Concert program "My independent country!" on the creativity of students ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-12-15 11:11:20
Concert program
On December 14, in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a small concert program “My independent country!” Was held on student creativity. Objective: To tell about the example of citizens whose patriotic feeling for the Motherland is an example for future generations. Fostering a sense of patriotism and compassion in students. Give the audience a festive mood....

Итоги городского этапа республиканской олимпиады среди учащихся 8-11 классов 2018-2019 учебный год

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-12-15 11:06:55
КГУ «ОСШ № 4 им. Н. К. Крупской г. Балхаш» Итоги городского этапа республиканской олимпиады среди учащихся 8-11 классов 2018-2019 учебный год   Согласно приказу ГорОО № 561 от 21 ноября 2018 года г. Балхаш 6-7  декабря на базе лицея № 2 и ОСШ № 8 была проведена  53 городская олимпиада по общеобразовательным предметам среди учащихся 8-11 классов. Цель: дал...
Author: School №4

Dear teachers, parents, students!

Category: Words of congratulation
Date: 2018-12-15 10:49:33
Dear teachers, parents, students!   I sincerely congratulate you on one of the main holidays of our country - the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan! Today we fulfill our historic mission - we are building an independent, prosperous, politically stable Kazakhstan. For more than two decades, we have created a strong state, a new economy and a new unified society. In the t...
Author: School №4

Қалалық рейдтік іс-шара

Category: Educational process
Date: 2018-12-15 10:48:49
Қалалық рейдтік іс-шара
 Комиссия мүшелері: С.Абдрахимова /БҚ ПБ ЮПТ инспекторы Қ.Ж. Жандыгулов /БҚ ПБ ЮПТ инспекторы С.А.Ожанова /«Абай атындағы №2 лицей»КММ әлеуметтік педагогы А.Г.Мылгалшерова /«ЖББ №16 лингвистикалық бағыттағы орта мектеп» КММ әлеуметтік педагогы Р.Т.Рахимова «С.Сейфуллина атындағы №7 мектеп гимназиясы» КММ әлеуметтік педагогы З.Я. С...
Author: Lyceum №2

Қамқоршылық кеңесінің хаттамасы №2

Category: Educational work
Date: 2018-12-14 16:47:34
Author: School №25

"Psychological portrait of the teacher"

Category: Social section
Date: 2018-12-14 16:01:47
December 12, 2018 at the boarding school of the General type passed the test "Psychological portrait of the teacher" for teachers of certified and confirming categories. The diagnosis was attended by 8 teachers, including three primary school teachers, two subject teachers and two educators. The school psychologist made a psychological portrait of each teacher. Teachers were acquainted...

қамқоршылық кеңесі отырысының хаттамасы

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2018-12-14 15:34:34
Author: School №8

An open class hour “Independence is the heroic way of my country”...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-12-14 11:39:33
An open class hour “Independence is the heroic way of my country”...
 Today, the high words "Kazakhstan", "Independence", sacred to the heart of every Kazakh, have become complementary and consonant concepts. If Kazakhstan is our common homeland for us, then Independence is our most expensive asset. Our glorious ancestors dreamed about her, whose whole life was spent in fierce battles. And our generation managed to fulfill this dream. E...

An open educational hour, devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-12-13 18:28:55
An open educational hour, devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan...
On December 13, the tutor of Tulegenova Anar Bimakhanbetovna in the 1st class held an open educational hour, devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Objective: to acquaint students in more detail with the achievements of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Explain the essence of independence. Learn to love the motherland and take care of its wealth. Explain that for the prosperi...

An open lesson in literacy in the 1st class on the topic “Sound and the Letter Ii”...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2018-12-13 18:02:00
An open lesson in literacy in the 1st class on the topic “Sound and the Letter Ii”...
 On December 13, the lessons continued during the decade of primary classes. Primary school teacher Zhetpis Bakhyt Nurzhanovna conducted an open lesson in literacy in the 1st class on the topic “Sound and the Letter Ii”. The purpose of the lesson: Acquaintance with the letter and sound of Oi. Learn to write and read words with a given letter and sound. The development of the o...

Computer science lesson in the 5th grade on the topic “Software”...

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2018-12-13 16:32:19
Computer science lesson in the 5th grade on the topic “Software”...
On December 13, computer science teacher Aliyeva Sh. A. held an open computer science lesson in the 5th grade on the topic “Software”. The lesson was conducted according to the plan for the implementation of trilingual education. Objective: to give an idea of ​​what the program and software. Development of self-education skills, thinking skills through the development of new material...

Class hour "I am a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan", dedicated to the Independence Day ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-12-13 16:04:03
Class hour
On December 12, on the eve of the celebration of the Constitution Day, classroom hours on the subject “I am a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan” were held among students in grades 2-4. The goal of the classroom is to bring information to students about how independence came to us. nurturing a sense of patriotism, love of country, pride in historical past, present and brigh...

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