Information about conducting of actions, devoted to the Day of Constitution and The Day of knowledge in Balkhash town

Date: 2012-09-03 05:43:25
Information about conducting of actions, devoted to the Day of    Constitution and The Day of knowledge in Balkhash town
  The following actions were planned and conducted in order to upbring Kazakhstan patriotism, active vital position, reverential relation to the symbols of our country in all organizations of education  on 30.08.2011 and 01.09. 2011 30.08.2012 at 10.00 solemn parade and meeting, devoted to the Day of Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in which 2000 people took part –...
Author: Department

The competition of drawings on the asphalt “Flourish, my Kazakhstan!”, devoted to the Day of the RK Constitution

Category: Elementary education
Date: 2012-09-01 06:30:13
The competition of drawings on the asphalt “Flourish, my Kazakhstan!”,  devoted to the Day of the RK Constitution
  The competition of drawings on the asphalt “Flourish, my Kazakhstan!”, devoted to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan Constitution was conducted on summer square of the Palace of Culture after M.Khamzin, 30.08.2012. Teams of pupils of primary classes of the town schools and children with limited possibilities were invited to the competition. 45 minutes were given to make w...
Author: Department

City Balhash 75 years

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-09-01 05:11:13
City Balhash 75 years
  To 75 летиюcity Balhash in kindergartens "Baldyrgan" for the reason used knowledge about Native Land was conducted recreational action with childrens to subjects "My city". Entertain детейand conduct with them atheletic competitions in guests came fairy-tale personages: hare, clown and cock.Such plays использывалисьDuring competition as "Free lodge", "...
Author: Department

Kindergarten « Rycheyok» in Balkhash

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-09-01 04:14:51
Kindergarten « Rycheyok» in Balkhash
  29.08.2012 in the kindergarten “Rycheyok” was state’s celebrates. Teachers of our kindergarten, could told, that Constitut’s principles stood guarantor in the education of children.    The Constitut’sprinciples are friendship, unity & consent.
Author: Department

Our favourite town

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-09-01 04:06:20
Our favourite town
  The 75 th anniversary of town Balkhash was celebrated in the kindergarden “ Kunshuak”. The children found out  many  interesting facts of  town Balkhash. They spoke about the places of interests and famous people. They recited poems and sang an English song, danced Russian and Kazakh dances. Children played different jolly games . The holiday was  ended...
Author: Department

"Sage of laws"

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-09-01 03:56:43
  From small years elementary knowledge of laws of Republic of Kazakhstan and respect are mortgaged  to the country through implementation of certain actions, public rules. Children begin to master the elements of laws of the Motherland through educational, playing activity and entertainments. In preschool establishment of "Ер Төстік" for children entertainment was conducte...
Author: Department

Information about realization of Complex of measures on preparing of educational organizations to the beginning of 2012-2013 school year.

Category: Speech of leader
Date: 2012-08-24 04:38:14
  Questions of preparing of educational objects to the new school year are placed on constant control of the town Akimat and the department of education. The plan of measures was made in the department of education in the framework of preparation in spring-summer period by the educational institutions for the heating season 2012-2013 school year, for timely receiving the readness act th...
Author: Department

Information about August forum survey of educational workers in Karaganda region

Date: 2012-08-24 04:22:45
  The first leaders of schools and educational workers of Balkhash town in on-line regime were shown the regional pedagogical forum of Karaganda region “The Modernization of educational system is the main vector of qualitative growth of human capital” with the participation of regional Akim, guests from far abroad and the representative Ministry of education Sher R.P. on 21.08...
Author: Department

Internet – conference of officials of education in Balkhash town “Modernization of educational system – is the main vector of qualitative growth of human capital”

Date: 2012-08-24 03:34:22
Internet – conference of officials of education in Balkhash town “Modernization of educational system – is the main vector of qualitative growth of human capital”
  16/08/2012 in lyceum №2 after Abai the town August Internet-conference took place for workers of education. In the conference took part: ·        Akim of the town Aubakirov N.E. ·     Director of the Institute of qualification increasing of pedagogical workers in Karaganda region Kontaev S.S.; ·   &nb...
Author: Department

Information “About improvement of territories of education objects”

Category: Speech of leader
Date: 2012-08-20 11:25:46
  For meeting on 17.07.2012 In 2011 12430.1 thousand KZT were assigned from the local budget for improvement of school territories according to the plan of actions for 2011-2015 on the realization of Complex plan of the department of education, physical training and sport in Balkash.         In 6 establishments of education schools №1,4,3,15,24, boarding-schoo...
Author: Department

The August conference of pedagogical workers in CO ‘Akbota’

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-08-17 04:17:55
  The August 15  2012 on the basis august conference took place BEFORE "Akbota", subject which "Modernization of the system of the formation - a main vector of the qualitative growing of the human capital". The August conference has opened the main specialist of the division of the formation, physical culture and sport of the city Balhash Bekturganova A.O.  I...
Author: Department

Holiday “Happy birthday, Astana” was conducted in the kindergarten “Bobek”, 05.07.2012

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-07-17 11:58:17
Holiday “Happy birthday, Astana” was conducted in the kindergarten “Bobek”, 05.07.2012
  Children devoted the songs and the verses about Astana, the choreographic composition “Salute Astana!”, the dance “Birds of happiness” for beautiful capital of our Motherland. Fairy-tale heroes came to congratulate the children and gave them their merry dance. Appearing of young sportsmen of the kindergarten was a culmination of the holiday. The demonstrated skil...
Author: Department

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