"Childhood without violence and cruelty"

Category: Ақпараттар
Date: 2022-04-06 13:39:15
Currently, violence and abuse of parents and other adults with children, involving them in verbal aggression, emotional and physiological violence against minors is becoming an increasingly urgent problem all over the world. It was to discuss this issue that on March 29, 2022, a talk show with the participation of the presidents of the School Parliament on the topic "Childhood without viole...

Action "Our school canteen!"

Category: Ақпараттар
Date: 2022-02-14 08:26:58
From November 22 to 26, 2021, the action "Our school canteen!" was held in the schools of the city. Deputies of the School Parliament under the guidance of a social pedagogue, a counselor and the chairman of the Board of Trustees checked the condition of the school canteen. And also within the framework of the campaign, the "Care" faction held: educational talks "Culture...

A school website is a necessary thing today. Both for those who care about school life, and for the educational authorities that can access the necessary documentation at any time.

Category: Ақпараттар
Date: 2022-02-09 08:10:15
A school website is a necessary thing today. Both for those who care about school life, and for the educational authorities that can access the necessary documentation at any time.
A school website is a necessary thing today. Both for those who care about school life, and for the educational authorities that can access the necessary documentation at any time. The website is the face of the school on the Internet, a source of information about it, about its teachers, students. A chronicle of their skills, hobbies, victories. On the initiative of the presidents of the scho...

On September 24, 2021, elections of the President of the city parliament were held in the Palace of Schoolchildren of the city of Balkhash.

Category: Ақпараттар
Date: 2022-02-09 08:05:39
On September 24, 2021, elections of the President of the city parliament were held in the Palace of Schoolchildren of the city of Balkhash.
On September 24, 2021, elections of the President of the city parliament were held in the Palace of Schoolchildren of the city of Balkhash. In accordance with the Regulations on the election of the President of the city Parliament, anyone can become a candidate for this position President of the school parliament. 10 school presidents took part in the election race. Each of them deserves to be...

Since March of this year, all the assets of the school self-government began to operate in a single structural model in the form of a school parliament.

Category: Ақпараттар
Date: 2022-02-09 08:03:08
Since March of this year, all the assets of the school self-government began to operate in a single structural model in the form of a school parliament.
Since March of this year, all the assets of the school self-government began to operate in a single structural model in the form of a school parliament. At the end of the school year, in order to create school parliaments, elections of the president of the school parliament and deputies of factions were held in all schools of the city. According to the results of the elections, 17 presidents of...

«Білім беру объектілеріне қойылатын санитариялық-эпидемиологиялық талаптар» санитариялық қағидалары

Category: Regulatory base
Date: 2020-09-02 21:27:51
Қазақстан Республикасы Денсаулық сақтау министрі 2020 жылғы 28 тамызы № ҚР ДСМ-98/2020 Қазақстан Республикасы Денсаулық сақтау министрінің 2020 жылғы «     »        №               бұйрығын...

Selection of the secretariat of the organization "Self-management"

Category: Ақпараттар
Date: 2020-02-05 11:16:47
Selection of the secretariat of the organization
Self-governing organization is a voluntary, voluntary public association that promotes the values, interests, and rights of its members, both children and adolescents and adults. Purpose: Formation of a just, honest, self-sufficient person who is in the interests of the country, economically competitive, passionate about education and art, knows the history of the country, respects the language,...

"New Age - Through the eyes of youth"

Category: Ақпараттар
Date: 2020-02-05 11:08:38
City competition of outreach groups “Zhanga Kasyr-zhastar kozimen” The republican unified children and youth organization “Zhas Ulan” makes the life of students saturated and interesting. On February 3, 2020, the XIIIth contest of advocacy groups “Zhanga Kasyr, Zhastar Kaziman” was held at the Schoolchildren’s Palace. The main goal of the competition is...

"Adamgershіlіk zhne ruhani tazalyқ" tournament debate

Category: Ақпараттар
Date: 2020-02-05 11:03:54
Debate tournament “Adamgershilik zhne ruhani tazalyk” On January 16, 2020, as part of the regional youth project “Saryarka saңlagy”, the city debate tournament “Adamgershilik zhene ruhani tazalyқ” was organized by the Schoolchildren's Palace. The goal is to preserve and increase the great Abay Kunanbayev, al-Farabi and other prominent thinkers, public figu...

Жолдаудың жарқын болашағы

Category: Ақпараттар
Date: 2019-10-10 19:26:45
Жолдаудың жарқын болашағы
          Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Қ.Ж. Тоқаевтың «Сындарлы қоғамдық диалог- Қазақстанның тұрақтылығы мен өркендеуінің негізі» атты жолдауын талқылау негізінде 2019 жылдың 17 қыркүйек күні Оқушылар сарайында мектептегі өзін-өзі басқару президенттері – көшбасшылардың қатысуымен «Жолдаудың жарқын болашағы» атты дөңгелек үстел өтті....

Рresidential messageБасты мақсат- өмір сүру сапасын жақсарту

Category: Ақпараттар
Date: 2018-11-15 22:14:01
Рresidential messageБасты мақсат- өмір сүру сапасын жақсарту
  From Kazakhstan President of Republic  Nursultan Nazarbaiyev main aim- lives quality improves having a horse nextmessage discusses basis student palace 2018 year 18October day children conference deputy meeting passes. Inmotion discussion Conference&n...

Round table discussion

Category: Ақпараттар
Date: 2018-11-15 22:10:14
Round table discussion
On Septembers 4, 2018 years in the KGKP " Palace of schoolchildren"passed round sanctified to the festive date -Day ofConstitution of Republic of Kazakhstan table. In-process thedeputies of Child's maslikhat took part round table, andalso Ulanb...

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