Ата – аналарға тұмау жөнінде кеңес
Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2016-04-27 10:56:24
Өткiр респиратор - вирустық инфекциялары (ОРВИ) атынан тұмауды, парагрипп, аденовирустық, риновирустық, жұқпалы инфекцияларды біріктіреді. Олар организмның қарсы тұруын төмендетедi, өкпе қабынуларымен асқынады, қабынудың созылмалы ошақтарын iске қосады. Ауру адамның тыныс жолдарда тұрған бүкіл вирустар жөтелу, түшкiру, әңгiме барысында қоршаған ортаға таралады, содан сау адамның тыныс жолдарына...
Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2016-04-27 10:53:43
Желшешек (ветряная оспа, ветрянка) – аздап уыттануымен, дене қызуының көтерілуімен, денеге және сілемейлі қабыққа ішінде сұйықтығы бар кішкентай көпіршікті сулы бөртпелер шығуымен сипатталатын жұқпалы вирустық ауру. Қоздырғышы ұшықтар тобындағы вирустар болып табылады. Вирус тез таралады, бірақ сыртқы ортаға аса төзімді емес. Желшешекпен балабақшаға баратын және бастауыш сыныптар...
04.14.2016, on the day of school social pedagogue Rakhimov RT she held a round table
Category: Social teacher
Date: 2016-04-26 04:38:54
04.14.2016 , on the day of school social pedagogue Rakhimov RT held a round table on the topic "Mamandyktyn barі zhaksy, dyrys tanday bіl" with members of the council fathers.
14/04/2016 Day of School
Category: Performances Director
Date: 2016-04-25 04:37:12
The overall goal of education reform in the education system is to adapt to the new economic environment . The country on the part of the President of Kazakhstan raised the question of joining the 30 most competitive countries . This mission plays an important role in improving the education system . And solutions for the years 2016-2019 State Program for the development of education an...
April 23 groups "Jas Ulan" members and "Murager" school-gymnasium №7 after S.Seifullin held an action "Clean City".
Category: Head counselor
Date: 2016-04-25 04:24:20
April 23 groups "Jas Ulan" members and "Murager" school-gymnasium №7 after S.Seifullin held an action "Clean City". Objective: To educate students and the preservation of the purity of the city streets. During the campaign, members of the "Zhas Ulan" and "Murager" cleaning made the divided areas. The shares of our school attended by 15...
20.04.2016 was held a meeting of students in grades 9-11 with a psychologist grammar school Amirbekova KJ on the theme "Promoting anti Interactive dependence".
Category: Secure Internet
Date: 2016-04-25 03:20:50
20.04.2016 was held a meeting of students in grades 9-11 with a psychologist grammar school Amirbekova KJ on the theme "Promoting anti Interactive dependence". The purpose of: to provide information about the safe use of information by students
ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН Об информатизации 24 ноября 2015 года № 418-V ЗРК
Category: Computerization
Date: 2016-04-21 17:16:50
Республики Казахстан
Об информатизации
24 ноября 2015 года
№ 418-V ЗРК
Статья 1. Основные понятия, используемые в настоящем Законе
Статья 2. Законодательство Республики Казахстан об информатизации
Статья 3. Цели и принципы государственного регулирования общественных от...
A seminar on the theme "Ulgіlі ake-ibaly ul"
Date: 2016-04-20 09:20:31
In order to strengthen communication with the school community Council "Ulaғat" fathers, focusing on the role of his father in the upbringing of children develop a sense of liability father in a child's life, social pedagogue shkool №9 S. Abdieva held a seminar on the theme "Ulgіlі ake-ibaly ul"
11 regional competition "Маленькая страна".
Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2016-04-19 09:42:35
Оn April 16 in the city of Karaganda was held regional competition 11 "small country". 7 children attended our school. And won the second place. Congratulations!
11 regional competition " Little Country" .
Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2016-04-19 09:35:36
Оn April 16 in the city of Karaganda was held regional competition 11 "small country". 7 children attended our school. And won the second place. Congratulations!
Сity competition of expressive reading "We appreciate the true friendship" under the "Reading in joy" project
Category: We read together!
Date: 2016-04-16 04:50:09
April 15 at secondary school №5 held city competition of expressive reading "We appreciate the true friendship" under the "Reading in joy" regional social project.
The purpose of the contest the formation of interest in the highly artistic prose and poetry, propaganda art of expressive reading, education friendship.
In the competition participated pu...