2016 - 2017 оқу жылындағы мектеп бітіруші түлектердің еңбекке орналасу деңгей

Category: Alumni Board
Date: 2018-03-03 17:26:00
2016 - 2017 оқу жылындағы мектеп бітіруші түлектердің еңбекке орналасу деңгей

2015 - 2016 оқу жылындағы мектеп бітіруші түлектердің еңбекке орналасу деңгей

Category: Alumni Board
Date: 2018-03-03 17:25:07
2015 - 2016 оқу жылындағы мектеп бітіруші түлектердің еңбекке орналасу деңгей

2014 - 2015 оқу жылындағы мектеп бітіруші түлектердің еңбекке орналасу деңгей

Category: Alumni Board
Date: 2018-03-03 17:22:49
2014 - 2015 оқу жылындағы мектеп бітіруші түлектердің еңбекке орналасу деңгей

Activities of KGU Ossh No. 5 in Balkhash town,devoted to the Day of gratitude from 01.03.2018 g

Category: Events dedicated to the celebration of March 1 - gratitude Day
Date: 2018-03-03 16:06:25
Activities of KGU Ossh No. 5 in Balkhash town,devoted to the Day of gratitude from 01.03.2018 g
    The day of gratitude was a bright holiday of mercy, friendship and love of all Kazakhstanis to each other.This day of school No. 5 was held the event was organized in the school library book exhibition on the theme: "Bizdin CMS Ben glenum-Kazakhstan halқynyң brighde", 1 to 11 classes held an open class hours on "letter of thanks AITA black!", "Tatulyk-Birli...
Author: School №5

«Ертегілер елінде»

Category: Mini-center "Еркетай"
Date: 2018-03-03 15:24:04
«Ертегілер елінде»
        At general high school №5, in a mini-center "Еркетай" a nursery governess Орынбай Г.Б conducted in 2 junior groups  the open organized educational activity on the topic of "Ертегілер елінде". Children theatricalized the fairy-tale of "Бауырсақ" . The personages of fairy-tale assigned to the children. Executing these tasks, children s...
Author: School №5

In 0 "A" class the nursery governess of І category Аibosynova Z.A. conducted an open lesson on a deed.

Category: Events dedicated to the celebration of March 1 - gratitude Day
Date: 2018-03-03 15:18:39
In 0
        During the organized educational activity children not only  became acquainted with the letter of Өө,but also worked in a group.By means of edge letters collected words. And used a венн diagram comparison of letters About and Ө. At the end of educational activity set a feed-back. Using "Ақылды үкі" children drew conclusion above gain knowledge.
Author: School №5

"Home animals"

Category: Events dedicated to the celebration of March 1 - gratitude Day
Date: 2018-03-03 15:01:57
    28.02.2018 in a preparatory group "ОБ" on fiction an open lesson was conducted. On a theme: the "Home animals". On a lesson  children guessed, riddles, told a poem, played different games. It was interesting to the students, therefore there was high activity.   Conducted: Кайпбергенова С.А. teacher of preschool educational group
Author: School №5

RATEGY “Kazakhstan-2050” New political course of the established state

Category: STRATEGY “Kazakhstan-2050”
Date: 2018-03-03 11:48:47
  ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, LEADER OF THE NATION, N.A.NAZARBAYEV   STRATEGY “Kazakhstan-2050”   New political course of the established state   Kazakhstan twenty-first century - a country created from "scratch" in just two decades, talented, hardworking, tolerant people! This is our common creation, which we ar...
Author: School №6

Information on the events held by March 1 - World Civil Defense Day

Date: 2018-03-03 11:12:59
Information on the events held by March 1 - World Civil Defense Day
The students traveled to the emergency department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The contest, conducted to check the preparation of students for emergencies, will certainly increase their cognitive abilities and give rise to patriotic feelings.
Author: School №9

Methodological recommendations for the improvement of local lore in general educational organizations within the framework of the program "Ruhani zharyrou"

Category: Мodernization of Kazakhstan’s identity
Date: 2018-03-02 22:48:22
Methodological recommendations for the improvement of local lore in general educational organizations within the framework of the program
INTRODUCTION   In the Address of 2017 President N.A. Nazarbayev announced the beginning of the Third Modernization in Kazakhstan, the goal was to enter the top thirty of the developed countries of the world. In the conditions of large-scale political and economic modernization, the Head of State shared his vision that the heart of large-scale reforms will be the advanced modernization o...
Author: Lyceum №2

We are for peace!

Category: Congratulations!
Date: 2018-03-02 22:20:29
We are for peace!
On February 28, 2018 the ecological team of Lyceum " Tabigat "took part in the city competition" Beybitshilik pen tatulyk shanyragy astynda", which was held at the Palace of schoolchildren. Team leader biology teacher Sadykhanova G. B. Students 8Ә class has let out the wall newspaper on the topic: "Agrola area Jol go". Student 8Ә class Sembekova J. took first place,...
Author: Lyceum №2

«1 наурыз – Алғыс айту күні»тақырыбында тәрбие сағаты туралы ақпарат

Date: 2018-03-02 16:43:25
«1 наурыз – Алғыс айту күні»тақырыбында тәрбие сағаты туралы ақпарат
01.03.2018 жылы №9 мектепмектепалды даярлық топтарында «1 наурыз – Алғыс айту күні»тақырыбында тәрбие сағаты өтті. Тәрбие сағаты барысында балалар шаттық шеңберіне тұрып, бір – біріне алғыстарын айтып, жылы сезімдерін білдірді. Сонымен қатар өз ата-аналарына, мұғалімдеріне деген ықыластарын, жылы сезімдерін айтып тақтадағы күн шуағына жабыстыру арқылы білдірді
Author: School №9

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