Round table was launched on the topic “Book instead of the Internet”...

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2020-01-22 18:47:55
Round table was launched on the topic “Book instead of the Internet”...
We live in an unprecedented development of digital technology. It is already difficult to imagine life without smartphones, laptops, social networks and instant messengers. So how not to sit on the Internet for days, but to immerse yourself in reading books? With these words, a round table was launched on the topic “Book instead of the Internet” which was held as part of the large-sc...

Competition for writing an essay in the framework of the action "I am offline" ...

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2020-01-22 17:43:30
Competition for writing an essay in the framework of the action
 On January 21, an essay contest was held at the school as part of the "I'm Offline" promotion. Essays were written by students in grades 5-10. The purpose of conducting an essay competition among students is the realization that not everything is solved through the Internet and technology, in the age of information technology, the ability to express one’s thoughts in...

2nd place in the city competition "Abay readings" ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2020-01-22 17:41:18
2nd place in the city competition
The 10th grade student Bayan Ayaganova was awarded a 2nd degree diploma at the city olympiad, held as part of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the Great Abay, as well as in the framework of the project “Abay-ruhaniyatty altyn Kazygy”.

Awarded a diploma of 2 degrees in the scientific-practical conference on biology ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2020-01-22 17:39:18
Awarded a diploma of 2 degrees in the scientific-practical conference on biology ...
The 7th grade student Toleukul Altyn was awarded a 2nd degree diploma in the competition of the 1st level of research and development as part of the scientific and practical conference of the MAN for the work "Biochemical composition and medicinal properties of the white marz plant" in the subject discipline "Biology". Project Manager Khamitova S.K.

We invite you to become an active participant in the Republican large-scale children's action "I am offline"!

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2020-01-22 10:03:47
We invite you to become an active participant in the Republican large-scale children's action
Dear students, teachers and parents! We invite you to become an active participant in the Republican large-scale children's action "I am offline", which is dedicated to the International Day without the Internet on January 26, 2020! The goal of the Republican large-scale children's action “I am offline” is to prevent Internet addiction, increase the culture of usi...


Category: Рsychologist Page
Date: 2020-01-21 14:16:56
RULES for teens PSYCHOLOGIST ADVICE:   Rule one - movement. It is proved - with physical activity endorphins - hormones of happiness - are released into our blood. To cheer yourself up, go in for sports, take walks in the fresh air with children, in a word, do everything that brings satisfaction. Rule two - proper nutrition. A despondent body like no other needs fruits and vegetables,...
Author: School №17


Category: Рsychologist Page
Date: 2020-01-21 14:15:29
RULES OF ASSISTANCE AND MONITORING.  1. The less help and control the better. With what the child can cope on his own, let him cope on his own. 2. There are many ways to help and control. Sometimes it’s enough just to draw the attention of the child to something (“Look, is everything right with you”, “What else do you need to do?”, “I remind you that yo...
Author: School №17


Category: Рsychologist Page
Date: 2020-01-21 14:10:33
HELP AND MONITORING TYPICAL ERRORS OF PARENTS There are two typical mistakes that parents make when helping a child with something or controlling his actions. 1. Try to help the child when he did not ask about it. They are guided by the best motives: for the child to achieve a better result, learn faster, feel support, etc. 2. They do not help when, on the contrary, the child asks for help in...
Author: School №17


Category: Рsychologist Page
Date: 2020-01-21 14:06:32
PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF HELPING A CHILD IN PERFORMANCE OF HOMES   Doing homework by a child is a problem area for many families. Often children do not cope with the preparation of lessons on their own (they are distracted, do their lessons at the wrong level or avoid this in one way or another), they need help and supervision from the parents. Faced with such problems, parents usually...
Author: School №17


Category: Рsychologist Page
Date: 2020-01-21 14:03:40
SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST ADVICE FOR STUDENTS   Why does a person need communication? The sociable person boldly strides towards people. If you have a kind heart, a pure soul, an inquiring mind and a healthy curiosity, interesting meetings and a sea of ​​events will definitely happen. Sociability will replenish your life baggage with new acquaintances and useful deeds. You may find business m...
Author: School №17

Memo for communicating with children of the psychological risk group (suicide)

Category: Рsychologist Page
Date: 2020-01-21 13:59:51
Memo for communicating with children of the psychological risk group (suicide)   Possible motives Search for help. Most suicidal people don’t want to die. Suicide is seen as a way to get something (attention, love, freedom from problems). Hopelessness. Life is meaningless, but you can’t count on the future. All hope is lost for a better life. Multiple problems. All pro...
Author: School №17

Recommendations for parents on how to behave in conflict with a child

Category: Рsychologist Page
Date: 2020-01-21 13:52:57
Recommendations for parents on how to behave in conflict with a child   1. Find out what is the cause of the conflict. To do this, you can use either clarifying questions (How did it happen that ...?) Or active listening techniques that allow you to understand and name the feelings of another person without evaluation (You fought at school today, because you were very angry with Kolya)....
Author: School №17

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