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opening season "Summer - 2014".

Category: school news
Date: 2014-05-30 04:29:50
opening season
05/29/2014 , in the center of the schoolyard " Shaғala " KSU " College town of Balkhash " opening season "Summer - 2014". Opened the solemn holiday line , which sounded name , slogan and song of each unit in Kazakh, Russian and English languages, in accordance with the direction in the work of multilingual school. Over the school proudly flies the blue flag with t...

«Cоңғы қоңырау»

Category: Cоңғы қоңырау
Date: 2014-05-29 08:05:44
 ЖББ№5 орта мектебінде  25 мамыр күні  сағат 10-00-де  2013-2014 оқу жылының 1-9 сыныптарға   арналған  соңғы қоңырау салтанатты жиыны өткізілді. Салтанатты жиынға   қалалық білім,денешынықтыру және спорт бөлімінің әдіскері  Әсемханова Гүлнар Базылханқызы    және мектептің ата-аналар комитеті  Зекенова Назгүл және мектеп бітір...
Author: School №5

Excursion on the water- saving station

Category: school news
Date: 2014-05-29 03:34:07
Excursion on the water- saving station
28.06.2014 , the guys rest in the center of the schoolyard " Shaғala " made a fascinating and informative tour of the water- saving station (SU "Water- spastelnaya Service Department for Emergency Situations of the Karaganda region of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan "). Basis of water - saving service served existed before OSVOD Rescue Ser...

Camp works !

Category: school news
Date: 2014-05-29 03:25:29
Camp works !
26.05.2014 at KSU " Gymnasium Balkhash town " started schoolyard center " Shaғala ." This event was preceded by a great work of administration and teaching staff of the gymnasium. HRC " Shaғala " deservedly enjoys great popularity among primary school pupils and their parents. And in season "Summer - 2014" in the center rests more than 90 children from the...

“General classifier of types of economic activity”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2014-05-27 11:10:47
“General classifier of types of economic activity”
            Our Pupil’s Palace entered in TOP-30 (Education in the sphere of culture) among small business of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by the results of statistical ranking, which was conducted accordance with “General classifier of types of economic activity”, which affirmed by Order of Chairman of the Agency of the republic of Kazakhstan on...

"Forgive, my the school"!

Category: New
Date: 2014-05-27 10:55:52
№ in school 24 middles "Forgive, my the school"! events, that was conducted on a theme, comfortable information day 25 of May rang in presence palaces of knowledge our the country last ring. Voice of Ring –ship of knowledge. Somebody went out from wall of school, to the ear of man acquaintance.   This the day - school ends, cuts a wing knocks young graduating student for...
Author: School №24

Forgive, my initial school!

Category: New
Date: 2014-05-27 10:11:36
Forgive, my initial school!
       Event was conducted solemn festive collection "Forgive, my  initial school!" 22.05 .2014 in our school students of 4 classes.   For parents participated solemn to collection. Students of 4 classes said goodbye initial, to the teachers of subject concerto program offered. 
Author: School №24

Good-bye, my the kinder garden!

Category: New
Date: 2014-05-27 09:10:45
Good-bye, my the kinder garden!
Forgive, my the child garden!  having  a horse solemn  collection conducted. Participating to holiday for parents, admired little concerto   program kids. That in moment, that will say goodbye by a child a garden, children gather to put on, saying, specified, dance had danced will grow.   Little kids, that participated to the event in child a garden, possessed...
Author: School №24

Forgive, my initial school!

Category: New
Date: 2014-05-27 09:03:19
Forgive, my initial school!
Event was conducted solemn festive collection "Forgive, my  initial school!" 22.05 .2014 in our school students of 4 classes.   For parents participated solemn to collection. Students of 4 classes said goodbye initial, to the teachers of subject concerto program offered. 
Author: School №24

Information KSU "College of Balkhash town" for the holidays "Last Call - 2014"

Category: school news
Date: 2014-05-27 03:45:38
Information KSU
Information KSU " College of Balkhash town" for the holidays " Last Call - 2014"         In anticipation of the school holiday " Last Call" KSU " College of Balkhash town" a great work . In the festive program , students participated junior, middle and senior management : propaganda teams , vocal groups , dance , etc. Guests of ho...


Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2014-05-24 06:39:08
2014 жылдың 23 мамыр күні Қарағанды қаласында  «Болашақ» Университетінің ректорының қолдауымен ұйымдастырылған  облыстық мектепаралық  «Чемпиондардың чемпионы»  кубогінде  біздің  «Күлкі қайтпас» жайдарман тобымыз  І орын және «Болашақ» Университетінің ректорының кубогын  иеленіп қайтты. Құттықтаймыз!  ...
Author: School №16

We draw the world

Category: school news
Date: 2014-05-22 03:17:02
We draw the world
We draw the world    20.05.2014 3 "B" class was drawing lesson on the theme: "We draw the world." Children with teacher - Kim E. took to the streets with colorful crayons and made sullen asphalt lively and exciting.

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