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My Favorite Characters

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-01-20 13:26:57
My Favorite Characters
     Contest drawings among the 2-3 classes. In the secondary school No. 5 on January 18, 2018, among the 2-3 classes within the framework of the regional action "Bir ayma-bir kitap" a contest of the "My favorite characters" contest took place.        Purpose: which is, through reading and drawing, as kindness, friendship, mercy.
Author: School №5

Regional action "Bir aymak - bir kitap"

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-01-20 13:06:35
Regional action
Regional action "Bir aymak - bir kitap" 15.12.2017-01.05.2018      The purpose of the action: Due to the decreased interest in reading, grafting the role of the book in the education of the individual to develop reading skills. In this regard, in the school № 5 according to the established rules on the line the students were acquainted with the list of books for obli...
Author: School №5

Қамқоршылық кеңес құру туралы

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-01-09 13:38:52
Author: School №5

«Төрлет,Жаңа жыл»

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-01-03 15:48:31
«Төрлет,Жаңа жыл»
    There was New Year’s holiday in the secondary school №5. The methodologist of the city education department Mukhametzhanova Zhainagul Sadenova, chairman of the council of fathers "Шапағат" Kayipbergen Bakhytbek Kymyranovich, city police inspector Zhandigulov Kanat Zhakipbekovich and school teachers took part in the festive evening.
Author: School №5

"Religious literacy is safety of life"

Category: Рsychological services
Date: 2018-01-03 14:30:13
    At general high school №5 to "Religious literacy " of safety of vital functions" on a theme the unconventional religious flows of actions against propagandist work.       Пихологы of measures and inlightening from the religious point of view of school of "basis of religious Studies" together with a teacher. Primary purpose of innovative d...
Author: School №5

A "islam is my religion"

Category: Рsychological services
Date: 2018-01-03 14:15:40
    "General high school №5" КГУ "exhibition of books on the topic Religion islam personality. Primary purpose of выставки-традиционные religion with the books, presented еілген permissions on educating, spread of learning.        In addition, In activity of destructive religious - terrorism, extremism and threat on themes" sliding videos-sea...
Author: School №5

How to manage with stress? Handing over of ЕНТ of psychological help

Category: Рsychological services
Date: 2018-01-03 14:09:33
How to manage with stress? Handing over of ЕНТ of psychological help
   At general high school №5 for students 11 class for handing over of ЕНТ, a psychological help is rendered on November, 15. Difficulties arising up during handing over of ЕНТ at of the different psychological training of students are educed, given to recommendation in regard to the ways of decision.   "Расстоватся with тяжости" training   Along studying st...
Author: School №5

Information organized for a raid in night work on 2017-2018 school year

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2017-12-24 14:07:31
Information organized for a raid in night work  on 2017-2018 school year
on November, 03, 2017, for the prophylaxis of offences at school in evening time from 19.00-22.00 school inspector Жандыгулов Rope Жакипбекович, deputy of director on educator work of Шакижанова Alma Коныспаевна, social teacher Толеген Жазира Манатбековна, teacher -психолог Амантаева Назерке Дархановна night raid. Night raid events on the streets of city 1, 2, 3, 17, 21 microregions of city, ent...
Author: School №5

Social teacher

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2017-12-24 13:34:34
The purpose of social and pedagogical work:   In the organization of work, the social educator contributes to the formation of a positive microclimate in the team, the humanization of interpersonal communication, contributes to the ability of each respondent, protects his personality, organizes leisure, participates in socially useful activities, studies specific questions of pupils...
Author: School №5

20.11.-30.11.2017 subject week naturally mathematical cycle

Category: Онкүндіктер
Date: 2017-12-24 12:26:59
20.11.-30.11.2017 subject week naturally mathematical cycle
Тhe week of Association of natural disciplines passed at school.       Heard out the weekly open lesson of teachers of mathematics, chemistry, biology, geography, extracurricular work, creative lectures.       Modern technologies allow maximally widely to use information. "In the modern world young people need new knowledge, that corresponds to the internat...
Author: School №5

The ten-day period of initial classes passed on a theme" Білім basses of бастауышта қаланар, Білімнен әлемге жол салынар"

Category: Онкүндіктер
Date: 2017-12-24 12:19:57
The ten-day period of initial classes passed on a theme
The aim of that are  the use of NT and developing creative flairs of students.Were pre-arranged  проведеныоткрытые lessons, exhibitions, intellectual games, raising of the stages from the studied fairy-tales.               Monday: "Білім еліне саяхат" was inauguration of ten-day period.The pre-arranged events were pronounced.the song of...

«Тәуелсіздік шапағаты»

Category: Educator work
Date: 2017-12-23 05:23:28
«Тәуелсіздік шапағаты»
     7 "A" class was held a class hour by the 26th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic " Тәуелсіздік шапағаты." Objective: To expand the horizons of students, to learn creativity through the vocabulary of resources, the wealth of language. the formation of patriotic feelings, respect, humanity, kindness, upbringing.
Author: School №5

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