In order to meet with famous personalities of our city in the section of the great name "great steppe", a meeting was organized with the Director of the" Balkhash technical College named after Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev" Republic of Kazakhstan "Halyk Kaharma

Category: "Рухани Жаңғыру" жобасын іске асыру
Date: 2020-11-26 11:43:49
                                                                                   26 November 2020 in the framework of the project "Rouhani Jair" in the section "Uly uly...
Author: School №25

There was a professional online meeting with students of grades 8-11 with the participation of a teacher of social sciences of Balkhash Technical College Munaytpasova Asem Sayatovna.

Category: Кәсіби бағдар
Date: 2020-11-25 17:13:17
     There was a professional online meeting with students of grades 8-11 with the participation of Munaytpasova Asem Sayatovna, a teacher of social sciences at the Technical College of Balkhash.      On November 20, 2020 at 15.00 in the secondary school №25 was organized a professional online meeting with students of grades 8-11 with the participation of Munaytpa...
Author: School №25

Information on the conduct of class hours dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 23 among students of grades 1-11.

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-11-23 17:56:40
    23 қараша күні  1-11  сынып оқушыларымен "Болашаққа бастаған ұлт көшбасшысы" атты тәрбие сағаты өткізілді. Тәрбие  сағатының мақсаты: Қазақ халқының тұңғыш Президенті Нұрсұлтан Әбішұлы Назарбаевтың өмір жолы, туып - өскен, оқып білім алған, қызмет еткен жерлері туралы мағлұмат беру; Елбасының өмір жолынан үлгі ала отырып Отанын, халқын сүюге, ержүректі...
Author: School №25

Оқушылар арасында патриоттық рухани тәрбие, адамгершілік, сыйластық қасиеттеріне баулу мақсатында 7 «Б», 8 «Б» сынып жетекшілерінің ұйымдастыруымен "Үлкенге құрмет" акциясы аясында 7-8 сынып оқушылары және ата- аналарымен Zoom платформасы арқылы дөңгелек

Category: Psihologist page
Date: 2020-11-23 09:50:10
    In order to implement the project "Rukhani zhangyru", created within the framework of the program "Rukhani zhangyru" in the secondary school №25 named after Y.Altynsarin in order to instill patriotic spiritual education, morality and respect was organized a round table on the zoom conference with students of grades 7-8 and their parents within the framework of t...
Author: School №25

Among grades 9-11, a remote intra-school stage of the Republican Olympiad in General education subjects was held, organized by the Department of education of the city of Balkhash.

Category: Әдістемелік көмек
Date: 2020-11-23 09:25:19
    On November 18-19, 2020, the remote intra-school stage of the Republican Olympiad in General education subjects among grades 9-11, organized by the Department of education of the city of Balkhash, was held at the KSU "SOSH 25 named after Y. Altynsarin of Balkhash". A total of 24 school students took part in the Olympiad. Students study Kazakh language and literature, Russ...
Author: School №25

Safety rules when burning the oven

Category: Бейнероликтер
Date: 2020-11-20 15:19:56
Author: School №25

Memo on organizing the work of duty classes

Category: Ата-аналарға кеңес
Date: 2020-11-19 17:24:43
                     Memo on organizing the work of duty classes * The school meets strict health requirements. * After each lesson, quartering, airing, and wet cleaning of the classroom are performed. * Classes on duty are organized in 2 shifts (no more than 15 students), and each class has a schedule of changes at different times....
Author: School №25

On November 16, 2020, an educational hour on the topic" let's Talk about raising children "with students of the 11th grade was held at KSU" OSH No. 25 named after Y. Altynsarin".

Category: "Өнегелі өмір" облыстық жобасы
Date: 2020-11-19 15:20:13
    On 16.11.2020, an educational hour "let's talk about education" was held with students of the 11th grade of secondary school No. 25 named after I. Altynsarin. Goal: education of a national personality formed by national self-consciousness, able to combine national values and universal values that contribute to the prosperity of national interests. During the education...
Author: School №25

Under the heading "Specialty of Maine ry" was organized among 5-6 classes.

Category: "Рухани Жаңғыру" жобасын іске асыру
Date: 2020-11-19 10:02:24
                                                                         Within the framework of the regional project "rukhani Zhangyru" under the section "Dastur men guryp", events were orga...
Author: School №25

General plan between College and school

Category: Кәсіби бағдар
Date: 2020-11-18 10:05:19
   General plan between College and school    
Author: School №25

"Festive, blessed Golden autumn!" fruit and vegetable crafts contest

Category: Older leader
Date: 2020-11-17 09:54:33
    Beautiful view of nature-autumn. In autumn, the picture of nature often changes, the sky is overcast, the leaves of trees fall to the Ground, it rains. Birds return to warmer climes, harvest. Everything flaunts, is painted in different colors, freezes. The leaves of trees and other plants change to red, brown, and yellow. During the whole spring and summer, as a result of well...
Author: School №25

The theme "children's rights – human rights" dedicated to the world day of the child

Category: Older leader
Date: 2020-11-17 09:46:59
The theme
    On November 2, 2020, in accordance with the plan of events on the theme "children's Rights - human rights" dedicated to the world children's day, a contest of creative drawings "I build my rights" was held among grades 1-4 at the KSU "secondary school No. 25 SOSH named after Y. Altynsarin Balkhash". Students of the school took an active pa...
Author: School №25

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