Category: Все

«Ыбырай Алтынсарин – балалар әдебиетінің атасы» атты эссе байқауы

5 video

2021-09-13 20:18:16

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«Ыбырай Алтынсарин – балалар әдебиетінің атасы» атты эссе байқауы

4 video

2021-09-13 20:17:20

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«Ыбырай Алтынсарин – балалар әдебиетінің атасы» атты эссе байқауы

3 video

2021-09-13 20:16:21

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«Ыбырай Алтынсарин – балалар әдебиетінің атасы» атты эссе байқауы

2 video

2021-09-13 20:14:56

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1 video

On 10th of September 2021 in honor of the holiday of languages, teachers of the 4th grades Asel Ashenbekova and Gulmira Kalieva held an essay contest "Ibrai Altynsarin – the grandfather of children's literature", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Ibrai Altynsarin. The students were instructed to find information about Ibrai Altynsarin in advance, to conduct preparatory work for the essay, capturing their actions on a video camera. The results of the competition will be announced at the end of the decade.

2021-09-13 20:13:03

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«Тілге құрмет – елге құрмет» онкүндігі

On September 6, 2021, the Decade "Respect for the Language - respect for the country", dedicated to the Day of Languages, started at secondary School No. 16. The main goal is to increase the respect of our students for their native language, raise the status of the language, raise a generation of patriots who love their language. In order to strengthen friendship and unity between people of different nationalities living in our independent country, in order to foster respect for the state language, classes were held for grades 1-11 "Language is my wealth, my treasure". This was followed by a video greeting on the school screen "School Breath". Let the status of the language be high! We invite you to take an active part in the events of the week.

2021-09-13 20:07:31

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«Тіл-достықтың алтын көпірі» атты бастауыш сыныптар арасында сурет көрмесі

On 9th of September an exhibition of drawings "Til - dostyktyn altyn bridji" was held for the holiday of languages among primary classes. Our goal is to educate children with respect for the language, patriotism, and love. We noticed that the painted pictures were painted with oil paint, meaningfully, plot-wise. The fingers show that the student's creativity is deep and real.

2021-09-13 10:16:33

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11 video


2021-09-13 09:32:34

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10 video


2021-09-13 09:30:23

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9 video


2021-09-13 09:28:01

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8 video


2021-09-13 09:27:17

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7 video


2021-09-13 09:26:30

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