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Day guardians

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2015-10-29 10:05:37
Day guardians
October 28 in school №8 held evening dedicated to the guardians' "Affectionate hand!". Away were the guardians of our students. Headmaster Tokeybekova AT He congratulated the guardians and gave them gifts. Councilman fathers Razahov Daulet in turn congratulated the guardians. School Psychologist Abdualieva Z. conducted a training in order to identify public relations is the guardia...
Author: School №8

Information on the decade of the "International Day of Non alcohol"

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2015-10-29 02:19:54
Information on the decade of the
In order to implement the state program "Salamatty Kazakhstan" was held in the school ten-decade devoted to "International Day of non-use of alcohol." On the ground floor of the school was decorated on the theme of ten-day stand. Social teacher school Manaeva A. interviewed among 8-9 classes on the theme "The harm of alcoholism," the students asked their questions o...
Author: School №8

В гости к нам пришли лягушата!

Category: our achievements
Date: 2015-10-28 11:31:51
В гости к нам пришли лягушата!
Листва шелестит позолотой, Ласкает и сердце и взор. Красивой и тонкой работой Расписан кленовый узор. Я листья возьму на прощанье, Поставлю в хрустальный бокал. От осени светлой посланье Зимой согревать будет зал.    

Schedule clubs and electives cadet classes

Date: 2015-10-28 06:41:45
Week 6Ә 7Ә 8Ә 9Ә Monday 13.00-preparation for lessons. Erimbetov Т. 14.00-drill training. Erimbetov Т 15.00-sports training. Otarbayev A. 13.00- preparation for lessons. Кonurov B. 14.00- drill...
Author: School №8

Information about school №9 on the Council Fathers' Ulagat "

Date: 2015-10-27 09:36:36
Information about school №9 on the Council Fathers' Ulagat
With a view to closer cooperation between the school and parents of students class teacher K.S.Erubaeva November 25 he held a round table "The Father - gold cradle!". Pope were divided into groups and were able to answer their questions. Results of the survey were summarized and issued in the form of a tree "Hope"
Author: School №9

«Мәңгілік Ел» – Тәуелсіздігіміздің рухани тірегі

Category: Speeches of the director
Date: 2015-10-27 05:13:05
   Қазіргі таңда тәуелсіз мемлекетімізде жастарға білім мен тәрбие беру, оларды барынша әлеуметтік тұрғыда қолдау, ел келешегіне өз үлесін қосатын азамат болып қалыптасуына барлық жағдай қарастырылған. Мемлекет басшысының  мынадай ұлағатты сөздерін айтуға болады: «Бәсекеге қабілетті дамыған мемлекет болу үшін біз сауаттылығы жоғары елге айналуымыз керек. Қазіргі әл...
Author: School №8

17 қазан күні өткізген Рухани келісім күні

Category: Educational work
Date: 2015-10-27 04:44:15
    2015-2016 оқу жылының 17 қазаны күні –Рухани келісім орай мектептің тәрбие ісінің меңгерушілері М.М.Жолдасбекова мен Р.М.Болсамбекова 1-11 сыныптың білім алушыларына бүгінгі өткізілетін іс-шара жоспарымен таныстырып,ұйымдастыру кезеңін өткізді.    Қай ғасырда болсын халқымыз жас ұрпақты рухани келісім арқылы тәрбиелей отырып,кейінге талай ұлағаттысөздерін,іс-...
Author: School №25

The results of the urban pilot testing of 10/26/2015

Category: Unified national testing
Date: 2015-10-27 03:11:36
Author: School №8


Category: our achievements
Date: 2015-10-26 10:49:52
Поздравляем наших мальчишек с победой!

1 to identify the general orientation of knowledge about the environment

Date: 2015-10-24 02:39:57
1 to identify the general orientation of knowledge about the environment
Survey was conducted among students in grades 1 to identify the general orientation of knowledge about the environment. 12 students at a high level, 60 students on average , 26 students at a low level answered questions.

Test was conducted "Draw a picture " in order to determine the level of perception

Date: 2015-10-24 02:37:26
Test was conducted
In October among the students of the first grade test was conducted "Draw a picture " in order to determine the level of perception.           At a high level said 94 students , with an average of 5 students , students with low suppressed from the destination .

участие в конкурсе

Category: our achievements
Date: 2015-10-22 05:15:50
участие в конкурсе
Поздравляем наших мальчишек с призовыми местами в интеллектуальном конкурсе.

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