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«Жас жол қозғалыс инспекторларының» слеті өтті.

Category: New
Date: 2014-05-02 09:35:39
«Жас жол қозғалыс инспекторларының» слеті өтті.
Author: School №24


Category: New
Date: 2014-05-02 06:20:49
In the period from 7 to 17 April in the past ten decade methodical Association of public Humanities. Objective: teachers in information technology during the lessons of new innovacionnykh technologies. Teachers subject teachers conducted open lessons and shared his navykami and practice. During the analysis of the lessons focused on the systematic lessons and was Oksana many methodical help you...
Author: School №24

Мектебімізде 9 сыныптарда мамандық таңдау мақсатында профориентация жұмысы жүргізілуде.

Category: New
Date: 2014-05-02 03:30:58
Мектебімізде  9 сыныптарда мамандық таңдау мақсатында  профориентация жұмысы жүргізілуде.
    Мектебімізде  9 сыныптарда мамандық таңдау мақсатында  профориентацияжұмысы жүргізілуде. 9 сыныптар қалалық оқу орындарының ұйымдастыруымен өткізілген олимпиадаларға қатысып мектебімізде 3 оқушы           Татиев Рахман «Академик Ж.С. Ақылбаевтың  Балқаш маңызды білім  беру колледжі» ЖММ грант иеге...
Author: School №24

International day of dance.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-05-01 16:31:28
International day of dance.
          International Day of Dance celebrated all over the world on the 29th of April. This holiday, which devoted to all style of dance, started celebrating since 1982 on decision of UNESCO in birthday of the French choreographer Zhan-Zhorzh Novera, reformer and theorist of choreographic art, which went down in history like “father of modern ballet”. &nb...

Intellectual game

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-30 10:36:52
Intellectual game
30.04.2014 in OSSh the city intellectual game "Ұлт бірлігі-ұлт байлығы" was held. Pupils of 9 classes of schools of the city took part in game. І the prize-winning place was won by the schoolgirl of OSSh No. 8 Bakirova Symbat. We congratulate!
Author: School №8

Қалалық "Достық әнін шырқайық" ән байқауы

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-04-30 10:09:27
30.04.2014 in OSSh No. 8 passed the city competition of songs devoted to Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan. At competition the pupil of Sh No. 8 Kalizhan Alikhan took І a prize. We congratulate!
Author: School №8

Information about held competition of compositions

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-04-30 09:02:03
Information  about  held competition of compositions
Since april 21-25 was organized the competition of compositions by Day of Unity of the people in the Republic of Kazakhstan “Ынтымағы жарасқан туған өлкем Қазақстан”. The competition was opened by the deputy director for educational work  of school 5 Shakizhana A.K..The members of the jury: the methodologist of  the department of education , physical culture and sport &ndas...
Author: Department

16 meeting of young inspectors

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-04-30 08:56:58
16 meeting of young inspectors
Aims of the meeting:  to educate  of  law-abiding participants of traffic;   to prevent road accident with participation of children and teenagers. Following the results of all competitions prize-winning places were awarded. The1 place – school № 15 The 2 place – school № 8 The 3 place – school №10 All the participants were  awarded by di...
Author: Department

Talented artists!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2014-04-30 08:48:01
Talented artists!
April  26, 2014 on the basis of  School №1 Gorky was a big celebration for children "Let’s be friends", may 1 dedicated to the "Day of unity of peoples of Kazakhstan" . The spring festival, peace, unity, imbued with the spirit of friendship and solidarity among Nations, opened the solemn ruler students in the first school, Almanova M. and Shukenova M.. Great i...
Author: Department

Dear friends!!

Category: school news
Date: 2014-04-30 08:14:30
Dear friends!!
Dear friends!! the time between 24th and 26th of April was an exciting time for one of the greatest conferences for English teachers called KazTEA conference that was held in Shymkent this time. It was a great opportunity for many professionals from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan to come together and share many interesting ideas and strategies for even a better progress at work. ...

1 мамыр - Қазақстан Халықтарының Бірлігі күні

Category: 1 мамырға арналған іс-шара
Date: 2014-04-30 06:23:02
1 мамыр - Қазақстан Халықтарының Бірлігі күні
All of us, People of all nationalities are united by one of the important concepts: We are amicable and this is our strength and success. Peace, friend ship, kindness and respect – these words sounds in different ways. But we understand that they are the most important thing in our life. We celebratethe unity of Kazakhstan in the 1st of May.    
Author: School №16

competition of design and computer graphics ''Ocean of ART''

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2014-04-30 05:39:15
competition of design and computer graphics ''Ocean of ART''
On the 24thof April passed a competition of design and computer graphics ''Ocean of ART'' in Balkhash Politechnical college. Student of the 10th form Isabekov Sultanbek became the winner in the nomination ''Site-Business card''. Tlekeeva  Arai took the 3rd place in the nomination  '' Video-tape editing''.   
Author: School №16

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