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Competition of drawings "Safe Internet" within the framework of the republican campaign "Say life YES!"

Date: 2018-03-01 18:15:16
Competition of drawings

The purpose of the contest of drawings "Safe Internet" - the formation of skills and skills of safe and appropriate behavior when working on the Internet, the formation of a responsible and selective attitude to information.
Harassment in the network is much more dangerous than in normal life, because its course and consequences can be completely invisible to adults. Therefore, when organizing the competition, special attention was paid to the proper use of the Internet. The students took an active part in the contest, they drew substantial pictures and drawings about the topic.
As a result of the competition, the first place was taken by the pupil of the 6th grade of Mukhamet Zarina, the second place was awarded to the student of the 2nd class Buratova Nurbolat, the third place was taken by the third-grade student Abeouova Adel.

Author: School №8