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Day of state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: "Balbulak" camping centre
Date: 2019-06-04 13:48:54
Day of state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan
June 4-June 4, on the Day of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students of the school camp "Balbulak" and students of the summer site were invited to the festive event. In the school gym were performed Patriotic songs dedicated to the holiday. Among the students of the summer Playground was held a sports game "sport time". In the courtyard of the summer school...
Author: School №9


Date: 2019-06-04 11:17:18
Dear Kazakh citizens! Over the years of our independence we have achieved a great deal. Having created a modern progressive state with a dynamic economy, we have ensured peace and public harmony. We have made qualitative and historically significant structural, constitutional and political reforms. We have managed to strengthen the international standing of Kazakhstan and its geopolitica...
Author: Department

Информация об открытии Национальной информационной кампании «12 дней борьбы против эксплуатации детского труда»

Category: Work with students
Date: 2019-06-03 15:00:54
Информация об открытии Национальной информационной кампании «12 дней борьбы против эксплуатации детского труда»
1 июня 2019 года в нашей школе раскрыла детям свои двери детская пришкольная площадка «Остров детства».  Состоялась информационная минутка об открытии Национальной информационной кампании «12 дней борьбы против эксплуатации детского труда». Детям было рассказано о данной акции, о ее целях, а также их информировали о плане работы в ближайшие 12 дней. Кроме этого с...

Information about the events dedicated to the June 1 children's Day in the summer health center " Balbulak»

Category: "Balbulak" camping centre
Date: 2019-06-03 14:13:35
Information about the events dedicated to the June 1 children's Day in the summer health center
June 1 in the school camp "Balbulak" was held a solemn line "Jas don tlims", devoted to Day of protection of children.          June 1 to the children's Day was held a concert program "Zhas don Helms" in which participated students grades 5-11.
Author: School №9

The festive event dedicated to the International Children's Day and the opening of the "Bolashak" summer camp ...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2019-06-03 11:40:54
The festive event dedicated to the International Children's Day and the opening of the
On June 1, at the boarding school № 2 on the International Children's Day, the opening ceremony was held under the motto “The Sky of My Childhood”, devoted to the International Children's Day and the opening of the "Bolashak" summer camp. The school yard according to subject, was issued by spheres, the stand, music sounded. The concert was started by modern dance....

«Дарынды бала – ел болашағы»

Category: Congratulations!
Date: 2019-05-29 10:58:02
«Дарынды бала – ел болашағы»
 28.05.2019 ж. күні лицейде директордың БІЖО Шармуханбетова Ж.А. ұйымдастыруымен дәстүрлі өтетін «Дарынды бала – ел болашағы» табысты оқушылардың салтанатты шеруі өтті. Шеру алдында директордың ОІЖО Бесбаева Н.Е. биылғы оқу жылындағы табысты оқушылардың жетістіктері жайлы ақпарат берді, сөз соңында соңғы келген жетістіктермен мұғалімдерді және оқушыларды марапаттады....
Author: Lyceum №2

Republican subject Olympiad in Informatics

Category: our achievements
Date: 2019-05-25 10:11:10
Republican subject Olympiad in Informatics
The results of the Republican subject Olympiad in Informatics, which was held in 2 rounds, where the student of 5 "B" class of KSU "General boarding school of General - type city Balkhash" Egemberdiev Alisher took 1st place in the district. Director: J. B. Merekenov teacher moderator

Graduates of the 9 "B" class of 2018-2019.

Category: Our graduate
Date: 2019-05-25 09:49:22
Graduates of the 9
Graduates of the 9 "B" class of 2018-2019.

Round table on the topic "The best electronic manual" and "Educational-methodical complexes" in the framework of the project "Polyglot" ...

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2019-05-22 17:01:49
Round table on the topic
On May 21, 2019, a round table was held with teachers on the topics “The best electronic manual” and “Educational and methodical complexes” within the framework of the "Polyglot" project. A round table is planned in the framework of the "Club Profi" and "Polyglot" projects of the school development program for 2016-2019. The purpose of the...

Participation in the graffiti competition ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-05-21 08:45:58
Participation in the graffiti competition ...
 On May 20, the children of the boarding school № 2 of Balkhash took part in a graffiti competition (wall painting) on the theme “Bright World”, organized by the schoolchildren’s palace. The guys are 4 students from 7-8 classes Amankeldi Zamankhan, Adambekov Dias, Sagyndykov Dosymzhan, Moldybaev Ilyas under the guidance of Musabekova R.Ye. depicted a graffiti on the theme...

День открытых дверей для родителей

Category: Consultations
Date: 2019-05-20 11:21:05
День открытых дверей для родителей
Торжественный день начался с регистрации гостей, для родителей провели небольшую экскурсию по детскому саду. В рамках реализации послания первого президента РК Н.А.Назарбаева «Третья модернизация Казахстана: глобальная конкурентноспособность» родителям был презентован кабинет робототехники. Гости были удивлены большим разнообразием представленных конструкторов, игр. Далее родители...

Итоги успеваемости и качества знаний 2018-2019 учебного года

Category: Методическая работа
Date: 2019-05-17 08:38:22
    Всего по школе 102 ученика. Педагогический коллектив в составе 22 учителей предметников, в течении года успешно внедрил учебные программы. После обеда для учащихся проводились 17 вариативных куров по предметам. Посещаемость курсов за год была 50%. В полном составе посещали кружки ученики начальной школы. Начальное звено – 50 учащихся  ...

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