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Аралық тестілеудің нәтижесі 11А сынып 13.04.13ж.

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-04-19 07:26:50
    Негізгі пәндер     Тандау бойынша пәндер   № түлектің аты-жөні Математика Қазақ тілі Орыс тілі Қазақстан тарихы Ағылш. тілі Физика География Барлығы 1 Абенова Акерке&n...

Аралық тестілеудің нәтижесі 11Б сынып 13.04.13ж.

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-04-19 07:24:34
    Основные предметы Предметы по выбору       № ФИ ученика Математика Каз. язык Русский язык Истор. Каз-на Англ. язык Физика Всем. ист. Биолог. Геогр. Всего по...

Results IIIuchebnoy quarter 2012-13 uch. gymnasium, in Balkhash

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2013-04-19 06:59:56
Results IIIuchebnoy quarter 2012-13 uch. gymnasium, in Balkhash

Recitation competition in high school

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2013-04-19 06:57:40
Recitation competition in high school   April 13 on the basis of high school recitation competition held city primary link "Nowruz - zhyl bass ", where students attended classes 3-4 all schools in the city .   Guests were greeted students in the gymnasium of the Kazakh national costumes.   Schoolboys have demonstrated mastery of reading poetry and prose. &n...

My Trip to Tomahawk

Category: Chair of English Language
Date: 2013-04-19 06:52:21
My Trip to Tomahawk
February, 21, 2013 I left Kazakhstan for the USA to visit the district school of Tomahawk. I was invited to take part in Visiting Teacher Program (VTP) by the school board and Thom Brotski, and superintendent Dr. Roger Rindo. My trip took me three days to get there- Karaganda-Almaty-Moscow-New-York-Detroit-Wausau. Besides you also have to take into account a 12-hour difference that we have bet...

Subject mini project: the use of ratings in the training criterion (dictation) of the Kazakh language

Category: SPC teachers
Date: 2013-04-11 02:56:13
Subject mini project: the use of ratings in the training criterion (dictation) of the Kazakh language

Study of sorption features available as part of the cortex of the polymer metal.

Category: SPC teachers
Date: 2013-04-11 02:55:35
Study of sorption features available as part of the cortex of the polymer metal.

Role and feature in the lives of students in teaching the subject "Fundamentals of the Religious"

Category: SPC teachers
Date: 2013-04-11 02:55:11
Role and feature in the lives of students in teaching the subject "Fundamentals of the Religious"

Psychological characteristics in self-knowledge

Category: SPC teachers
Date: 2013-04-11 02:53:59
Psychological characteristics in self-knowledge 1. Wednesday motivational personality: character motives and activities, social needs.  2. Activity Wednesday: initiative, self-confidence, self-actualization.  3. Wednesday value - the meaningfulness of the person: values, meaning and purpose of life.  4. Among the ethnic identity of the person - ethnocultural line formed on...

Application of new technologies in teaching English Learning foreign languages​​, especially English - need epoch. NA Nazarbayev.

Category: SPC teachers
Date: 2013-04-11 02:52:58
Application of new technologies in teaching English  Learning foreign languages​​, especially English - need epoch.  NA Nazarbayev.

Program intraschool scientific-practical conference of teachers is not the theme: "The role of the subject of my future students"

Category: SPC teachers
Date: 2013-04-11 02:48:33
Program intraschool scientific-practical conference of teachers is not the theme: " The role of the subject of my future students" Venue . Number 1 office . Nachalo.13.00 . Opening of the conference . The Deputy Director G.K.Zhamankuzovoy 1. Yerzhanova Sh.A. chemistry teacher . Topic : "Investigation of sorption features available as part of the cortex of the polymer m...

Modern technologies used in the classroom by teachers school.

Category: Articles piggy
Date: 2013-04-10 03:40:12
Modern technologies used in the classroom by teachers school.       number   Name teacher   Position, subject   Educational technology   1   Aynekova Saltanat Amanbaevna   Primary school teacher   Elements of critical thinking , modular technology , and health- technology igorovoy   Health saving techn...

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