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Ұлттық білім беру мазмұнының танымдық негізі – ұлттық тәлім-тәрбиеде

Category: Lectures of director
Date: 2014-10-28 05:57:47
Ұлттық білім беру мазмұнының танымдық негізі – ұлттық                   тәлім-тәрбиеде            Қазақстан Республикасының Елбасы Нұрсұлтан Әбішұлы Назарбаев адами капиталды дамытудың қажеттілігі мен маңыздылығын ерекше атап, білім беру жүйесін реформа...

Менеджмент тұрғысынан басқару мен білім кеңістігінің сапалы нәтижеге бағытталған инновациялық моделі Инновационная модель образовательного менеджмента, ориентированная на качество и результаты

Category: Lectures of director
Date: 2014-10-28 05:53:04
Менеджмент тұрғысынан басқару мен білімкеңістігінің сапалы  нәтижеге бағытталған инновациялық  моделі Инновационная модель образовательного менеджмента, ориентированная на качество и результаты  Жаһандық ғаламданудың кеңеюі,ақпараттық технологиялардың өріс алуы, білім беру нәтижесіне халықаралық талаптардың күшеюіне байланысты Елбасы Н.Ә.Назарбаев «Ұлтымыздың ә...

October 15, 2014 with the aim of creating a culture of interpersonal relationships in the city's schools KSU "SNR number 8 Balkhash town"

Date: 2014-10-28 05:29:22
October 15, 2014 with the aim of creating a culture of interpersonal relationships in the city's schools KSU "SNR number 8 Balkhash town" held a seminar - training on the theme "Working leadership development teacher." Group of our school took part in the seminar - training. During the seminar, KarlygashShakarimovna noted that such a difficult thing in the theory and prac...

The regional project "School of Spiritual and humane pedagogics»

Date: 2014-10-28 05:12:19
In the 2014-2015 academic year, the regional project "School of Spiritual and humane pedagogics» continues its work. The purpose of this project are: to encourage children spiritually humane quality, preserving national culture. Filed order to continue the project and approved the annual work plan. Creative Group continues its work. The project is scheduled information sessions, promo...

Application for participation in "Zerde" research projects for 2014-2015 school year

Date: 2014-10-27 11:00:59
№ The name  of the participant The theme of the project Section Grade The name of the project's head The Year of Beginning 1 2 3 4 5 8...

Application for participation in "Zerde" research projects for 2014-2015 school year

Date: 2014-10-27 10:59:10
Application for  participation in "Zerde" research projects  for 2014-2015 school year № The name  of the participant The theme of the project Section Grade The name of the project's head The Year of Beginning...

The results of the trial UNT 15.10.2014

Date: 2014-10-27 06:42:07
The results of the trial UNT 15.10.2014 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT Average point Kazakh Russian language History of Kazakhstan Mathematics №15 23 23 72...

The results of the trial UNT 30.09.2014

Date: 2014-10-27 06:35:28
The results of the trial UNT 30.09.2014 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT Average point Kazakh Russian language History of Kazakhstan Mathematics №15 23 22 77...

The pupils of 1th grade took a part in exploration of short-term memory and quickly memory.

Date: 2014-10-27 06:27:47
The pupils of 1th grade took a part in exploration of short-term memory and quickly memory.Aim of researching: level to explore degree of memory of pupils of 1th grades.In exploration took a part 102 pupils. As a result a high level took 85%, average level 15%.

The first-graders did a test of the Core Hirasaka in early September

Date: 2014-10-27 06:21:41
The aim of the study is to test the readiness of children for school. Participated in experiment 102 pupil. In General the higher level achieved 25%, the average level -71% and a low level is 4%.

It was conducted a test among the students of 9 grades with an aim on a choice speciality

Date: 2014-10-27 06:04:14
It was conducted  a test among the students of 9 grades with an aim on a choice speciality Answers of pupls:  35% -low 55%-medial 10%- hidh

It was conducted a test among the studens of 5 grades with an aim exposure of adaptation students to the average link

Date: 2014-10-27 06:01:24
It was conducteda test among the studens of 5 grades with an aim exposure of adaptationstudentsto the average link Answers of  pupls:showed that 90 % of students feel comfortably, and 10% have a proplen

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