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Information on the activities of secondary school №8, dedicated to the Family Day.

Date: 2016-09-15 02:48:07
Information on the activities of secondary school №8, dedicated to the Family Day.

The SNR №8 10 September 2016-2017 school year, various activities have been planned to celebrate Family Day. Area "A family can be expensive?" was organized in the school library, where students received information about family values. Pre-school themed stands were decorated, drawing competition "My grandfather, my grandmother with me," was organized among primary school pupils. On this day, teachers of primary level, in order to promote family values, various sports activities, where the winners were awarded with diplomas were conducted among parents and students. Among the pupils of 5-6 classes the competition was held drawings on the asphalt "My family", under the direction of teacher K.Myrzahmetovoy. Students were able to describe their feelings about their families, "I love my family!" and take a picture. As part of the celebration event was held for children from poor families and orphans, where they were provided stationery. 10.09 Conference was conducted among parents of one class "Parents of the 21st century." The conference attended school psychologist, she held a variety of training, introduced with a video of the three languages, the parents shared their opinions on this matter.

Author: School №8