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В рамках областной акции «БІР ОТБАСЫ – БІР КІТАП» к 30-летию Независимости Республики Казахстан читаем – 30 книг.

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-19 16:51:52
В рамках областной акции «БІР ОТБАСЫ – БІР КІТАП» к 30-летию Независимости Республики Казахстан читаем  – 30 книг.
Author: School №4

Within the framework of the republican action "One country - one book" in 2021, a book exhibition "30 books - to the 30th anniversary of Independence" was organized, timed to the anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-19 16:51:19
Within the framework of the republican action
     In Kazakhstan, 2021 is declared the Year of Independence. In this regard, the republican action "One country - one book" is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the country's independence. Within the framework of this action, entitled “30 books - to the 30th anniversary of Independence”, 30 best works of famous Kazakhstani authors in the field of p...

"Principles of Physical Education" for grades 5-7 was conducted online on the platform quizizz.

Category: School news
Date: 2021-02-19 15:55:56
19.02.2021 In honor of the Week of Physical Culture of MSI "KAMI" test work "Principles of Physical Education" for grades 5-7 was conducted online on the platform quizizz. Purpose: The main purpose of the system of physical education is to bring up people who are strong, healthy, ready to defend the country, eager to work creatively, have undergone comprehensive physical tr...

A meeting was held with the head of the department of the city polyclinic № 1 Sagyndykova Gulnaz Umirzakovna ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-19 15:55:54
A meeting was held with the head of the department of the city polyclinic № 1 Sagyndykova Gulnaz Umirzakovna ...
     On February 19, 2021, girls of 9th and 11th grade met with the head of the department of the city polyclinic № 1 Sagyndykova Gulnaz Umirzakovna. During the meeting, the girls were given a lecture “Prevention of gynecological diseases”. The lecture contained important information that will help adolescents in the future, such as the prevention of gynecological di...

Information of OSH No. 9 on holding the meeting " Zhas kyran»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-19 15:31:06
Information of OSH No. 9 on holding the meeting
19.02.21 one of the most important problems of modern society is the growth of offenses and crime among adolescents.
Author: School №9

City Olympiad

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-19 15:28:05
City Olympiad
From 8.02 to 11.02.2020, the city subject Olympiad was held. A total of 24 students of grades 9-11 took part in the Olympiad. Talgat Ansar, Mukhambetzhanov Alisher, Bagdatova Adel on English, Amantay Gulnaz, Sovet Mukhammadrasul, Toleubekova Karakat on biology, Kenegul Margulan, Zhaksybayeva Perizat on geography, Amanzholova Aidana, Schlatay Aruzhan – Kazakh language, Zhangazy Aktlek, Zhuman Ayazh...
Author: School №9

"You will be healthy, you will get everything"

Category: School news
Date: 2021-02-19 14:37:08
Within the framework of the week of physical culture "You will be healthy, you will get everything" among students of grades 2-4 by the teacher of physical culture Zhulamanova L.M. the sports competition "In a healthy body - a healthy mind" was held. The purpose of the event: the formation of a motivational-value attitude to physical culture, physical self-improvement an...

The closing of the week of physical culture and health literacy

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-02-19 14:06:27
The closing of the week of physical culture and health literacy
The closing of the week of physical culture and health literacy began with morning exercises with dance and play elements in all age groups. In the middle and senior groups, there were talks “Cleanliness is the Key to Health”. Also, parents took an active part in the production of collages "Sport and Family". A physical education instructor and a music teacher organized a f...

On 19.02.2021, Balkhash gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin hosted a meeting with students of grades 6-7 in the project "Onegeli Omir" with the head of the sports school for children and adolescents in Balkhash, master of sports of the USSR in freest

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-19 13:10:35
On 19.02.2021, Balkhash gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin hosted a meeting with students of grades 6-7 in the project "Onegeli Omir" with the head of the sports school for children and adolescents in Balkhash, master of sports of the USSR in freestyle wrestling Abish Seitbattalovich..

On February 17, 2021, an information seminar on public services in education was held for the staff of lyceum schools.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-02-19 13:07:57
On February 17, 2021, an information seminar on public services in education was held for the staff of lyceum schools.
On February 17, 2021, an information seminar on public services in education was held for the staff of lyceum schools.   During the seminar, information was provided on the types of public services, information systems that provide public services - Malachite, Almond, Bilimal, Indigo and Educational organizations for the admission of documents and enrollment (primary, basic secondary, g...

On February 18, 2021, an information seminar on public services in education was held for the parents of the preparatory class of the 0A school-lyceum.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-02-19 12:57:48
On February 18, 2021, an information seminar on public services in education was held for the parents of the preparatory class of the 0A school-lyceum.
On February 18, 2021, an information seminar on public services in education was held for the parents of the preparatory class of the 0A school-lyceum. During the seminar, information was provided on the types of public services, information systems that provide public services - Malachite, Almond, Bilimal, Indigo and Educational organizations for the admission of documents and enrollment (prima...

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