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"The role of the father in the upbringing of a child"

Date: 2016-12-24 05:45:20

 December 23, 2016 in the school among the fathers talk show was held on the theme "The role of the father in the upbringing of the child." On the talk show were invited to the pope. Also a veteran Adambekov Zhumagazy, parents, school inspector Zhandyғұlov rope, chairman of the board Marat Zhumataev fathers.
Among the fathers we interviewed on the topic "The role of the father in the upbringing of children." As the main theme of the story was taken from the documentary.
How much do you pay attention to your child? Do you consider the opinion of a child? In your opinion, is difficult to raise a son? All these questions every father gave his opinion.
School inspectors parents asking questions: "At what age a child is subject to criminal liability? Up to what age parents are responsible? "Chairman of the fathers of the school council Marat Kadirovich made a presentation on the work of fathers Board on progress.
Student of 11th grade Nazerke Begimbaeva openly expressed his opinion on the fact that many children do not listen to his father, they are rude, the fathers do not pay enough attention to their children.
school psychologist Z. Abdualieva conducted training on "How well do you know your child?" summed up at the end of every father expressed his thoughts.
As the Kazakh proverb "The daughter is equal to the mother and to the boy's father is an example of" parental behavior plays an important role in the upbringing of the child.

Author: School №8