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Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2018-01-24 13:43:12
Author: School №24


Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2018-01-24 13:42:24
Author: School №24

Қамқоршылар кеңесінің отырысы Хаттамасы №2

Date: 2018-01-24 13:25:47
Күні:23.12.17 Қатысқандар:  1. 29 сыныптың  ата-аналар комитеті                             2. «Мейрім» аналар мектебі Жакупова Ж., Бейсекиева С.                ...
Author: School №9

«Біздің болашағымызда ядролық қаруға жол жоқ» атты өткен экологиялық іс – шараның ақпараты.

Date: 2018-01-23 12:04:27
«Біздің болашағымызда ядролық қаруға жол жоқ» атты өткен экологиялық іс – шараның ақпараты.
    Қаңтар айының 22- ші жұлдызында  Невада-Семей қозғалысына 30 жыл толуына орай мектебімізде   «Біздің болашағымызда ядролық қаруға жол жоқ» атты экологиялық іс –шара өтті.  Іс – шараның мақсаты: Болашақ жас ұрпаққа  қоршаған ортаның ластануы тіршілік иелеріне өте зиян келтіретіні туралы айтып, ядролық қарулардың адамзат баласын...
Author: School №9

Information about holding a class watch

Date: 2018-01-23 11:35:01
Information about holding a class watch
On January 22, 1818, the planned class hours on the topic "The President's Message - the Path to Spiritual Renewal" were held at the school. The problems of the 7th question were discussed on a classy clock: the quality of human capital. Attention is paid to the teaching of mathematics, natural science subjects in three languages, the use of digital technologies.
Author: School №9

The next meeting of the weekend club was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Yermek Utetleuov ...

Category: library
Date: 2018-01-22 19:48:57
The next meeting of the weekend club was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Yermek Utetleuov ...
     On January 21, the regular meeting of the weekend club was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Yermek Utetleuov. Yermek Utetleuov was born in 1938 in Tselinograd. He studied at the philological faculty of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute. Abay. He worked as a literary employee of the Kurgaldzhinsky district newspaper Light of the Lighthouse, in the journal Baldyrgan, in...

Information on the patriotic lesson held to explain the Message "New Opportunities for Development in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-01-22 16:03:08
Information on the patriotic lesson held to explain the Message
     One of the pressing problems facing our state is the development and formation of the country's global competitiveness. To do this, it is necessary to create a unity of the country, the development of production in society, new technologies, modern education of the population. In his Address, the President paid particular attention to these 10 key issues. Schoolchildr...

Meeting on explaining the President's Address "New Opportunities in the Conditions of Developing the Fourth Industrial Revolution"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-01-22 15:39:56
Meeting on explaining the President's Address
    In order to explain and discuss the priorities of the President's Message "New Opportunities in the Conditions of Developing the Fourth Industrial Revolution", a meeting was held with the school staff at the school. The meeting was chaired by the director Rahimberlinф Z.N. 71 teachers participated in the meeting. A number of issues were outlined on the agenda, amo...

«Winners of the scientific project»

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-01-22 15:34:57
«Winners of the scientific project»
          Purpose:To define and develop talents of each student according to their age, abilities, and to combine with creativity and research activity.     On January 15-16, Karaganda hosted a contest of educational and research works within the 48th scientific-practical conference. Grade 5 students Sultan Murat and Adambek Zhumatai, Grade 7 students Sagy...
Author: School №5

In 2018 of January, 19 from 23.00 hours to 00.00 hours yesterday jointly with the inspectors of school a nightly raid was conducted.

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2018-01-22 15:17:43
In 2018 of January, 19 from 23.00 hours to 00.00 hours yesterday jointly with the inspectors of school a nightly raid was conducted.
Report on a nightly raid passing   2017-2018 school year  in KGU «General middle school №5 cities Balkhash»      In 2018 of January, 19 from 23.00 hours to 00.00 hours yesterday together with the inspectors of school a night raid was conducted. On a night raid a cafe, shops, playing clubs, were visited and such streets as 1,2,3,17,21 microregions, stre...
Author: School №5

Collection was conducted in a pedagogical collective with the purpose of elucidation of Message of President of Republic Kazakhstan Nursultana Abishevicha Nazarbaeva about «New possibilities of development of industry in the conditions of Fourth revolutio

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-01-22 15:07:48
Collection was conducted in a pedagogical collective with the purpose of elucidation of Message of President of Republic Kazakhstan Nursultana Abishevicha Nazarbaeva about «New possibilities of development of industry in the conditions of Fourth revolutio
     At middle school №5 on collection was January, 5 12, 2018  conducted in a pedagogical collective with the purpose of elucidation of Message of President of Republic Kazakhstan Nursultana Abishevicha Nazarbaeva about «New possibilities of development of industry in the conditions of Fourth revolution».
Author: School №5

N.А.Nazarbayev "new possibilities of development in the context of the Fourth industrial revolution" to explain the President's address 10 -11class.

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-01-22 14:47:36
     "Secondary school №5", KSU N.А.Nazarbayev "new possibilities of development in the context of the Fourth industrial revolution" to explain the President's address 10 -11class. 
Author: School №5

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