Размер шрифта:

"Оқуға құштар мектеп" жобасы аясында кітапханашы А.К.Курметованың ұйымдастыруымен букроссинг акциясы ұйымдастырылды.

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-09-16 20:31:02
2021 жылдың 16 қыркүйек күні  "Абай атындағы 2 мектеп-лицейі"  КММ-де "Оқуға құштар мектеп" жобасы аясында кітапханашы А.К.Курметованың ұйымдастыруымен  букроссинг акциясы ұйымдастырылды. Акцияның мақсаты: оқушыларды кітап оқуға шақыру, кітапханаға оқырмандарды тарту және жыл бойы кітап алмасып, күнделікті өмірдегі әр оқушының кітап оқу әрекетін танымал етуге ө...
Author: Lyceum №2

My tongue is my support, my beating heart"

Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-09-16 18:37:21
My tongue is my support, my beating heart
Sapar Sabina, a student of the 7th grade, took the II place in the category of expressive reading of the poet's poems "til Dege Aly mukhit, tylyk teren" in the city competition organized by the city "Tilder ortalygy" in connection with the day of languages at secondary school No. 9 in Balkhash. In the category of essay writing" til tiregim, beating heart", Umirg...
Author: School №9

Құрметті ата-аналар назарыңызға бала тәрбиесіне жағымды әсерін тигізетін пайдалы кеңестер ұсынамыз:

Category: Social section
Date: 2021-09-16 15:31:46
Құрметті ата-аналар назарыңызға бала тәрбиесіне жағымды әсерін тигізетін пайдалы кеңестер ұсынамыз: Көңіл күйіңіз болмай тұрған кезде ешқашан да бала тәрбиесімен айналыспаңыз. Өз балаңызбен тығыз қарым-қатынас орнатуға тек қана Сіздің көтеріңкі көңіл күйіңіз, оң көзқарасыңыз ғана  әсер етеді. Тәрбие сатылы деңгейде жүргізілгені дұрыс. Әр биікке өз уақытында, біртіндеп көтеріліп отырған...

Attention parents! Children's electrical injuries and their prevention

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2021-09-16 14:32:01
Attention parents! Children's electrical injuries and their prevention
We call lesions in the human body under the influence of external factors in one word-injuries. Childhood trauma is a huge problem that can radically change the life of both a parent and a child. According to statistics, injuries occur mainly in children of primary school age (7-11 years). Injuries occur much more often in boys (70%) than in girls. Injuries are one of the main causes of death of...
Author: School №9


Category: About school meals
Date: 2021-09-16 14:26:26

Director's hour information

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2021-09-16 14:22:41
Director's hour information
On August 27, for parents of students of grades 5-11, the director of KSU "General Educational School No. 9" D. Zholdasova held the "director's hour". The head of the school focused on the achievements over the past academic year and told parents about the repairs done in the school in the summer. The issues raised concerned the provision of textbooks and school uniforms....
Author: School №9

Plan of the board of trustees

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2021-09-16 13:46:45
Plan of the board of trustees
Author: School №9

Information Secondary school No. 10" on the organization healthy and balanced nutrition for schoolchildren

Category: Nutrition Information
Date: 2021-09-16 10:59:35
Information Secondary school No. 10
The organization of hot meals at school is carried out in accordance with the regulatory framework (order of the Education Department of the city of Balkhash, Karaganda region No. 167 dated 02.09.2008, guidelines "Organization of hot meals in school canteens for students in grades 1-4"). At the beginning of the school year, orders were created and approved by the director of the schoo...
Author: School №10

Information about the event held on September 15 by secondary school No. 9 within the framework of the project "Okuga kushtar Mektep"

Date: 2021-09-16 09:56:21
Information about the event held on September 15 by secondary school No. 9 within the framework of the project
President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev: "Reading books is a source of spiritual perfection. The present time is the time of information updated every second. It is better to spend your golden time on useful things, " suggested a list of thirty selected books that, in the opinion of each person, should be read. Students of our school spend 20 minutes of study time every day on effective readin...
Author: School №9

Акция "Дорожная безопасность"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2021-09-16 09:41:18
Остановившимся водителям «Юидовцы» вручали памятку, в которой была информация об особенностях осеннего сезона (слякоть, лужи, дождь, плохая видимость и т.д.) и напоминание о важности соблюдения правил дорожного движения. Водители отнеслись к данной акции очень доброжелательно, с интересом слушали наших юных инспекторов и обещали, что будут сами соблюдать ПДД и проведут профилактическ...
Author: School №17

"School that wants to read"

Category: Сынып жетекшілер сағаты
Date: 2021-09-16 09:00:46
On 14.09.2021, at 12.00, an hour of classroom teachers was held with teachers of grades 1-11. Classroom teachers updated the list of students who provide assistance from the Universal Education Fund, were informed about the attendance of students with familiarization with the plans for the types of work carried out by large, low-income families, families of students left without care, and were t...

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