Egypt confirmed its participation in EXPO-2017 world exhibition

Date: 2015-11-26 04:47:00
Egypt confirmed its participation in EXPO-2017 world exhibition
13.11.2015 Egypt confirmed its participation in EXPO-2017 World Specialized Exhibition in Astana. Minister of Industry and Trade of Egypt Tarek Kabil reported about that during the meeting with Ambassador of Kazakhstan Berik Aryn in Egypt. The parties considered issues on forming new structure of Kazakh-Egyptian Business Council, participating of Egyptian side in “EXPO-2017” Wo...

Tehran signed an agreement on Iran's participation in EXPO 2017

Date: 2015-11-26 04:41:33
Tehran signed an agreement on Iran's participation in EXPO 2017
11.11.2015 9-10 November 2015 a visit of the Kazakhstani delegation headed by First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Commissioner of the International specialized exhibition “EXPO-2017” Rapil Zhoshybayev to the Islamic Republic of Iran took place. The Kazakhstani diplomat held meetings with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Vice President of Iran on tourism development, the...

Bulgaria and Turkey are interested in taking part in International Exhibition EXPO-2017

Date: 2015-11-26 04:37:27
Bulgaria and Turkey are interested in taking part in International Exhibition EXPO-2017
10.11.2015 Chairman of the Board of NC “Astana EXPO-2017” Akhmetzhan Yessimov met with the delegation of the Republic of Bulgaria, headed by the Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria Tsetska Tsacheva and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Kazakhstan Vasil Petkov. Chairman of the Board presented EXPO-...

France has chosen one of the largest pavilions at the International specialized exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana

Date: 2015-11-26 04:27:49
France has chosen one of the largest pavilions at the International specialized exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana
06.11.2015 France has signed an agreement of participation in the International specialized exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana. The agreement was signed at the Elysee Palace during the expanded meeting of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and President of the French Republic François Hollande. Chairman of JSC “NC “Astana EXPO-2017” Akhmet...

"AIDS disease of the century"

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2015-11-25 10:37:35
The SNR №8 November 23, 2015 on the line organization of government propaganda held a preventive conversation on the topic of "AIDS disease of the century." Objective: to raise a healthy lifestyle, to bring to the attention of students about AIDS, to advise on how to avoid infection by the disease, not "turn away" and get right people infected with the disease. The members o...
Author: School №8

Interview "The girl is beautiful behavior"

Category: leader
Date: 2015-11-25 06:36:13
November 18th 2015 in the school under the leadership of the government held a round table on the subject of girls' Kyz қylyғymen sүykіmdі. "The purpose of the event: to raise the girls self-esteem, develop self dosoinstva, virtue, and many of the qualities that are inherent in the female sex. The girls were asked different questions, discussed all sorts of problems, all opinions were v...
Author: School №8

The work plan №8 agitation World "Expo-2017"

Date: 2015-11-24 11:01:26
The work plan №8 agitation World
№ The content of the work Dates Responsible Result 1 Appointment of a responsible person in advocacy World "Expo-2017" November 1 Week Deputy director on ЕW order 2  "EX...
Author: School №8

olemn event dedicated to the wire recruits to the ranks of military service

Date: 2015-11-24 11:00:14
olemn event dedicated to the wire recruits to the ranks of military service
November 19th, 2015 with the participation of akim of the city held an event dedicated to the wire recruits into the ranks of the military service. The event was attended by students of grade 10 schools in the city, heads of NVP, as well as head of the organization "Combat Brotherhood" Bauyrzhan Mukhamediev. Parting words said head of the city Department of Defense, Major B.A.Alishev....
Author: School №8

Official site of EXPO - 2017

Category: Official sites of Kazakhstan
Date: 2015-11-22 08:51:27
Official site of EXPO - 2017

About the World Exhibition "EXPO-2017"

Date: 2015-11-22 08:11:51
About the World Exhibition
      Expo-2017 in Astana - planned specialized international exhibition recognized by the Bureau of International Exhibitions (BIE), which will be held in the Kazakh city of Astana, in 2017. The theme of the exhibition "Energy of the Future." Expo 2017 expects the participation of more than 100 countries and international organizations, and 2.3 million visitors. Jun...

Action Plan to promote the work of the world exhibition «EXPO - 2017" to "Comprehensive sanatorium boarding school № 2. M.P. Rusakov "

Date: 2015-11-22 07:48:59
Action Plan to promote the work of the world exhibition «EXPO - 2017
№ Title of event Form of event Dates Responsible persons completion form 1 Appointment of persons responsible for carrying out activities to promote the work of the international exhibition «EXPO - 2017" Making an order...

Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы жалпы білім беретін №25 орта мектебінің «Экспо-2017» атты іс-шараның жоспары.

Date: 2015-11-21 09:17:04
Мақсаты: мектеп  оқушыларына    «ЭКСПО-2017 » атты халықаралық  көрме туралы жалпы түсінік беру.   № Іс-шаралар Сынып Мерзімі Жауапты 1 « ЭКСПО- 2017» халықаралық көрмесінің дайындығы туралы  іс-шара жос...
Author: School №25

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