"Cheese sandaқty ashyp kara ..." city contest reading S. Seifulin

Date: 2014-10-28 10:50:11
Reading Sacken held October 15, 2014 in the school gymnasium №7 in two directions: 1. "Cheese sandyқty ashyp kara ..." - reciting works Sacken 2. "Kelemіn tau іshіnde tүndeletіp ..." - contest of song Saken In the first stage of the competition pupil 9B class Bazylhan Danabi read product S.Seifullin "Aқsaқ kiіk."   In the second stage the pupil 7Ә T...
Author: School №8


Date: 2014-10-28 10:18:58
Author: School №8

Schedule circles cadet classes

Date: 2014-10-28 10:04:56
Schedule circles cadet classes № circle classes 5Ә 6Ә 7Ә 8Ә 1  History of Military of Forces   Thursday 12.40-13.25 Saturday сағ.12.40-13.25...
Author: School №8

Information about the competition "Junior Lifeguard"

Date: 2014-10-28 02:53:04
 Information about the competition
October 16 was held at the lake city competition "Junior Lifeguard". With our school participated team "Barys", director - Erimbetov TE 1 stage-diving team on the boat. 2 stage- providing first ambulance. In the third stage dressing mask on time. 4 stage- rapid fire extinguishing. 5-stage competition bikes. 6 stage- presentation team. According to the res...
Author: School №8

List of teachers undergoing refresher training in the 2014-2015 academic year

Date: 2014-10-20 09:45:50
List of teachers undergoing refresher training in the 2014-2015 academic year № Full Name subject last year through courses date of passing 1   Kappar Batіsh Sagyndykkyzy Traini...
Author: School №8

Perspective plan of passing the certification of teachers of secondary school №8

Date: 2014-10-20 09:39:52
Perspective plan of passing the certification of teachers of secondary school №8 №                     Full Name   subject exper...
Author: School №8

List of teachers applying for certification in the 2014-2015 academic year.

Date: 2014-10-20 09:18:38
List of teachers applying for certification in the 2014-2015 academic year. №  Full Name subject category Application for category Years of service Последний год прохождения аттестации 1 Sakenova Nurgul Tokenovna ch...
Author: School №8

girls' Day

Date: 2014-10-17 11:22:30
girls' Day
10/11/2014, the school took measures to Day girls' Sәn salons "," Dostyk tori. "On this day, the girls shared their most intimate. Psychologists have conducted training sessions, which were detected as a result of the nicest parties, and thus become closer to each other.
Author: School №8

Young specialists in the 2014-2015 school academic year

Category: To the young specialist
Date: 2014-10-17 08:54:36
Young specialists in the 2014-2015 school academic year
Young specialists: Амантай Жаннур Каукербекқызы-informatics teacher Мырзагалиева Сымбат Рахимовна-English teacher Джексембаева Гулдана Сериковна-fhysics teacher Сүндетбаев Амангелді Солтыбайұлы-physical education teacher
Author: School №8

Workshop on "Multimedia presentations and working with flipcharts"

Category: Seminars, coaching
Date: 2014-10-17 04:38:12
 Workshop on
10.16.2014, the science teacher Himiran R. intraschool seminar held among teachers on "Multimedia presentations and working with flipcharts." The seminar shows examples of drawing up flipcharts and presentations. Computer Teacher Himiran R. shows the creation of various interactive techniques for fipchartov ActivBoard interactive whiteboard using software ActivStudio.
Author: School №8

Election Ulanbasy the organization "Jas Ulan"

Category: leader
Date: 2014-10-15 10:40:42
Election Ulanbasy the organization
Information about elections in Ulanbasy organization "Jas Ulan"          26.09.2014g. elections were held in Ulanbasy organization "Jas Ulan". Candidates nominated Ulanbasy byly: Trainee 8B class Nurmukhanov Arsene 8A Mukhamedzhanova Makpal pupil and pupil 9G class Begimbaeva Nazerke. Candidates put forward their program lineup, cond...
Author: School №8

Elections to the "Children's maslihat"

Category: leader
Date: 2014-10-15 10:39:01
Elections to the
15.09.2014g. spent in school elections to the "Children's maslihat" and presidential elections in the organization "Municipality". The commission includes: head teacher on educational work Meyram TT, senior counselor of the school Bulendinova AM, psychologist Tazhikeeva MN Candidates were 6 students: Zhagufarova Botakөz Marlenқyzy 9B cl., Zhүzbay Bөkeyhan Erғazyұly 9B cl....
Author: School №8

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