"Effective forms of synchronous learning in distance learning"

Date: 2020-11-25 20:02:37
On November 23, Kokkozova N.A., a biology teacher, presented an online master class on "Effective forms of synchronous learning in distance learning" to city biology teachers organized within the regional workshop project "Learn Together". The class was highly appreciated by teachers of the city. The organizer of the event, the methodologist of the city department of educatio...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Learn Together"

Date: 2020-11-25 19:57:32
In order to implement the regional workshop project "Learn Together" on November 23 at the lyceum began the competition "The best online lesson". Teachers from each subject association was nominated for the competition. Turgan K.S. in 4 A grade and Seifulla A.A. in 6 B grade conducted online lessons. Lessons were held on the platform Bilimal. The organizer of the event is Dep...
Author: Lyceum №2

On November 25, 2020 in the framework of the project "Ethical Life" organized by music teachers of "Lyceum 2 named after Abai in Balkhash" Zh.E. Erkinova and A.M. Omirkhan, the director of Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College named after A.Musin h

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-25 16:45:59
On November 25, 2020 in the framework of the project
On November 25, 2020 in the framework of the project "Ethical Life" organized by music teachers of "Lyceum 2 named after Abai in Balkhash" Zh.E. Erkinova and A.M. Omirkhan, the director of Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College named after A.Musin  held an online meeting with the Deputy Minister of Education Zh.D. Abdirov via ZOOM.  The meeting was attended by...
Author: Lyceum №2

Action "We are against corruption - against betrayal of public interests."

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-25 11:24:44
      Action "We are against corruption - against betrayal of public interests."  According to the plan for November 23-24, 2020, on November 24, "Lyceum Абай2 named after Abai in Balkhash" organized a campaign "We are against corruption - against betrayal of public interests" organized by the leaders of the 11th grade and teachers Baikulova KM...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Өнегелі өмір" жобасы аясында "жас ақын", "Қамшы"кітабының авторы, облыстық "Орталық Қазақстан"газетінің тілшісі Нұрдос Кәрімнің қатысумен Zoom платформасында тікелей эфир арқылы 23 қараша күні сағат 16:00 -де онлайн кездесу болды.

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-24 19:13:17
"Өнегелі өмір" жобасы аясында "жас ақын", "Қамшы"кітабының авторы, облыстық "Орталық Қазақстан"газетінің тілшісі Нұрдос Кәрімнің қатысумен Zoom платформасында тікелей эфир арқылы 23 қараша күні сағат 16:00 -де онлайн кездесу болды. Кездесудің мақсаты- өскелең ұрпақты адалдыққа баулу, рухани тәрбие беру. Кездесуге қаламыздың қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті пәнінің...
Author: Lyceum №2

Information about class hours dedicated to the Day of the First President

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2020-11-23 22:00:54
Information about class hours dedicated to the Day of the First President
   On November 23, 2020 in MSO "Lyceum Абай2 named after Abai in Balkhash" teachers of grades 1-4 in offline format, teachers of grades 5-11 in the classroom on "The role of President Nursultan Nazarbayev in the formation and development of independent Kazakhstan."  held.  Purpose: to reveal the essence of the holiday "December 1 - the Day of the Fi...
Author: Lyceum №2

On November 21, the school of mothers "Syrlas" held a discussion with parents on the topic "Adolescence of a girl" on the upbringing of a girl in adolescence.

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-21 19:25:31
On November 21, the school of mothers
On November 21, the school of mothers "Syrlas" held a discussion with parents on the topic "Adolescence of a girl" on the upbringing of a girl in adolescence.  "What are you today, Kazakh girl?"  A video on the topic was shown.  Parents, answering situational questions, expressed their views on the problems encountered in the upbringing of girls and w...
Author: Lyceum №2

activities "November 20 - World Children's Day"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-21 09:44:31
         In honor of the holiday "November 20 - World Children's Day" on November 20, 2020 in "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash" held a number of events.  1B class teacher Sh.D. Stambekova held a class with her class on "The whole world is for me" and explained the importance of today, why it is a holiday, and explained that...
Author: Lyceum №2

Family Hour "Let children's lives be safe"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-20 17:23:11
Family Hour
Family Hour "Let children's lives be safe"    According to the plan for the World Children's Day on November 14, 2020" Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash" RN Naskenova and a school psychologist AA Toletayeva held a family hour on the theme "Let children's lives be safe" on Instagram of the lyceum.  Parents and students of our lyceu...
Author: Lyceum №2

According to the plan for November, on November 20 in the framework of the project "100 new books in the Kazakh language" organized by the librarian UA Abutalipova was an exhibition "One day in the library."

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-20 17:17:34
According to the plan for November, on November 20 in the framework of the project
     According to the plan for November, on November 20 in the framework of the project "100 new books in the Kazakh language" organized by the librarian UA Abutalipova was an exhibition "One day in the library."  Students got acquainted with the new textbooks, and the exhibition aroused the interest of students. The growth of society, the growth and prosp...
Author: Lyceum №2

framework of the Оnegeli Omir project

Category: Сareer guidance
Date: 2020-11-20 15:33:36
framework of the Оnegeli Omir project
On November 20, 2020, a meeting with students of grades 8-9 was held at the Abay Lyceum No. 2 in Balkhash within the framework of the Оnegeli Omir project in order to provide vocational guidance to students. The meeting was attended by Deputy of the Balkhash city maslikhat, member of the "NurOtan" party, Director of the medical College of Balkhash Pshenbayev Serik Ramazanovich, who sha...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Тәуелсіз елдің ұрпағы" І РЕСПУБЛИКАЛЫҚ СЛЕТІ

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-20 14:03:16
"Тәуелсіз елдің ұрпағы" І РЕСПУБЛИКАЛЫҚ СЛЕТІ    2020 жылдың 19 қараша күні  «Балқаш қаласы Абай атындағы №2 лицей» КММ-нің  11 А сынып оқушысы Абеуов Дидар Балқаш қаласының атынан ҚР БҒМ Балалар құқықтарын қорғау комитетінің бастамасымен ZOOM платформасында өткен  "Тәуелсіз елдің ұрпағы" атты балалар өкілдерінің І Республикалық слетіне...
Author: Lyceum №2

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