Class hours

On October 5, class hours were held according to the topic by age groups: in grades 1-4

Category: Сынып сағаттары
Date: 2020-10-09 13:53:33
On October 5, class hours were held according to the topic by age groups: in grades 1-4
On October 5, class hours were held according to the topic by age groups: in grades 1-4, the topics “First steps into ecology”, “I get to know nature!” . In the secondary school the topics were considered “The Earth is our common home!”, In the high school, the topic of classroom hours allowed each student to think about what contribution he made to nature con...
Author: School №10

Protect the priceless gift of nature

Category: Сынып сағаттары
Date: 2020-10-08 12:53:37
Protect the priceless gift of nature
                           Protect the priceless gift of nature       Environmental problems are global problems, which means that they affect everyone, and these problems can be solved together. Only ecologically literate people who are aware of their responsibility to their descendants and the wor...
Author: School №10

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