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In the 2014-2015 academic year, the school runs the Council Fathers "Baiterek".

Date: 2014-11-07 10:29:15
In the 2014-2015 academic year, the school runs the Council Fathers

In the 2014-2015 academic year, the school runs the Council Fathers "Baiterek". At the school-wide parent meeting among the fathers of students were chosen members of the Council Fathers. Chairman of the Council Fathers was selected Toleubekov Abilkasym Onaluly. At the meeting, developed a plan for this school year.

         I. General provisions

1.1. The Council Fathers at secondary school №8 Balkhash created in order to promote the role of parents in the effective operation of communication parents and schools, strengthen the family and family values, increasing the responsibility of fathers in the upbringing of children, the organization of preventive work with families.

1.2. The Council Fathers created by the parent and the public on its initiative on a voluntary basis for a period of 1 year.

1.3. Composition of the Council fathers asserted whole-school parent committee.

  1.4. The council fathers may include the chairman and deputy, secretary and members of the Council.

1.5. Chairman of the Council fathers elected at the first meeting and is the face of the most respected among parents and teaching staff obschestvennosti.Ot each parent class can be selected not more than 1 representative.

1.6. The Council Fathers is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law "On education", the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.7. Activities of the Council fathers based on the principles of mutual respect, openness and free collective discussions.

1.8. Termination of the Council fathers by the decision of a whole school of the parent committee.

II. The main goals and objectives of the Council Fathers.

Purpose: The main purpose of the Council is to develop the role of fathers in child rearing father, and strengthening ties of family and school in the education, training, and prevention of negative phenomena among students, promoting educational institution in carrying out its functions, to unite the efforts of state and public organizations, labor groups, individual citizens, to strengthen the training facilities, health, development of skills and talents to educate and train in the school, to create favorable conditions for education, study, work and rest of the students.


- Plans and organizes preventive work with vulnerable families, children held in risk;

-Council Fathers helps to strengthen and improve the material and technical base of the school;

an optimal solution to the daily tasks of education, taking into account a student-centered approach;

  -Council Fathers providing social protection, support and adaptation of children to life in society, promotes self-education and self-development of children;

-Council Fathers participated in providing conditions for the development of the school;

-profilakticheskuyu work to prevent crime by students;

-okazyvat assistance in conducting raids with volunteers;

III. Functions of the Council Fathers

3.1. Participate actively in the life and work of the school.

3.2.Uchastvovat in school activities in school as well as outside it;

3.3. As far as possible to assist teachers in creating an enabling environment for the child in school and at home;

3.4.Okazyvat assistance in the organization of work with children in summer;

3.5. Educate the children a sense of personal responsibility towards fellow students, teachers, parents.

3.6.Vedet work on professional orientation of students, based on experience;

3.7.Vzaimodeystvovat with social and educational service in the legal education of students;

3.8.Planiruet and organize preventive work with vulnerable families as well as with students, held at risk;

3.9.Provodit work with parents who do not fulfill their responsibilities for the upbringing and education of children.

3.10.Okazyvaet help class teachers in carrying out the work on the development of healthy lifestyles and prevention of negative phenomena;

  3.11. Involved in organizing and conducting activities aimed at developing students' individual willpower, courage, citizenship and patriotism;

3.12.Vynosit problematic issues for discussion by the teachers' council, whole-school parent meetings, parent committee;

3.13.Prinimaet part in the raid prevention activities organized by the school administration;

3.1 4.Pri necessity involved in individual work with students and parents on preventive accounting;

3.15.Okazyvaet possible assistance to school administrators in the organization of repair and improvement of the school.

ІҮ. Fathers Rights Council

4.1.Dayut tips, advice for the resolution of difficult upbringing and life situations;

4.2.Obraschayutsya to the administration for support for issues related to life of the child;

4.3.Әkeler keңesіnің құzyrlyғyn saқtau maқsatynda tuyndaғan mәselelerde sheshіm қabyldaydy.

Y. Take a decision on each disputed issue within the competence of the Council Fathers.

ҮІ.Organizatsiya work and clerical work of the Council Fathers

6.1.Zasedaniya Council fathers are conducted in accordance with the Work Plan of the educational institution for the current academic year, and in extraordinary session to address urgent issues of educational activities, but at least 4 times a year.

6.2. The Council considered the fathers assembled, if at the meeting not less than 50 percent of the members of the Council.

6.3.Resheniya Council fathers are accepted if they are voted over 50% of its members participating in the meeting plus one vote.

6.4.Zasedaniya Council Fathers in the protocol with the date, the content of the issues, information about attendance of persons invited to the meeting, as well as persons involved in considering the issue.

6.5.Numeratsiya protocols conducted from the beginning of the school year.

ҮІІ. Documentation Board.

  7.1.Reshenie whole-school parent meetings (PTA) on the establishment of the Council Fathers.

7.2.Plan work of the Council for the academic year.

  7.3.Protokoly meetings of the Council Fathers.

Author: School №8