Readers ' conference on the theme of modernization «Ushkan uya»

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-10-15 21:17:11
Readers ' conference on the theme of modernization «Ushkan uya»
       The city children's library named after A. Gaidar held a reader's conference among the 8 classes, on the network of works of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly "Ushkan uya". The students showed their activity and showed their knowledge.        The aim is: in the Patriotic education of the younger generation to show interest in reading the wor...
Author: School №5

«Қадірдің бақыты»

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-10-15 00:10:30
«Қадірдің бақыты»
4 "a" class showed a performance on the fairy tale "ADN bakyty". Children entered the role, and well have remembered this fairy tale.        Students of 4 "A" class showed the production of "Aldar Kose me Saibai" . Despite his age, every child entered the role.        The class teacher of each class, together...
Author: School №5

«Ел рәміздері – ел рухы»

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-06-04 14:39:04
«Ел рәміздері – ел рухы»
  In the secondary school No. 5 on the day of the Symbolics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a book exhibition "El rәmіzderi - el Rukhy" and a video tour about the creation of symbolics were organized, children proudly read poems about the national anthem, the arms, the flag of Kazakhstan. In the end, a small quiz about knowledge of the Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan was he...
Author: School №5

«Ел рухын көтерген ер»

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-04-30 09:55:56
«Ел рухын көтерген ер»
  In the school-lunch No. 2 there was a city competition on the topic "El Rukhyn Kоtergen er" among students aged 14-17. A pupil of 5 "A" class Zhumagali Merulan took the prize-winning place and was awarded a Diploma of the 2nd degree.
Author: School №5

Сity ​​creative evening called "Hero of the Kazakh people - Kasym".

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-04-30 09:53:13
Сity ​​creative evening called
Within the framework of the action "Bir kitap-bir ayma" together with the teachers of the Kazakh language and literature Zh.M. Imanaliyeva, B.T.Adambaev and librarians in the school №5 there was a city creative evening called "Hero of the Kazakh people - Kasym".    The purpose of the action: To draw the attention of the society to reading books, to develop and sub...
Author: School №5

Book Week:"The best reader-2018".

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-04-05 10:35:34
 Book Week:
  At the time, the school library combined with the city library "Gaidar" held the "Book Week". 4 "A", 4 "A" exercises were made on the basis of "Aldere Cose and Kozanasiere". In the "Best reader-2018" competition was held in the school library or at the time. The best readers were awarded diplomas.      ...
Author: School №5

Regional action " Bir Aimak - bir kitap"

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-02-23 15:48:08
Regional action
    Objectives : to Develop functional gramotnosti students, to instill a love of reading, to understand and use reading!        In the secondary school №5 continues to host a regional event "One region, one book". Among the 2 classes held a competition of drawings on the pages of favorite fairy tales. Polyubivshiesya tales the Students drew on the whi...
Author: School №5

«Мәңгі өшпес -жарық жұлдызы»

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-01-27 23:52:43
 «Мәңгі өшпес -жарық жұлдызы»
  Тown in 10 A class there was a round table under the guidance of the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Ibraibekova AN. on the theme "Eternal Star" dedicated to the 145th birthday of Ahmet Baitursynov. Our main goal is to educate our dignity and respect for our literature, the distribution of the works of the outstanding Kazakh poet, translator, corresponde...
Author: School №5

My Favorite Characters

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-01-20 13:26:57
My Favorite Characters
     Contest drawings among the 2-3 classes. In the secondary school No. 5 on January 18, 2018, among the 2-3 classes within the framework of the regional action "Bir ayma-bir kitap" a contest of the "My favorite characters" contest took place.        Purpose: which is, through reading and drawing, as kindness, friendship, mercy.
Author: School №5

Regional action "Bir aymak - bir kitap"

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-01-20 13:06:35
Regional action
Regional action "Bir aymak - bir kitap" 15.12.2017-01.05.2018      The purpose of the action: Due to the decreased interest in reading, grafting the role of the book in the education of the individual to develop reading skills. In this regard, in the school № 5 according to the established rules on the line the students were acquainted with the list of books for obli...
Author: School №5

Book - plays an important role in human life

Category: Modern library
Date: 2017-12-20 05:16:26
Book - plays an important role in human life
Book - plays an important role in human life           The book is important in human life plays a role. The book is not only the equipment for the enrichment of the spiritual soul of man, thinkers and scientists, writers and poets-mirror of the soul. The book the mind of mankind is to preserve the wealth of his home , from generation to generation planting supplie...
Author: School №5

«Алаштың айбары – Елдіктің байрағы»

Category: Modern library
Date: 2017-12-20 03:47:45
«Алаштың айбары – Елдіктің байрағы»
     In the library of high school №5 took  place round table on a theme "Алаштың айбары - Елдіктің байрағы" sanctified to the 100year of party Алаш. The estimation of role of motion became the aim of event in building of Independent Kazakhstan.To acquaint students with labours of А.Байтурсынова, М.Дулатова, М.Жумабаева, Ж.Аймауытова, Ә.Ермекова and actively to prop...
Author: School №5

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