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On February 19th an English teacher of the creative group of the LS method "Lesson research" in the 8th grade Musina S.M. gave another open lesson in synchronous format.

Date: 2021-03-01 09:26:51
On February 19th an English teacher of the creative group of the LS method
On February 19th an English teacher of the creative group of the LS method "Lesson research" in the 8th grade Musina S.M. gave another open lesson in synchronous format. The lesson was attended by teachers of the creative group Kokkozova N. A., Bolat Zh. and Kalieva S.M.  and the coach of the Lyceum Zhortarova N.N. The members of the group reflected on the open lesson.
Author: Lyceum №2

Competition of booklets in honor of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev "Zhambyl Zhabayev - zhuz zhasakan baiterek!"

Category: Older leader
Date: 2021-03-01 09:18:06
2021, from February 17 to February 25, a booklet competition was held in honor of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev "Zhambyl Zhabayev - zhuz zhasakan byterek!" The purpose of the competition: identification of talented students capable of literary creativity and disclosure of their potential, as well as the formation of Kazakhstani patriotism. The competiti...
Author: School №25

On February 22 in the 2 school-lyceum was held a regular meeting of the creative group of the 7th grade in accordance with the plan of the method "Lesson study" to improve the quality of education.

Date: 2021-03-01 09:09:54
On February 22 in the 2 school-lyceum was held a regular meeting of the creative group of the 7th grade in accordance with the plan of the method
On February 22 in the 2 school-lyceum was held a regular meeting of the creative group of the 7th grade in accordance with the plan of the method "Lesson study" to improve the quality of education. The meeting was attended by teachers of Geography, English, Kazakh literature and coach Zhortarova N.N. In the course of distance learning the effective methods used in the lesson were analy...
Author: Lyceum №2

Қаржылық сауаттылық апталығы аяқталды.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2021-02-27 23:53:04
Қаржылық сауаттылық апталығы аяқталды.
Қаржылық сауаттылық апталығы аяқталды. Іс - шаралар жоспары 0-11 сынып оқушыларының, мұғалімдердің, ата-аналардың қатысуымен орындалды. Апта бойы өткізілді: әр түрлі формадағы сынып сағаттары, экономикалық ойындар, конкурстар және т. б.. Табысты адамдармен, банк қызметкерлерімен, коллекционермен онлайн форматта кездесулер өткізілді. "Қаржы әлемі балалар көзімен"суреттер көрмесі ұйымдас...
Author: School №10

Information hours "Corruption is a pressing problem of society" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-02-27 21:01:20
Information hours
On February 26, among the 6-9 grades, information hours were held through the Zoom service on the topic "Corruption is an urgent problem of society." Purpose: to explain the meaning of the concept of "corruption" and to form an understanding of the circumstances of its occurrence. Develop the ability to express yourself freely. Teach fairness and responsibility. During the ev...

Information hours "Corruption is a pressing problem of society" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-27 20:59:13
Information hours
On February 26, among the 6-9 grades, information hours were held through the Zoom service on the topic "Corruption is an urgent problem of society." Purpose: to explain the meaning of the concept of "corruption" and to form an understanding of the circumstances of its occurrence. Develop the ability to express yourself freely. Teach fairness and responsibility. During the ev...

Library hour "Zhambyl Zhabayev and his legacy"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-27 14:24:03
Library hour "Zhambyl Zhabayev and his legacy"    AK Kurmetova, librarian of "SchoolLyceum №2 named after Abai" of the Department of Education of Balkhash town of the Department of Education of Karaganda region on February 26, 2021 with the students of grades 6-7 on the ZOOM platform dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev "Zhambyl Zhabayev a...
Author: Lyceum №2

Round table on "Criminal liability of minors."

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-27 14:23:33
Round table on
Round table on "Criminal liability of minors."  According to the weekly plan of "School-lyceum named after Abai" of the Department of Education of Karaganda region, the teacher of history and law NK Dosybayev on February 26, 2021 with 9th graders on the platform "Juvenile delinquency"  held a round table on "Responsibility".
Author: Lyceum №2

"Striving for innovation-from primary school»

Date: 2021-02-27 14:21:05
In KSU" School-Lyceum No. 2 named after Abai Balkhash "within the framework of the decade-long event" striving for innovation-from elementary school "in order to form a respectful love for the book among students, to foster book love, to attract them to reading, a drawing contest was held among the 1st grades on the theme "my favorite, interesting book". The student...
Author: Lyceum №2

" Жыр алыбы-Жамбыл"

Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-02-27 13:01:10
"Сарыарқа дарыны"балаларға қосымша білім беру аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық орталығы Жамбыл атындағы мамандандарылған мектеп интернаты ұйымдастырған Жамбыл Жабаевтың 175жылдығына арналған  " Жыр алыбы-Жамбыл" тақырыбындағы онлайн өнер сайысына Қуатқызы Айым қатысып сертификат иеленді. Жетекшісі: Кыстаубаева Эльмира Орынкулкызы.

26 ақпанда қаржылық сауаттылық апталығының іс-шаралары жалғасты. Бұл күні танымдық, іскерлік және квест ойындары өткізілді.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2021-02-27 12:29:48
26 ақпанда қаржылық сауаттылық апталығының іс-шаралары жалғасты. Бұл күні танымдық, іскерлік және квест ойындары өткізілді.
26 ақпанда қаржылық сауаттылық апталығының іс-шаралары жалғасты. Бұл күні танымдық, іскерлік және квест ойындары өткізілді. 2-3 сынып оқушылары (сынып жетекшісі 2" В "Новокшонова И. С., 3" В "Ваннер Т. В., 3" б "сынып Кузнецова Е. В.) "ақша деген не?". Оқушылар алған теориялық білімдерін сынып сағаттарында жинақтады және бекітті : "ақша не үшін қаж...
Author: School №10

Participation in the Republican Olympiad in General education subjects

Category: НОУ "НИКА"
Date: 2021-02-27 11:24:28
Participation in the Republican Olympiad in General education subjects
At the regional stage of the Republican Olympiad in general education subjects, 4 students of the lyceum school #17 participated. All the children won prizes. Yaroslav Pavlov-1st place(Kazakh), Albina Zyryanova-3rd place(Russian), Victoria Elshina-3rd place(Kazakh), Shugaev Temirlan-3rd place(biology). Congratulations to the winners and their managers! Well done!!! Let the achievements of ou...
Author: School №17

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