus. The week was very interesting and exciting.
M. Alimbayev, Y. Altynsarin completed the week and Alpamys said goodbye to the children, passing the hashtag of the next week on papyrus. The week was very interesting and exciting.
On January 18, the opening of the Reading Literacy Week "Let's be friends with the Book" took place in the nursery garden of the KGKP "Balakai". The kindergarten corridor was decorated in accordance with the holiday.
22-01-2021 22:01
On January 18, the opening of the Reading Literacy Week
The purpose of the week: the implementation of work in groups for the development of reading literacy through the implementation of the projects "grandmother's story", "young reader", introducing students to the book culture.
Entertainment for Independence Day
15-12-2020 14:38
Entertainment for Independence Day
On 14 and 15 December 2020 at the kindergarten "Balakai" held activities and entertainment in groups for Independence Day. Children were told about how our country gained Independence. Child...
"Hour with the head"
15-12-2020 13:56
On December 11, 2020, Zagira Kalkamanovna Mukhametzhanova, head of the Balakay kindergarten, held an "Hour with the head" for parents on the Zoom platform. This meeting was held in the forma...
Forum for young professionals
10-12-2020 16:07
Forum for young professionals
On December 9, 2020, young teachers of the «Balakay» kindergarten took part in the forum of young specialists in the format of an on-line conference on the Zoom platform. In the first half...
"Бірге оқимыз" облыстық жоба
13-10-2020 16:17
Қашықтықтан оқыту форматында «Таным» саласы бойынша «Математика негіздері» ұйымдастырылған оқу қызметін әдіс-тәсілдер арқылы жүзеге асыру
Выступление на конференции в рамках проекта "Бірге оқимыз".
06-10-2020 16:15
Выступление на конференции в рамках проекта
Обновление содержания дошкольного образования и возможности дистанционного обучения детей основам грамоты.