Activities of KGU Ossh No. 5 in Balkhash town,devoted to the Day of gratitude from 01.03.2018 g

Category: Events dedicated to the celebration of March 1 - gratitude Day
Date: 2018-03-03 16:06:25
Activities of KGU Ossh No. 5 in Balkhash town,devoted to the Day of gratitude from 01.03.2018 g
    The day of gratitude was a bright holiday of mercy, friendship and love of all Kazakhstanis to each other.This day of school No. 5 was held the event was organized in the school library book exhibition on the theme: "Bizdin CMS Ben glenum-Kazakhstan halқynyң brighde", 1 to 11 classes held an open class hours on "letter of thanks AITA black!", "Tatulyk-Birli...
Author: School №5

«Ертегілер елінде»

Category: Mini-center "Еркетай"
Date: 2018-03-03 15:24:04
«Ертегілер елінде»
        At general high school №5, in a mini-center "Еркетай" a nursery governess Орынбай Г.Б conducted in 2 junior groups  the open organized educational activity on the topic of "Ертегілер елінде". Children theatricalized the fairy-tale of "Бауырсақ" . The personages of fairy-tale assigned to the children. Executing these tasks, children s...
Author: School №5

In 0 "A" class the nursery governess of І category Аibosynova Z.A. conducted an open lesson on a deed.

Category: Events dedicated to the celebration of March 1 - gratitude Day
Date: 2018-03-03 15:18:39
In 0
        During the organized educational activity children not only  became acquainted with the letter of Өө,but also worked in a group.By means of edge letters collected words. And used a венн diagram comparison of letters About and Ө. At the end of educational activity set a feed-back. Using "Ақылды үкі" children drew conclusion above gain knowledge.
Author: School №5

"Home animals"

Category: Events dedicated to the celebration of March 1 - gratitude Day
Date: 2018-03-03 15:01:57
    28.02.2018 in a preparatory group "ОБ" on fiction an open lesson was conducted. On a theme: the "Home animals". On a lesson  children guessed, riddles, told a poem, played different games. It was interesting to the students, therefore there was high activity.   Conducted: Кайпбергенова С.А. teacher of preschool educational group
Author: School №5

«Алғыс айта білеміз бе?»

Category: Events dedicated to the celebration of March 1 - gratitude Day
Date: 2018-03-02 08:33:47
«Алғыс айта білеміз бе?»
5 And 01.03.18 class was held class hour on the Day of thanksgiving.   Purpose: to Acquaint students with the new holiday that appeared in Kazakhstan; to spread the concept of " day of gratitude to the peoples»   Tasks: - to reveal the meaning of the concept of "gratitude day"; the formation of children's understanding that these concepts are importan...
Author: School №5

2 "A" class passed a class hour for Thanksgiving

Category: Events dedicated to the celebration of March 1 - gratitude Day
Date: 2018-03-01 17:36:01
      In secondary school №5 , in 2 "a" class was a class hour on Thanksgiving.students shared their statements about gratitude, respect, respect for elders and younger .When working with groups training Association Thanks the children expressed their opinions about friendship between the peoples of the second group has fully disclosed the concept of blagodarnosti. &nb...
Author: School №5

«Алғыс айту күні – мейірімділік, жарқындық мейрамы»

Category: Events dedicated to the celebration of March 1 - gratitude Day
Date: 2018-03-01 16:09:27
«Алғыс айту күні – мейірімділік, жарқындық мейрамы»
03/01/2018 on the day of gratitude in secondary school №5in the 1-3 classes were held mobile games between classes. And also a relay race between «3A»  and  «3Ә»  classes was held. Where children showed their sharpness, agility and mobility. As a result, students of grade «3Ә» won.
Author: School №5

«Ұлттық мейрамдар мен мерекелер»

Category: "Қоғамдағы рухани жаңғыртудың ауқымды идеяларының мәңгілік еліміздің болашақ ұрпақтарын оқыту мен тәрбиелеуде іске асырылуы" тақырыбында сынып жетекшілердің он күндік іс-шаралар жоспары
Date: 2018-02-28 13:40:26
«Ұлттық мейрамдар мен мерекелер»
26.02.2018 year 7 "A" class "holidays and National holidays" the lesson is a virtual trip. Virtual trip lesson, students took an active part. Goal: to give generalised information about other national holidays of the Kazakh people and Other nationalities, to explain the meaning of the holidays. A report on the folklore and oratory of the Kazakh people. The determinat...
Author: School №5

Менің машиналарым»

Category: "Қоғамдағы рухани жаңғыртудың ауқымды идеяларының мәңгілік еліміздің болашақ ұрпақтарын оқыту мен тәрбиелеуде іске асырылуы" тақырыбында сынып жетекшілердің он күндік іс-шаралар жоспары
Date: 2018-02-28 13:16:54
Менің машиналарым»
     According to plan of  22.02.2018 in 0 "А" class division "Work" teacher of Мукашбекова С.C conducted the open lesson of applique on a theme "My machines"".         Aim:  the use of different methods, by means of geometrical figures to do an applique (machine). A lesson it is incumbent to do beautiful ma...
Author: School №5

«Әуенді тап»

Category: "Қоғамдағы рухани жаңғыртудың ауқымды идеяларының мәңгілік еліміздің болашақ ұрпақтарын оқыту мен тәрбиелеуде іске асырылуы" тақырыбында сынып жетекшілердің он күндік іс-шаралар жоспары
Date: 2018-02-27 12:40:00
«Әуенді тап»
      According to plan of  21.02.2018 in 0 "А" class musical leader Р.К. Искакова is conducted entertaining program "Guess Melody".         Aim: to teach  to the features of cooperation work in music, analysing them to wake up emotions, ideas, increase of activity. Children were divided into two commands, competed on tasks. Ev...
Author: School №5

«Балқашым - Атамекенім»

Category: "Қоғамдағы рухани жаңғыртудың ауқымды идеяларының мәңгілік еліміздің болашақ ұрпақтарын оқыту мен тәрбиелеуде іске асырылуы" тақырыбында сынып жетекшілердің он күндік іс-шаралар жоспары
Date: 2018-02-27 12:08:19
«Балқашым - Атамекенім»
     Aim: mathematical development of Students, that, promoting interest in cognitive activity, development of the logical thinking. On the achievement of the put aim, amount, speeds, to work in a group, bring up together. 26.02.2018 7 "А" class, passed a брейн-ринг on a theme "Балқашым - Атамекенім". Class  divided into two groups and executed differe...
Author: School №5

«Бектауата маңындағы қына өсімдігі»

Category: "Қоғамдағы рухани жаңғыртудың ауқымды идеяларының мәңгілік еліміздің болашақ ұрпақтарын оқыту мен тәрбиелеуде іске асырылуы" тақырыбында сынып жетекшілердің он күндік іс-шаралар жоспары
Date: 2018-02-27 09:45:37
«Бектауата маңындағы қына өсімдігі»
      We can boast of the Bektauata near our Balkhash town. In the summer you have a great impression when you go to our Bektauata and take a breath in the healing air and go back to the mountains without leaving the countryside. It would be a great deal if people would be protected from the government by taking care of this land, by specifying that the henna will grow equally for...
Author: School №5

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