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Coronavirus and parents: how to protect your children? How to recognize Covid-19 The new virus, like other diseases, has its own symptoms. Here's everything Parents need to know about the coronavirus: 1. All symptoms appear suddenly. This is the most basic difference between a new virus and a cold or SARS. 2. The body temperature rises. It was detected in 90% of those infected. Usually the temperature varies from 37.5 degrees to 39. 3. A dry cough begins with the discharge of sputum. 4. The child is very weak, it is difficult for him to get out of bed. 5. In 10% of cases, nausea and diarrhea were observed in infected people. What safety measures to observe – a reminder for parents Parents need to know all the preventive measures to protect their child. Here are the necessary memos on coronavirus for parents: 1. Observe hygiene: hand washing, wet cleaning in the house with disinfectants. 2. Carefully monitor the condition of the child. Take the temperature several times a day. If you suspect a cold or SARS, call a doctor at home. 3. Give your child fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. 4. Avoid crowded places. If possible, stay at home with the baby and do not go out without an urgent need. 5. Ventilate the apartment more often. 6. Each family member should use individual hygiene products. 7. Do not turn on news channels if the baby is nearby. 8. Talk to your child about the coronavirus. Tell about all preventive measures. But in any case, do not frighten him. How to protect a child in kindergarten Duty groups are open in kindergartens today. This is designed for those parents who have no one to leave the baby with. But how can you protect your child if he is in contact with many other children every day? Here is information about the coronavirus for parents in kindergarten: * Talk to the child about the rules of hygiene. In kindergarten, it is necessary to wash your hands regularly. * Make sure that baby B has an individual towel. * Have a conversation with the teacher and find out how often they wipe all the toys and surfaces in the group with disinfectants. * Make sure that the child often eats foods rich in vitamins. * Do not attend kindergarten if you have symptoms of influenza or SARS. If you notice that other children have such symptoms – also leave the child at home for a few days.

2021-08-10 00:22:21

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The most important thing that every vaccinated person should know is that the vaccination does not come from an infection, but from a severe course of the disease, death from the coronavirus. What is necessary for vaccination? The vaccine is the most effective way to protect yourself and your loved ones from the contagious Covid-19 epidemic. Therefore, people with lungs or bronchi, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are recommended to get the vaccine as soon as possible. But first you need to consult a doctor. Vaccination in Kazakhstan is carried out on a voluntary basis. Any medical treatment, including vaccination, is carried out with the consent of the person. Vaccination is carried out in stages and free of charge. The vaccine is not recommended for people with any chronic disease. It is not necessary to vaccinate people who are in the acute stage (including cancer patients) or with any other active infection, with an elevated body temperature. Taking some hormonal drugs reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine, but does not interfere with it. If you feel unwell a day or two before vaccination, it is better to postpone the vaccine. Will coronavirus patients be vaccinated? When preparing for vaccination, a certificate of the presence of antibodies is not required. After recovery from coronavirus, vaccination should be carried out no earlier than 6 months. The vaccine should be administered in two stages with an interval of 21 days. The first dose gives a short protective effect due to the production of a small amount of antibodies. The second dose enhances and enhances the effect of the first, the number of antibodies in the human body increases. Are children vaccinated? The Sputnik V vaccine should not be used in children under 18 years of age. Only an adult person can get it. What to do after vaccination? What is allowed and what is not allowed to do? After the introduction of the vaccination into the body, it is necessary to spend some time under the supervision of doctors to exclude the possibility of a dangerous allergic reaction. What are the possible side effects? Most people tolerate the vaccine without any special restrictions. Well, some people may have a little pain, redness or swelling, weakness at the injection site. In addition, there may be slight unpleasant sensations in the muscles. Sometimes there may be an increase in body temperature, a slight chill, nausea and a slight increase in the lymph nodes. All these are normal reactions in the formation of immunity. Currently, a vaccinated person does not pose a threat to others. It is recommended not to reduce the temperature to 38 degrees. If it rises above this, you can take an antipyretic, which you usually use for colds. Paracetamol is best. In rare cases, an increase in body temperature can last from two to three days. Serious side effects are extremely rare. Is there a risk of getting sick after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine? Even if you have suffered a disease after vaccination, it will pass in a mild form, without complications. Remember that asymptomatic patients are the source of infection! Continue to wear masks, observe dynastic distance, hand hygiene and cough etiquette.

2021-08-10 00:09:29

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Watch out for the coronavirus!!!

Watch out for the coronavirus!!! How is the coronavirus transmitted? 1. Like other respiratory viruses, the coronavirus is spread through droplets that are formed when an infected person coughs or sneezes. 2. In addition, it can spread when someone touches any contaminated surface, such as a door handle. People become infected when they touch their mouth, nose, or eyes with contaminated hands. 1. The most important thing you can do to protect yourself is to keep your hands and surfaces clean. 2. Keep your hands clean, wash them frequently with soap and water, or use a disinfectant. 3. Also try not to touch your mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed hands (usually such touches are unconsciously performed by us on average 15 times an hour). 4. Carry hand sanitizer with you so that you can clean your hands in any environment. 5. Always wash your hands before eating. 6. Be especially careful when you are in crowded places, airports, and other systems

2021-08-10 00:00:15

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2021-08-09 23:56:19

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Педикулез. Педикулез (pediculosis; латинское- pediculus вошь;+-osis; синоним вшивость)- паразитирование на коже человека вшей. Вши относятся к отряду кровосо сущих насекомых, постоянные эктопаразиты человека и других млекопитающих. Вши яйцекладущие. Яйца вшей (гниды) продолговато-овальной формы, сверху покрыты плоской крышечкой, желтовато-белого цвета, приклеиваются нижним концом к волосу или ворсинкам одежды выделениями самки во время кладки. Вши на всех стадиях развития, кроме яйца, сосут кровь хозяина. Головная вошь живет и размножается в волосистой части головы, предпочтительно на висках, затылке и темени. В очагах поражения обнаруживаются вши и гниды. При этом отмечаются сильный зуд, расчесы, возможно появление экзем на коже, присоединение вторичной пиококковой инфекции в виде импетиго, фолликулитов, фурункулов. В запущенных случаях волосы склеиваются обильным густым экссудатом (колтун). Заражение людей вшами происходит при контакте с завшивленными людьми: при общении детей в организованных коллективах, в переполненном транспорте, при совместном пользовании одеждой, постелью, спальными принадлежностями, гребнями, щетками, магнитофонными наушниками и т.д. Более того, вошь может в течение 2-3 дней ждать нового хозяина на подушке Для проведения осмотра на педикулез необходимо иметь хорошо освещенное рабочее место, лупу. Особое внимание при осмотре головы следует обращать на височно-затылочные части; при осмотре одежды и белья на швы, складки, воротнички, пояса. Санация домашних очагов головного педикулеза проводится населением своими силами. При незначительном поражении людей головными вшами целесообразно использовать механический способ +насекомыми сжигают. Перед вычесыванием гнид с волос голову моют, ополаскивают теплым столовым уксусом или теплым 5-10% раствором уксусной кислоты, голова покрывается косынкой или полотенцем, экспозиция - 30 минут, 1 час. Затем гнид счесывают частым гребнем, предварительно сквозь зубцы гребня пропускают ватный жгутик или нитку, которые обильно смачивают уксусом.

2021-08-09 23:51:42

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report on the incidence of children

report on the incidence of children

2020-12-22 12:33:38

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report on the incidence of children

report on the incidence of children

2020-12-22 12:28:53

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The vaccination plan

The vaccination plan

2020-12-22 12:20:48

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