Информация о проведении общенационального родительского собрания «Образованная нация – качество обучения и семейные ценности» КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2018 год

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-05-17 11:53:45
Информация о проведении общенационального родительского собрания «Образованная нация – качество обучения и семейные ценности» КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2018 год
Информация о проведении общенационального родительского собрания «Образованная нация – качество обучения и семейные ценности» КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2018 год   15 мая 2018 года в 18.30 часовв КГУ« ОСШ №4 им.Н.К. Крупской города Балхаш» проведено общенациональное родительское собраниена тему: «Образованная нация – качество обучения и семейные цен...
Author: School №4

Протокол № 4 заседания попечительского совета от «15» мая 2018 г.

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-05-16 17:30:00
Протокол № 4 заседания попечительского совета от «15» мая 2018 г.   Присутствовали: Председатель: Курашвили И.Г. Секретарь: Пчелякова В.В Директор СШ № 4 Фролова И.В. Зам. дир. по ВР Жанасылова Р.Б. Зам. дир. по ХР Бекпатшаева Ж.Д., Ем П.М.  Члены попечительского Совета   Повестка дня: 1 . Итоги работы КГУ «Общеобразовательная ср...
Author: School №4

On the basis of the telephone message of akimat of Balkhash town from 19.03.2018, Thursday was spent cleaning and landscaping the school grounds with the technical staff of 18 people.

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-04-28 12:28:47
On the basis of the telephone message of akimat of Balkhash town from 19.03.2018, Thursday was spent cleaning and landscaping the school grounds with the technical staff of 18 people.
On the basis of the telephone message of akimat of Balkhash town from 19.03.2018, Thursday was spent cleaning and landscaping the school grounds with the technical staff of 18 people. Removed fixed area (cleared land from the dried up grass broken twigs and debris). April 7, the students came to subbotnik. The work began at 10.00 students from the 5th to 11th grades went outside with broo...
Author: School №4

Dear teachers, parents and students!

Category: Words of congratulation
Date: 2018-04-28 11:01:37
Dear teachers, parents and students!
Dear teachers, parents and students!   Please accept the warmest congratulations on the day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan! Every year, on the first day of may, we celebrate a bright holiday, which is especially dear to each of us. Unity, peace and harmony of the people have always been the basis for the well-being and prosperity of Kazakhstan. All the successes and achievemen...
Author: School №4

In KSU "SNS № 4 named after NK Krupskaya" from April 16 to 21, 2018, a subject week took place on the subject "Self-knowledge".

Category: Methodical center
Date: 2018-04-24 11:25:00
In KSU "SNS № 4 named after NK Krupskaya" from April 16 to 21, 2018, a subject week took place on the subject "Self-knowledge". Week "Self-knowledge: the pedagogy of Love and Creativity" was aimed at teaching children to do good, to show sensitivity and mercy, to give people love and joy.  "Week" was held according to the plan, began with a grand op...
Author: School №4

Информация о проведении мероприятий на весенних каникулах КГУ ОСШ № 4 – 2018

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-04-23 12:16:53
Информация о проведении мероприятий на весенних каникулах КГУ ОСШ № 4 – 2018
Информация о проведении мероприятий на весенних каникулах КГУ ОСШ № 4 – 2018   С целью создания оптимальных условий для личностного развития  детей и подростков, реализации их способностей, формирования гражданского самосознания, общей культуры, ЗОЖ, организации содержательного досуга во время весенних каникул в общеобразовательной  средней школе №4  с 20 марта по...
Author: School №4

On April 21, the staff of the teaching staff, technical personnel, parents and students of the school removed the fixed territory (the land was cleaned of domestic garbage, dried grass of broken knots and debris), shrubs were cut, and trees were whitewash

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-04-21 11:51:06
On April 21, the staff of the teaching staff, technical personnel, parents and students of the school removed the fixed territory (the land was cleaned of domestic garbage, dried grass of broken knots and debris), shrubs were cut, and trees were whitewash
On April 21, the staff of the teaching staff, technical personnel, parents and students of the school removed the fixed territory (the land was cleaned of domestic garbage, dried grass of broken knots and debris), shrubs were cut, and trees were whitewashed. The parents of the students took an active part. The seedlings were planted by pupils of 11 classes.   The work began at 10.00. St...
Author: School №4

On April 18, the annual competition "The Young Chronicler of 2018" was held in the city museum of local lore

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-04-19 14:56:50
On April 18, the annual competition
On April 18, the annual competition "The Young Chronicler of 2018" was held in the city museum of local lore. This year the museum specialists prepared tasks from three rounds: 1.Tour quiz about the city of Balkhash 2. Presentation of search materials on local lore 3. "The Living Picture" The students answered most quiz questions, in the second round they presented...
Author: School №4

Протокол № 3 заседания попечительского совета от «12» апреля 2018 г

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-04-12 15:29:52
  Протокол № 3 заседания попечительского совета от «12» апреля 2018 г   Присутствовали: Председатель: Курашвили И.Г. Секретарь: Пчелякова Т. А. Директор СШ № 4 Фролова И.В. Зам. дир. по ВР Жанасылова Р.Б. Зам. дир. по ХР Бекпатшаева Ж.Д., Ем П.М Члены попечительского Совета   Повестка дня: 1 .Содействие и поддержка мероприятий школы по...
Author: School №4

Дорогие родители, педагоги, ученики!

Category: Words of congratulation
Date: 2018-04-05 10:02:04
Дорогие родители, педагоги, ученики!
Дорогие родители, педагоги, ученики!       От всей души поздравляем вас с замечательным праздником весны - Наурыз мейрамы! Светлый весенний праздник Наурыз пришел к нам из глубины веков. На Востоке он был не только символом наступления Нового года, но и обновления природы, доброты, взаимопонимания и уважения.     Сегодня Наурыз связан у всех казахстанцев с позитивн...
Author: School №4

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